Source code for desicos.abaqus.imperfections.impconf

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os

import numpy as np

from desicos.logger import warn
from .uneven_edges import Shim, UnevenBottomEdge, UnevenTopEdge
from .axisymmetric import Axisymmetric
from .dimple import Dimple
from .pload import PLoad
from .cb import CBamp
from .lbmi import LBMI
from .msi import MSI
from .ti import TI
from .cutout import Cutout
from .ppi import PPI
from .ffi import FFI

[docs]class ImpConf(object): """Imperfection Configuration Created by default as one attribute of the :class:`.ConeCyl` object, accessed through:: cc = ConeCyl() impconf = cc.impconf If one has the ``impconf`` object and wants to access the corresponding :class:`ConeCyl` object, the attribute ``conecyl`` can be used as examplified below. Note that if no :class:`.ConeCyl` is assigned to this imperfection configuration a ``None`` value will be obtained:: cc = impconf.conecyl The imperfections are grouped in the attributes detailed below. ================== ======================================================== Attributes Description ================== ======================================================== uneven_bottom_edge :class:`.UnevenBottomEdge` object uneven_top_edge :class:`.UnevenTopEdge` object ploads ``list`` of :class:`.PLoad` (Perturbation Load) objects dimples ``list`` of :class:`.Dimple` (Dimple Imperfection) objects axisymmetrics ``list`` of :class:`.Axisymmetric` (Axisymmetric Imperfection) objects lbmis ``list`` of :class:`.LBMI` (Linear Buckling Mode-Shaped Imperfection) objects tis ``list`` of :class:`.TI` (Thickness Imperfection) objects msis ``list`` of :class:`.MSI` (Mid-Surface Imperfection) objects cutouts ``list`` of :class:`.Cutout` objects ppi :class:`.PPI` (Ply Piece Imperfection) object or ``None`` if not set ffi :class:`.FFI` (Fiber Fraction Imperfection) object or ``None`` if not set ================== ======================================================== """ def __init__(self): self.uneven_bottom_edge = UnevenBottomEdge() self.uneven_bottom_edge.impconf = self self.uneven_top_edge = UnevenTopEdge() self.uneven_top_edge.impconf = self self.imperfections = [] self.ploads = [] self.cb = [] self.dimples = [] self.axisymmetrics = [] self.lbmis = [] self.msis = [] self.tis = [] self.cutouts = [] self.ppi = None self.ffi = None self.rename = True = '' self.conecyl = None def __setstate__(self, attrs): # Called during unpickling (i.e. loading) # Calling __init__ prevents problems with missing attributes, # when loading from older versions self.__init__() self.__dict__.update(attrs)
[docs] def add_axisymmetric(self, pt, b, wb): """Add an Axisymmetric Imperfection (AI) Parameters ---------- pt : float Normalized meridional position. b : float Half-wave length. wb : float Imperfection amplitude (amplitude of the half-wave). Returns ------- ax : :class:`.Axisymmetric` object. """ ax = Axisymmetric(pt, b, wb) ax.impconf = self self.axisymmetrics.append(ax) return ax
[docs] def add_dimple(self, thetadeg, pt, a, b, wb): """Add a Dimple Imperfection (DI) Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Circumferential position of the dimple. a : float Circumferential half-wave length of the dimple. b : float Meridional half-wave length of the dimple. wb : float Imperfection amplitude. Returns ------- d : :class:`.Dimple` object. """ d = Dimple(thetadeg, pt, a, b, wb) d.impconf = self self.dimples.append(d) return d
[docs] def add_lbmi(self, mode, scaling_factor): """Add a Linear Buckling Mode-shaped Imperfection (LBMI) Parameters ---------- mode : int Mode number corresponding to this eigenvector. scaling_factor : float Amplitude of this eigenvector when applied as an imperfection. Returns ------- lbmi : :class:`.LBMI` object. """ lbmi = LBMI(mode, scaling_factor) lbmi.impconf = self self.lbmis.append(lbmi) return lbmi
[docs] def add_measured_u3s_bottom_edge(self, thetadegs, u3s): r"""Add a measured uneven bottom edge Straightforward method to include measured data about the bottom edge imperfection. Adopts the coordinate system of :ref:`this figure <figure_conecyl>` when defining the `u_3` displacements for each `\theta` value. The edge imperfection that actually goes for each node is a linear interpolation of the measured values. Parameters ---------- thetadegs : list The circumferential positions where the imperfect bottom edge was measured, in degrees. u3s : list The measured imperfections representing displacements along the `X_3` axis :ref:`of the adopted model <figure_conecyl>`. """ self.uneven_bottom_edge.add_measured_u3s(thetadegs, u3s)
[docs] def add_measured_u3s_top_edge(self, thetadegs, u3s): r"""Add a measured uneven top edge Straightforward method to include measured data about the top edge imperfection. Adopts the coordinate system of :ref:`this figure <figure_conecyl>` when defining the `u_3` displacements for each `\theta` value. The edge imperfection that actually goes for each node is a linear interpolation of the measured values. Parameters ---------- thetadegs : list The circumferential positions where the imperfect top edge was measured, in degrees. u3s : list The measured imperfections representing displacements along the `X_3` axis :ref:`of the adopted model <figure_conecyl>`. """ self.uneven_top_edge.add_measured_u3s(thetadegs, u3s)
[docs] def add_msi(self, imp_ms='', scaling_factor=1., R_best_fit=None, H_measured=None, path=None, use_theta_z_format=True, rotatedeg=0., ignore_bot_h=True, ignore_top_h=True, stretch_H=False, c0=None, m0=None, n0=None, funcnum=None): r"""Add a Mid-Surface Imperfection (MSI) Also called geometric imperfection. If the imperfection is :ref:`already included in the database <tutorials_conecylDB>` only the corresponding entry ``imp_ms`` and the scaling factor need to be specified. If the imperfection is not in the database one can specify the full path for the file containing the imperfection, the measured radius and height, as detailed below. Parameters ---------- imp_ms : str, optional Name of the imperfection in the database. scaling_factor : float, optional Scaling factor applied to the original imperfection amplitude, usually to allow imperfection sensitivity studies. R_best_fit : float, optional Best fit radius obtained with functions :func:`.best_fit_cylinder` or :func:`.best_fit_cone`. alphadeg_measured : float The semi-vertex angle of the measured sample (it is ``0.`` for a cylinder). H_measured : float, optional The total height of the measured test specimen, including eventual resin rings at the edges. path : str, optional Full path to the file containing the imperfection data. use_theta_z_format : bool, optional If the imperfection file is in the `\theta, Z, imp` format instead of the `X, Y, Z` format. rotatedeg : float, optional Rotation angle in degrees telling how much the imperfection pattern should be rotated about the `X_3` (or `Z`) axis. ignore_bot_h : float, optional Used to ignore nodes from the bottom resin ring. The default value ``True`` will use data from the bottom resin ring, if it exists. ignore_top_h : float, optional Used to ignore nodes from the top resin ring. The default value ``True`` will use data from the top resin ring, if it exists. stretch_H : bool, optional If the measured imperfection does not cover the whole height it will be stretched. If ``stretch_H==True``, ``ignore_bot_h`` and ``ignore_top_h`` are automatically set to ``False``. c0 : str or np.ndarray, optional The coefficients representing the imperfection pattern. If supplied will overwrite the imperfection data passed using the other parameters. For more details see :func:`.calc_c0`. m0 : int, optional Number of terms along the meridian (`z`) used to obtain ``c0``, see :func:`.calc_c0`. n0 : int, optional Number of terms along the circumference (`\theta`) used to obtain ``c0``, see :func:`.calc_c0`. funcnum : int, optional The base function used to obtain ``c0``, see :func:`.calc_c0`. Returns ------- msi : :class:`.MSI` object. """ msi = MSI() msi.impconf = self msi.imp_ms = imp_ms msi.scaling_factor = scaling_factor msi.use_theta_z_format = use_theta_z_format msi.R_best_fit = R_best_fit msi.H_measured = H_measured msi.path = path msi.rotatedeg = rotatedeg msi.ignore_bot_h = ignore_bot_h msi.ignore_top_h = ignore_top_h msi.stretch_H = stretch_H if c0 is not None and not (m0 and n0 and funcnum): raise ValueError('Parameter "c0" must be supplied with ' + '"m0", "n0" and "funcnum"') elif c0 is not None and m0 and n0 and funcnum: if funcnum == 1: size = 2 elif funcnum == 2: size = 2 elif funcnum == 3: size = 4 else: raise ValueError('Invalid value for "funcnum"!') if isinstance(c0, str): if not os.path.isfile(c0): raise ValueError('File {0} not found!'.format(c0)) else: c0 = np.loadtxt(c0) if c0.ndim == 1: if c0.shape[0] != size*m0*n0: raise ValueError( 'Invalid "c0" for the given "m0" and "n0"!') else: raise ValueError( 'Array for "c0" must be one-dimensional!') msi.c0 = c0 msi.m0 = m0 msi.n0 = n0 msi.funcnum = funcnum self.msis.append(msi) return msi
[docs] def add_pload(self, thetadeg, pt, pltotal, step=1): """Add a Perturbation Load Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Circumferential position. pt : float Normalized meridional position. pltotal : float The magnitude of the perturbation load (it is always applied normally to the shell surface). step : int The step in which the perturbation load will be included. In ``step=1`` the load is constant along the analysis while in ``step=2`` the load is incremented. Returns ------- pload : :class:`.PLoad` object. """ pload = PLoad(thetadeg, pt, pltotal, step) pload.impconf = self self.ploads.append(pload) return pload
[docs] def add_cb(self, thetadeg, pt, cbtotal, step=1): """Add a Constant Amplitude Perturbation Buckle Imperfection Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Circumferential position. pt : float Normalized meridional position. cbtotal : float The magnitude of the constant buckle (it is always applied normally to the shell surface). step : int The step in which the constant buckle will be included. In ``step=1`` the load is constant along the analysis while in ``step=2`` the load is incremented. Returns ------- cb : :class:`.CBamp` object. """ cb = CBamp(thetadeg, pt, cbtotal, step) cb.impconf = self self.cb.append(cb) return cb
[docs] def add_shim_bottom_edge(self, thetadeg, thick, width): """Add a Shim to the bottom edge Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Circumferential position where the shim starts. thick : float Thickness of the shim. width : float Perimetrical width of the shim (along the shell perimeter). Returns ------- shim : :class:`.Shim` object. """ shim = Shim(thetadeg, thick, width, self.uneven_bottom_edge) return shim
[docs] def add_shim_top_edge(self, thetadeg, thick, width): """Add a Shim to the top edge Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Circumferential position where the shim starts. thick : float Thickness of the shim. width : float Perimetrical width of the shim (along the shell perimeter). Returns ------- shim : :class:`.Shim` object. """ shim = Shim(thetadeg, thick, width, self.uneven_top_edge) return shim
[docs] def add_ti(self, imp_thick, scaling_factor): """Add Thickness Imperfection (TI) The imperfection must be already included in the database (:ref:`check this tutorial <tutorials_conecylDB>`). Parameters ---------- imp_thick : str Name of the thickness imperfection in the database. scaling_factor : float Scaling factor applied to the original imperfection amplitude, usually to allow imperfection sensitivity studies. Returns ------- ti : :class:`.TI` object. """ ti = TI() ti.impconf = self ti.imp_thick = imp_thick ti.scaling_factor = scaling_factor self.tis.append(ti) return ti
[docs] def add_cutout(self, thetadeg, pt, d, drill_offset_deg=0., clearance_factor=0.75, numel_radial_edge=4, prop_around_cutout=None): r"""Add a cutout Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Circumferential position of the dimple. pt : float Normalized meridional position. d : float Diameter of the drilling machine. drill_offset_deg : float, optional Angular offset when the drilling is not normal to the shell surface. A positive offset means a positive rotation about the `\theta` axis, along the meridional plane. clearance_factor : float, optional Fraction of the diameter to apply as clearance around the cutout. This clearance is partitoned and meshed separately from the rest of the cone / cylinder. numel_radial_edge : int, optional Number of elements along the radial edges about the cutout center. This parameter affects the aspect ratio of the elements inside the cutout area. prop_around_cutout : dict, optional Dictionary with keys: - 'mode' : str ('radius' or 'partition') - 'radius' : float - 'stack': list of floats - 'plyts': list of floats - 'mat_names': list of strings . Examples: - Defining a property with ``'mode'='radius'``:: prop_around_cutout = { 'mode': 'radius', 'radius': 10., 'stack': [0, 90, 0], 'plyts': [0.125, 0.125, 0.125], 'mat_names': ['Alum', 'Alum', 'Alum'], } - Defining a property with ``'mode'='partition'``:: prop_around_cutout = { 'mode': 'partition', 'stack': [0, 90, 0], 'plyts': [0.125, 0.125, 0.125], 'mat_names': ['Alum', 'Alum', 'Alum'], } .. note:: ``mat_names`` must be a list of materials already created in the current model in Abaqus Returns ------- cutout : :class:`.Cutout` object. """ cutout = Cutout(thetadeg, pt, d, drill_offset_deg, clearance_factor, numel_radial_edge, prop_around_cutout) cutout.impconf = self self.cutouts.append(cutout) return cutout
[docs] def add_ppi(self, info, extra_height): """Adds Ply Piece Imperfection (PPI) There can be only one of these, so calling this function overrides the previous imperfection, if any. Note: Applicable for cones only! Parameters ---------- info : list List of dictionaries with info about the layup of this cone. See :class:`.PPI` for more details extra_height : float Extra height above and below the cone height (`cc.H`) to consider in the ply placement model. Returns ------- ppi : :class:`.PPI` object. """ if self.ppi is not None: warn('PPI object already set, overriding...') self.ppi = PPI(info, extra_height) self.ppi.impconf = self return self.ppi
[docs] def add_ffi(self, nominal_vf, E_matrix, nu_matrix, use_ti, global_sf=None): """Adds Fiber Fraction Imperfection (FFI) There can be only one of these, so calling this function overrides the previous imperfection, if any. Parameters ---------- nominal_vf : float Nominal fiber volume fraction of the material E_matrix : float Young's modulus of the matrix material nu_matrix : float Poisson's ratio of the matrix material use_ti : bool If ``True``, create varying material properties according to the thickness imperfection data (if present). global_sf : float or ``None`` Global scaling factor to apply to the material thickness. Set to ``None`` to disable. The global scaling may be overridden by a thickness imperfection, if ``use_ti`` (see above) is ``True``. Returns ------- ffi : :class:`.FFI` object. """ if self.ffi is not None: warn('FFI object already set, overriding...') self.ffi = FFI(nominal_vf, E_matrix, nu_matrix, use_ti, global_sf) self.ffi.impconf = self return self.ffi
def rebuild(self): # TODO: Reduce the amount of code duplication? self.imperfections = [] i = -1 # uneven bottom edge ube = self.uneven_bottom_edge i += 1 ube.index = i ube.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(ube) # uneven top edge ute = self.uneven_top_edge i += 1 ute.index = i ute.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(ute) # ploads for pload in self.ploads: i += 1 pload.index = i pload.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(pload) # CSBI for cb in self.cb: i += 1 cb.index = i cb.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(cb) # dimples for sb in self.dimples: i += 1 sb.index = i sb.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(sb) # axisymmetrics for ax in self.axisymmetrics: i += 1 ax.index = i ax.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(ax) # linear buckling mode-shaped imperfection (LBMI) for lbmi in self.lbmis: i += 1 lbmi.index = i lbmi.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(lbmi) # cutout for cutout in self.cutouts: i += 1 cutout.index = i cutout.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(cutout) # ply piece imperfection if self.ppi is not None: i += 1 self.ppi.index = i self.ppi.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(self.ppi) # fiber fraction imperfection if self.ffi is not None: i += 1 self.ffi.index = i self.ffi.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(self.ffi) # thickness imperfection (TI) for ti in self.tis: i += 1 ti.index = i ti.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(ti) # mid-surface imperfection (MSI) for msi in self.msis: i += 1 msi.index = i msi.rebuild() self.imperfections.append(msi) # name if self.rename: = ('PLs_%02d_dimples_%02d_axisym_%02d' +\ '_lbmis_%02d_MSIs_%02d_TIs_%02d') % \ (len(self.ploads), len(self.dimples), len(self.axisymmetrics), len(self.lbmis), len(self.msis), len(self.tis)) def create(self): for imp in self.imperfections: valid = True for pt in imp.pts: if pt < 0 or pt > 1.: valid = False break if imp and valid: imp.create()