Source code for desicos.abaqus.stringers.blade

import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos

from desicos.abaqus.stringers import Stringer

[docs]class BladeComposite(Stringer): """Blade stringer using composite properties Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Circumferential position in degrees. wbot : float Flange width at the bottom edge. wtop : float Flange width at the top edge. stack : list Laminate stacking sequence. plyts : list Ply thicknesses. laminaprops : list The properties for each lamina. numel_flange : int, optional The number of elements along the width. """ def __init__(self, thetadeg, wbot, wtop, stack, plyts, laminaprops, numel_flange=4): self.thetadeg = thetadeg self.wbot = wbot self.wtop = wtop self.stack = stack self.plyts = plyts self.laminaprops = laminaprops self.numel_flange = numel_flange @property def thetadegs(self): return [self.thetadeg] def create(self): #TODO # for each stringer create a method that will create its part and # translate at the Assembly level already. The part name should be the # stringer name added by an identification number # probably it will be easier to handle the identification number by # creating a StringerConfiguration class, analogously to the # imperfection configuration class from regionToolset import Region from abaqus import mdb, session from abaqusConstants import (STANDALONE, THREE_D, DEFORMABLE_BODY, FIXED, QUAD, STRUCTURED, ON, XZPLANE, CARTESIAN, LAMINA, COMPUTED, SURFACE_TO_SURFACE, OFF) from desicos.abaqus import abaqus_functions cc = self.stringerconf.conecyl mod = mdb.models[cc.model_name] vp = session.viewports[session.currentViewportName] count = 1 for part_name in if 'Stringer' in part_name: count += 1 = 'StringerBladeComposite_{0:02d}'.format(count) thetarad = np.deg2rad(self.thetadeg) L = cc.L sina = sin(cc.alpharad) cosa = cos(cc.alpharad) rbot = cc.rbot wbot = self.wbot wtop = self.wtop point1 = (0, 0) point2 = (-wbot, 0) point3 = (-L*sina - wtop, L*cosa) point4 = (-L*sina, L*cosa) # creating part s = mod.ConstrainedSketch(name='__profile__', sheetSize=L) g, v, d, c = s.geometry, s.vertices, s.dimensions, s.constraints s.setPrimaryObject(option=STANDALONE) s.Line(point1=point1, point2=point2) s.Line(point1=point2, point2=point3) s.Line(point1=point3, point2=point4) s.Line(point1=point4, point2=point1) part = mod.Part(, dimensionality=THREE_D, type=DEFORMABLE_BODY) part.BaseShell(sketch=s) s.unsetPrimaryObject() vp.setValues(displayedObject=part) del mod.sketches['__profile__'] # partitioning along the meridian for pt in cc.pts: plane = part.DatumPlaneByPrincipalPlane( principalPlane=XZPLANE, offset=pt*cc.H) part.PartitionFaceByDatumPlane(datumPlane=part.datums[], faces=part.faces) # material properties same_laminaprop = True for laminaprop in self.laminaprops: if laminaprop != self.laminaprops[0]: same_lamiaprop = False break material_type = LAMINA if same_laminaprop: mat_name = 'MatStringer_{0:02d}'.format(count) mat_names = [mat_name for _ in self.laminaprops] myMat = mod.Material(name=mat_name) myMat.Elastic(table=(laminaprop,), type=material_type) else: mat_names = [] for i, laminaprop in enumerate(self.laminaprops): mat_name = 'MatStringer_{0:02d}_ply_{0:02d}'.format(count, i+1) mat_names.append(mat_name) myMat = mod.Material(name=mat_name) myMat.Elastic(table=(laminaprop,), type=material_type) csys_name = 'CsysStringer_{0:02d}'.format(count) csys = part.DatumCsysByThreePoints(point1=(-L*sina, L*cosa, 0), point2=(-wbot, 0, 0), name=csys_name, coordSysType=CARTESIAN, origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) csys_datum = part.datums[] abaqus_functions.create_composite_layup( name='LayupStringer_{0:02d}'.format(count), stack=self.stack, plyts=self.plyts, mat_names=mat_names, part=part, part_csys=csys_datum, region=Region(faces=part.faces), axis_normal=3) # meshing part # flange edge = part.edges.findAt((-wbot/2., 0., 0.)) part.seedEdgeByNumber(edges=(edge,), number=self.numel_flange, constraint=FIXED) # meridian coords = [] for f in np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, 100): Li = f*L coords.append(((-Li*sina, Li*cosa, 0.),)) edges = part.edges.findAt(*coords) part.seedEdgeBySize(edges=edges, size=cc.mesh_size, constraint=FIXED) part.setMeshControls(regions=part.faces, elemShape=QUAD, technique=STRUCTURED) part.generateMesh() # assemblying part ra = mod.rootAssembly ra.Instance(, part=part, dependent=ON) ra.rotate(instanceList=(,), axisPoint=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), axisDirection=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), angle=90.0) if self.thetadeg > 0: ra.rotate(instanceList=(,), axisPoint=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), axisDirection=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), angle=self.thetadeg) ra.translate(instanceList=(,), vector=(rbot*cos(thetarad), rbot*sin(thetarad), 0.)) vp.setValues(displayedObject=ra) # tieing stringer to the shell surface inst_shell = ra.instances['INST_SHELL'] side2Faces1 = inst_shell.faces region1 = Region(side2Faces=side2Faces1) inst_stringer_faces = ra.instances[].faces region2 = Region(side2Faces=inst_stringer_faces) tie_name = 'TieStringer_{0:02d}'.format(count) mod.Tie(name=tie_name, master=region1, slave=region2, positionToleranceMethod=COMPUTED, adjust=OFF, tieRotations=ON, constraintEnforcement=SURFACE_TO_SURFACE, thickness=ON) # output request hist_name = 'HistoryOutStringer_{0:02d}'.format(count) mod.FieldOutputRequest(name=hist_name, createStepName=cc.step1Name, variables=('U',))
[docs]class BladeIsotropic(BladeComposite): """Blade stringer using isotropic properties Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Circumferential position in degrees. wbot : float Flange width at the bottom edge. wtop : float Flange width at the top edge. h : float Stringer thickness E : float Young Modulus nu : float Poisson's ratio numel_flange : int, optional The number of elements along the width. """ def __init__(self, thetadeg, wbot, wtop, h, E, nu, numel_flange=4): self.thetadeg = thetadeg self.wbot = wbot self.wtop = wtop self.stack = [0] self.plyts = [h] G = E/(2*(nu+1)) self.laminaprops = [(E, E, nu, G, G, G)] self.numel_flange = numel_flange
if __name__ == '__main__': from desicos.abaqus.stringers.stringerconf import StringerConf laminaprops = [(142.5e3 , 8.7e3, 0.28, 5.1e3, 5.1e3, 5.1e3) for i in range(10)] plyts = [0.125 for i in range(10)] stack = [0, 0, 90, +45, -45, -45, +45, 90, 0, 0] for thetadeg in [0, 30, 60, 90]: b = BladeComposite(thetadeg, 10, 30, stack, plyts, laminaprops) b = BladeIsotropic(thetadeg, 10, 30, 1., 2100., 0.33, 4) b.stringer_conf = StringerConf() b.stringer_conf.conecyl = stds['desicos_study'].ccs[1] b.create()