Source code for desicos.abaqus.utils.utils

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os

import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos

from desicos.abaqus.constants import *
from . import geom

[docs]def add2list(lst, value, tol=TOL): """Adds a value to a list if it doesn't exist within a given tolerance Performs more or less like the Python build-in ``set()``, but with a tolerance associated. Parameters ---------- lst : list The input list. value : float The value to be compared with each element of the input list. Returns ------- out : list Extended input list. """ append_check = True for v in lst: if abs(value - v) < tol: append_check = False break if append_check: lst.append(value)
[docs]def get_book_sheet(excel_name, sheet_name): """Gets an Excel Worksheet from a given file name Parameters ---------- excel_name : str The full path for the desired Excel file. sheet_name : str The name of the desired Excel Worksheet. Returns ------- workbook, sheet : tuple A tuple with an ``xlwt.Workbook`` and an ``xlwt.Worksheet`` object. """ from desicos.xlrd import open_workbook from desicos.xlutils.copy import copy if os.path.isfile(excel_name): rb = open_workbook(excel_name, formatting_info=True) sheet_names = [ for s in rb.sheets()] #rs = rb.sheet_by_index(0) book = copy(rb) sheet = book.get_sheet(0) count = -1 while True: count += 1 new_sheet_name = sheet_name + '_%02d' % count if not new_sheet_name in sheet_names: sheet = book.add_sheet(new_sheet_name) break else: from desicos.xlwt import Workbook book = Workbook() sheet = book.add_sheet(sheet_name + '_00') return book, sheet
def sample_array(ndarray, sample): lines = np.round((len(ndarray)-1)*np.random.random_sample(sample)) lines.sort() new_shape = list(ndarray.shape) new_shape[0] = sample new_array = np.zeros(new_shape, dtype = ndarray.dtype) for i,line in enumerate(lines): new_array[i] = ndarray[int(line)] return new_array
[docs]def index_within_linspace(a, value): """Returns the index where the value fits better Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray or list The values where the best index will be found. value : float The value to be compared with each value in ``a``. Returns ------- i : int The index where ``value`` fits better in ``a``. """ return np.absolute(np.asarray(a)-value).argmin()
def find_fb_load(cczload): frmlen = len(cczload) fb_load = 0. found_fb_load = False for i in range(frmlen): zload = cczload[i] if abs(zload) < abs(fb_load): found_fb_load = True break if not found_fb_load: fb_load = zload return fb_load def remove_special_characters(input_str): output_str = input_str.replace('/','_') output_str = output_str.replace(' ','_') others = ['$','{','}','|','!','%','&','(',')','=','?','+','*', ':',';',',','[',']','"'] for other in others: output_str = output_str.replace(other,'') output_str = output_str.replace("'","") return output_str def calc_elem_cg(elem): coords = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.], dtype=FLOAT) nodes = elem.getNodes() for node in nodes: coords[:3] += node.coordinates coords[:3] /= float(len(nodes)) coords[3] = elem.label return coords def vec_calc_elem_cg(elements): nodes = [] for elem in elements: nodes += elem.getNodes() if len(nodes) == 0: return np.empty((0, 4), dtype=FLOAT) nodes_per_el = len(elem.getNodes()) coords = np.array([node.coordinates for node in nodes]) cgs = coords.reshape(-1, nodes_per_el, 3).mean(axis=1) labels = np.array([elem.label for elem in elements]) return np.hstack((cgs, labels[:, None])) def func_sin_cos(n_terms=10): guess = np.array(range(1,2*n_terms+2)) n_terms += 1 s = 'lambda x,a00,'+','.join(['a%02d,b%02d' % (i,i) for i in range(1,n_terms)])\ +': a00+' + '+'.join(['a%02d*sin(%d*x)+b%02d*cos(%d*x)' \ % (i,i,i,i) for i in range(1,n_terms)]) return eval(s), guess def func_sin(n_terms=10): guess = np.array(range(1,n_terms+2)) n_terms += 1 s = 'lambda x,a00,'+','.join(['a%02d' % i for i in range(1,n_terms)])\ +': a00+' + '+'.join(['a%02d*sin(%d*x)' \ % (i,i) for i in range(1,n_terms)]) return eval(s), guess def func_cos(n_terms=10): guess = np.array(range(1,n_terms+2)) n_terms += 1 s = 'lambda x,a00,'+','.join(['a%02d' % i for i in range(1,n_terms)])\ +': a00+' + '+'.join(['a%02d*cos(%d*x)' \ % (i,i) for i in range(1,n_terms)]) return eval(s), guess
[docs]def empirical_P1_isotropic(r, t, E, nu): """ taken from Wang et al. (2008). An empirical formula for the critical perturbation load """ if r/t < 300: print('WARNING - r/t ratio smaller than 300') if r/t > 2000: print('WARNING - r/t ratio bigger than 2000') if 0 < t and t < 0.8: return 0.81 * E*t**3 /(12*(1-nu**2)*r**0.8) elif 0.8 <= t: if t > 1.5: print('WARNING - thickness beyond 1.5') return 0.69 * E*t**3 /(12*(1-nu**2)*r**0.8)
def calc_nasaKDF(mapy_laminate, r, r2=None, alphadeg=None): if alphadeg > 0. : rm = (r + r2)/2. req = rm/numpy.cos(alpharad) else: req = r Ex = mapy_laminate.A[0,0] Ey = mapy_laminate.A[1,1] Dx = mapy_laminate.D[0,0] Dy = mapy_laminate.D[1,1] teq = 3.4689* (Dx*Dy/(Ex*Ey))**0.25 phi = 1/16. * (req/teq)**0.5 return 1. - 0.901*(1-numpy.e**-phi) def rec2cyl(x, y, z): thetarad = np.arctan2(y, x) r = np.sqrt((x**2 + y**2)) theta = np.rad2deg(thetarad) return r, theta, z def cyl2rec(r, thetadeg, z): x = r * np.cos(np.deg2rad(thetadeg)) y = r * np.sin(np.deg2rad(thetadeg)) z = z return x, y, z def cyl2rec_profi(array): return np.concatenate((array[0] * np.cos(np.deg2rad(array[1])), array[0] * np.sin(np.deg2rad(array[1])), array[2]))
[docs]def make_uniform_cells(x1, x2, values): """Transform a grid to have uniform cells when plotted. This is done by replacing each data point in the grid (assumed to be the element centroid) by four points, having the same value. These points are placed such that they would be near the element corners, so the element interior will have a uniform color in a contour plot. Parameters ---------- x1 : numpy.array 2D array containing the first coordinate (in whatever csys). x2 : numpy.array 2D array containing the second coordinate (in whatever csys). values : numpy.array 2D array containing the data values. Notes ----- Input coordinates ``x1`` and ``x2`` are assumed to be regularly spaced. The type of coordinates (Cartesian, cylindrical, ...) does not matter. """ HALF_CELL = 0.99 / 2 # Half cell size (relative) in the created grid coords = [x1, x2] values = np.repeat(np.repeat(values, 2, axis=0), 2, axis=1) # Repeat rows for i, xold in enumerate(coords[:]): xnew = np.zeros((2*xold.shape[0], xold.shape[1])) xnew[1:-1:2,] = (1-HALF_CELL)*xold[:-1,] + HALF_CELL*xold[1:,] xnew[2::2,] = HALF_CELL*xold[:-1,] + (1-HALF_CELL)*xold[1:,] # Handle first and last rows by extrapolation xnew[0,] = xold[0,] - HALF_CELL*(xold[1,] - xold[0,]) xnew[-1,] = xold[-1,] - HALF_CELL*(xold[-2,] - xold[-1,]) coords[i] = xnew # Repeat columns. Unfortunately, there seems no easy way without # code duplication as the slicing is necessary for i, xold in enumerate(coords[:]): xnew = np.zeros((xold.shape[0], 2*xold.shape[1])) xnew[:,1:-1:2] = (1-HALF_CELL)*xold[:,:-1] + HALF_CELL*xold[:,1:] xnew[:,2::2] = HALF_CELL*xold[:,:-1] + (1-HALF_CELL)*xold[:,1:] # Handle first and last columns by extrapolation xnew[:,0] = xold[:,0] - HALF_CELL*(xold[:,1] - xold[:,0]) xnew[:,-1] = xold[:,-1] - HALF_CELL*(xold[:,-2] - xold[:,-1]) coords[i] = xnew return coords[0], coords[1], values