Source code for desicos.abaqus.imperfections.ti

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

from desicos.abaqus.apply_imperfections import change_thickness_ABAQUS
from desicos.conecylDB import update_imps

[docs]class TI(object): """Thickness Imperfection Assumes that a percentage variation of the laminate thickness can be represented by the same percentage veriation of each ply, i.e., each ply thickness is varied in order to reflect a given measured thickness imperfection field. """ def __init__(self): super(TI, self).__init__() = 'ti' self.imp_thick = '' self.number_of_sets = None self.stretch_H = False self.ncp = 5 self.power_parameter = 2 self.scaling_factor = 1. self.thetadeg = 0. self.thetadegs = [] self.pts = [] self.index = None self.use_theta_z_format = False # plotting options self.xaxis = 'scaling_factor' self.xaxis_label = 'Scaling factor' self.elems_t = None self.t_set = None self.created = False def rebuild(self): = 'TI_%02d_SF_%05d' % (self.index, int(round(100*self.scaling_factor))) self.thetadegs = [self.thetadeg] self.pts = [] def __setstate__(self, attrs): # Old versions had a bug where self.xaxis was set to 'amplitude' # Fix that during loading if attrs['xaxis'] == 'amplitude': attrs['xaxis'] = 'scaling_factor' attrs['xaxis_label'] = 'Scaling factor' self.__dict__.update(attrs)
[docs] def calc_amplitude(self): """Calculates the thickness imperfection amplitude Amplitude measured as the biggest difference between each layup thickness and the nominal thickness of the Cone/Cylinder, considering only the layups that are not suppressed. .. note:: Must be called from Abaqus. Returns ------- max_amp : float Maximum absolute imperfection amplitude. """ if self.created: from abaqus import mdb cc = self.impconf.conecyl part = mdb.models[cc.model_name].parts[cc.part_name_shell] max_amp = 0. cc_total_t = sum(cc.plyts) for layup in part.compositeLayups.values(): if not layup.suppressed: layup_t = sum(p.thickness for p in layup.plies.values()) max_amp = max(max_amp, abs(layup_t-cc_total_t)) return max_amp
[docs] def create(self, force=False): """Creates the thickness imperfection The thickness imperfection is created assuming that each ply has the same contribution to the measured laminate thickness. Thus, a scaling factor is applied to the nominal thickness of each ply in order to macth the measured imperfection field. Parameters ---------- force : bool, optional If ``True`` the thickness imperfection is applied even when it is already created. """ if self.created: if force: cc = self.impconf.conecyl cc.created = False cc.rebuilt = False cc.create_model() else: return cc = self.impconf.conecyl imps, imps_theta_z, t_measured, R_best_fit, H_measured = update_imps() if self.use_theta_z_format: imperfection_file_name = imps_theta_z[self.imp_thick]['ti'] else: imperfection_file_name = imps[self.imp_thick]['ti'] H_measured = H_measured[self.imp_thick] R_best_fit = R_best_fit[self.imp_thick] t_measured = t_measured[self.imp_thick] cc = self.impconf.conecyl self.elems_t, self.t_set = change_thickness_ABAQUS( imperfection_file_name = imperfection_file_name, model_name = cc.model_name, part_name = cc.part_name_shell, stack = cc.stack, t_model = sum(cc.plyts), t_measured = t_measured, H_model = cc.H, H_measured = H_measured, R_model = cc.rbot, R_best_fit = R_best_fit, number_of_sets = self.number_of_sets, semi_angle = cc.alphadeg, stretch_H = self.stretch_H, scaling_factor = self.scaling_factor, num_closest_points = self.ncp, power_parameter = self.power_parameter, elems_t = self.elems_t, t_set = self.t_set, use_theta_z_format = self.use_theta_z_format) from desicos.abaqus.abaqus_functions import set_colors_ti set_colors_ti(cc) self.created = True print('%s amplitude = %f' % (, self.calc_amplitude())) ffi = self.impconf.ffi if ffi is not None and ffi.created: # There is already a FFI, let it know about us ffi.update_after_tis() return self.elems_t, self.t_set