Source code for desicos.abaqus.utils.geom

Geometries (:mod:`desicos.abaqus.utils.geom`)

.. currentmodule:: desicos.abaqus.utils.geom

# These classes were located here in some development versions of the
# PPI imperfection and CPPOT tool. Import them here to maintain save/load
# compatibility with then-created studies
from desicos.cppot.core.geom import Point2D, Line2D

[docs]class Plane(object): """Plane object Defined by the attributes: ============= ========================================================== Attribute Description ============= ========================================================== ``thetadeg`` ``float``, circumferential position in degrees ``p1`` ``tuple``, a tuple containing the `(X_1, X_2, X_3)` coordinates for point 1 ``p2`` ``tuple``, a tuple containing the `(X_1, X_2, X_3)` coordinates for point 2 ``p3`` ``tuple``, a tuple containing the `(X_1, X_2, X_3)` coordinates for point 3 part Abaqus Part object corresponding to this plane feature Abaqus Part Feature object corresponding to this plane datum Abaqus Part Datum object corresponding to this plane ============= ========================================================== """ def __init__(self): self.thetadeg = None self.p1 = None self.p2 = None self.p3 = None self.datum = None self.feature = None self.part = None
[docs] def create(self): """Creates the plane based on three points The three points must be previously stored in the attributes ``p1``, ``p2`` and ``p3``. """ self.feature = self.part.DatumPlaneByThreePoints(point1 = self.p1, point2 = self.p2, point3 = self.p3) self.datum = self.part.datums[]
def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return getattr(self, attr) except: return getattr(self.datum, attr)