Source code for

Abaqus Study (:mod:``)

.. currentmodule::

import os
import shutil
import pickle
import __main__

import numpy as np

from desicos.logger import *
from desicos.abaqus.constants import DAHOME, TMP_DIR, NUM_LB_MODES
from desicos.abaqus.conecyl import ConeCyl

[docs]class Study(object): """Study grouping many :class:`.ConeCyl` objects. The objective of this class is to save any study where different models are included in one ``.cae`` file. THe """ def __init__(self): = '' self.tmp_dir = TMP_DIR self.ccs = [] # ccs --> conecyls - conecylinders self.runnames = [] self.study_dir = '' self.output_dir = '' self.run_file_name = '' self.params_from_gui = {} self.p1 = None self.calc_Pcr = True self.kd_curves = None def __getitem__(self, i): return self.ccs[i] def __setitem__(self, i, v): self.ccs[i] = v def rebuild(self): self.study_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir , self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.study_dir, 'outputs') index = -1 for cc in self.ccs: index += 1 cc.index = index = self cc.tmp_dir = self.tmp_dir cc.study_dir = self.study_dir cc.output_dir = self.output_dir cc.rebuild() self.excel_name = os.path.join(self.study_dir, '{0}.xls'.format( def configure_folders(self): self.rebuild() log('configuring folders...') log(self.output_dir, level=1) if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir)
[docs] def save(self, path=''): """Save the current study Parameters ---------- path : str, optional The study is saved into the ``self.tmp_dir`` folder if ``path`` is not given. """ for cc in self.ccs: cc.prepare_to_save() if path=='': path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, + '.study') with open(path, 'wb') as pfile: pickle.dump(self, file=pfile, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def load(self, path=''): if path == '': path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, + '.study') pfile = open(path, 'rb') new_std = pickle.load(pfile) pfile.close() return new_std def load_by_name(self, name): = name self.rebuild() return self.load() def add_cc_from_DB(self, name): cc = ConeCyl() cc.from_DB(name) cc.index = len(self.ccs) self.ccs.append(cc) cc.rebuild(save_rebuild=False) return cc def add_cc(self, cc): self.ccs.append(cc) def write_inputs(self): for cc in self.ccs: cc.write_job(submit = False) self.create_run_file() os.chdir(self.tmp_dir) def create_models(self, write_input_files=True, apply_msis=False, apply_tis=False): import desicos.abaqus.imperfections as imperfections self.rebuild() os.chdir(self.output_dir) if self.calc_Pcr and self.ccs[0].model_name[-3:] != '_lb': import copy cc_Pcr = copy.deepcopy(self.ccs[0]) cc_Pcr.linear_buckling = True cc_Pcr.rename = False cc_Pcr.model_name = + '_lb' self.ccs.insert(0, cc_Pcr) self.ccs[0].direct_ABD_input = False self.ccs[0].impconf = imperfections.ImpConf() self.ccs[0].impconf.conecyl = self.ccs[0] for cc in self.ccs: cc.create_model() if apply_msis: self.apply_msis() if apply_tis: self.apply_tis() if write_input_files: for cc in self.ccs: cc.write_job(submit = False) self.create_run_file() os.chdir(self.tmp_dir)
[docs] def apply_msis(self): """Applies all geometric imperfections in this study It assumes the same :class:`.MSI` for all the :class:`ConeCyl` objects that are in the ``ccs`` container. """ nodal_translations = None for cc in self.ccs: for msi in cc.impconf.msis: msi.nodal_translations = nodal_translations nodal_translations = msi.create()
[docs] def apply_tis(self): """Applies all thickness imperfections in this study It assumes the same :class:`.TI` for all the :class:`ConeCyl` objects that are in the ``ccs`` container. """ elems_t_dict = None t_set = None for cc in self.ccs: for ti in cc.impconf.tis: ti.elems_t_dict = elems_t_dict ti.t_set = t_set elems_t_dict, t_set = ti.create()
[docs] def create_run_file(self): """Creates the run file which can be called from any Python The file is stored in the ``self.study_dir`` folder. """ import as jobs self.runnames = [] for cc in self.ccs: self.runnames.append(cc.model_name) prefix = os.path.join(self.study_dir, 'run_' + self.run_file_name = prefix + '.py' tmpf = open(self.run_file_name, 'w') jobs.print_run_file(self.study_dir, self.runnames, tmpf) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(DAHOME, 'utils', ''), self.study_dir) tmpf.close()
def open_excel(self): os.system(self.excel_name) def plot_forces(self, gui=False, put_in_Excel=True, open_Excel=False): import desicos.abaqus.utils as utils sheet_names = ['load_short_curves','load_short_curves_norm'] x_labels = ['End-Shortening, mm', 'Normalized End-Shortening'] y_labels = ['Reaction Load, kN' , 'Normalized Reaction Load'] for curve_num in range(2): curves = [] names = [] for cc in self.ccs: ok = cc.read_outputs() if not ok: continue curve = cc.plot_forces(gui=gui)[curve_num] curves.append(curve) names.append(cc.model_name) if put_in_Excel: sheet_name = sheet_names[curve_num] book, sheet = utils.get_book_sheet(self.excel_name, sheet_name) for i,curve in enumerate(curves): sheet.write(0, 0 + i*2, names[i]) sheet.write(1, 0 + i*2, x_labels[curve_num]) sheet.write(1, 1 + i*2, y_labels[curve_num]) for j, xy in enumerate(curve): sheet.write(j+2, 0 + i*2, xy[0]) sheet.write(j+2, 1 + i*2, xy[1]) del book if put_in_Excel and open_Excel: self.open_excel() def plot(self, configure_session = False, gui = False, put_in_Excel = True, open_Excel = False, global_second = False): import desicos.abaqus.utils as utils import abaqus_functions for cc in self.ccs: cc.outputs_ok = cc.read_outputs() laminate_t = sum(t for t in self.ccs[0].plyts) session = __main__.session numcharts = 4 if self.calc_Pcr == False: calc_Pcr = False numcharts = 2 start = 0 else: calc_Pcr = True pcr_kN = 0.001*self.ccs[0].zload[0] start = 1 curves_dict = {} limit = len(self.ccs[start].impconf.imperfections) for i in range(limit): imp_ref = self.ccs[start].impconf.imperfections[i] if not any(cc.impconf.imperfections[i] for cc in self.ccs[start:]): warn("imperfection '{0}' is zero for all ConeCyl objects, skipping...".format( continue xaxis_label = imp_ref.xaxis_label for pre in ['fb','gb']: curve = [] curve_amp = [] for cc in self.ccs[start:]: # if cc.check_completed() and cc.outputs_ok: if pre == 'fb': b_load = utils.find_fb_load(cc.zload) else: b_load = max(cc.zload) if i < len(cc.impconf.imperfections): imp = cc.impconf.imperfections[i] imp_xaxis = getattr(imp, imp.xaxis) amplitude = imp.calc_amplitude() else: imp_xaxis = getattr(imp_ref, imp_ref.xaxis) amplitude = 0. # curve.append((imp_xaxis, 0.001 * b_load)) curve_amp.append((amplitude, 0.001 * b_load)) elif not cc.outputs_ok: warn('error in {0}.odb, skipping...'.format( cc.model_name)) # # sorting curves curve.sort(key = lambda x: x[0]) curve_amp.sort(key = lambda x: x[0]) # # yaxis_label = 'Reaction Load, kN' name = '{0}_imp_{1:02d}_KD_curve_{2}'.format(, i, pre) curves_dict[name] = [xaxis_label, yaxis_label, curve] session.XYData( name = name, data = curve, xValuesLabel = xaxis_label, yValuesLabel = yaxis_label, legendLabel = name = '{0}_imp_{1:02d}_KD_curve_{2}_amplitude'.format(, i, pre) curves_dict[name] = ['Imperfection amplitude, mm', yaxis_label, curve_amp] session.XYData(name=name, data=curve_amp, xValuesLabel='Imperfection amplitude, mm', yValuesLabel=yaxis_label,,) if calc_Pcr: yaxis_label = 'Knock-Down Factor (P/Pcr)' name = '{0}_imp_{1:02d}_norm_KD_curve_{2}'.format(, i, pre) norm_curve = np.array(curve) norm_curve[:,1] /= pcr_kN curves_dict[name] = [xaxis_label, yaxis_label, norm_curve] session.XYData(name=name, data=norm_curve, xValuesLabel=xaxis_label, yValuesLabel=yaxis_label, name = ('{0}_imp_{1:02d}_norm_KD_curve_{2}_amplitude'. format(, i, pre)) norm_curve_amp = np.array(curve_amp) norm_curve_amp[:,0] /= laminate_t norm_curve_amp[:,1] /= pcr_kN curves_dict[name] = ['Imperfection amplitude / laminate thickness', yaxis_label, norm_curve_amp] session.XYData(name=name, data=norm_curve_amp, xValuesLabel='Imperfection amplitude / laminate thickness', yValuesLabel=yaxis_label, if configure_session: abaqus_functions.configure_session(session=session) if put_in_Excel: sheet_name = 'kd_curves' keys = curves_dict.keys() keys.sort() book, sheet = utils.get_book_sheet(self.excel_name, sheet_name) for i, name in enumerate(keys): value = curves_dict[name] xaxis_label = value[0] yaxis_label = value[1] curve = value[2] sheet.write(0,0 + i*2, name) sheet.write(1,0 + i*2, xaxis_label) sheet.write(1,1 + i*2, yaxis_label) for j, xy in enumerate(curve): sheet.write(j+2,0 + i*2,xy[0]) sheet.write(j+2,1 + i*2,xy[1]) del book if open_Excel: self.open_excel() self.kd_curves = curves_dict