Source code for desicos.abaqus.conecyl.conecyl

import os
import traceback
import multiprocessing

import numpy as np

import desicos.conecylDB as conecylDB
from desicos.logger import log, warn, error
from desicos.abaqus.constants import TMP_DIR
from desicos.composite.laminate import read_stack
from desicos.conecylDB import fetch
from desicos.abaqus.utils import make_uniform_cells

[docs]class ConeCyl(object): r"""ConeCyl object Carries all the information necessary to create a finite element model for the analysis of conical and cylindrical structures. The tables below show the attributes grouped by category. ===================== ==================================================== General Attributes Description ===================== ==================================================== ``name_DB`` ``str``, name of the corresponding :mod:`desicos.conecylDB.ccs` entry ``model_name`` ``str``, Name of the corresponding model in Abaqus ``rename`` ``bool``, tells to automatically rename during :meth:`rebuild` ``rebuilt`` ``bool``, tells if :meth:`rebuild` already finished ``created_model`` ``bool``, tells if the corresponding model was already created in Abaqus ``impconf`` The corresponding imperfection configuration (see :class:`.ImpConf`) ``stringerconf`` The corresponding stringer configuration (see :class:`.StringerConf`) ===================== ==================================================== ===================== ==================================================== Geometric Attributes Description ===================== ==================================================== ``rbot`` Radius at the bottom edge ``rtop`` Radius at the top edge ``H`` Height ``L`` Meridional length (same as ``H`` for cylinders) ``alphadeg`` Cone semi-vertex angle in degrees ===================== ==================================================== ===================== ==================================================== Laminate Attributes Description ===================== ==================================================== ``stack`` ``list``, stacking sequence with angles in degrees ``plyt`` ``float``, ply thickness that will be used for all plies ``plyts`` ``list``, ply thicknesses for each ply (overwrites ``plyt`` if both are given). If this has a different length than ``stack``, the first thickness will be applied for all plies ``laminapropKey`` ``str``, name of the lamina properties contained in the database (see :mod:`conecylDB.laminaprops` ``laminapropKeys`` ``list`` a list of strings when different lamina property names are given for each ply (overwrites ``laminapropKey`` when given) ``laminaprop`` ``tuple``, lamina properties given as ``(E11, E22, nu12, G12, G13, G23)`` ``laminaprops`` ``list`` a list of tuples when different lamina properties should be used for each ply (overwrites ``laminaprop``, ``laminapropKey`` and ``laminapropKeys``, when given) ``allowable`` ``tuple``, lamina allowables given as ``(S11t, S11c, S22t, S22c, S12, S13)`` ``allowables`` ``list`` a list of tuples when different lamina allowables should be used for each ply ===================== ==================================================== ===================== ==================================================== Load Description ===================== ==================================================== ``displ_controlled`` ``bool``, if the axial compression is displacement controlled ``pressure_load`` ``float``, the pressure load to be applied (a positive value will create a positive pressure, if ``None, False, 0`` no pressure is applied) ``pressure_step`` ``int``, if pressure should be applied in the first (constant) or second (incremented) step ``axial_displ`` ``float``, the axial displacement .. note:: Applicable if ``displ_controlled=True`` ``axial_load`` ``float``, the axial load .. note:: Applicable if ``displ_controlled=False`` ``axial_step`` ``int``, if the axial load should be applied in the first (constant) or second (incremented) step ``Nxxtop`` ``str``, allows the use of a general equation for the distributed force `N_{xx}` at the top edge. The coordinates of the top edge are given in cylindrical coordinates: ``R``, ``Th``, ``Z``; and common functions like ``cos``, ``sin``, ``tan``, ``acos``, ``asin``, ``atan``, ``pow`` and constants like ``pi``, ``e`` etc can be used. Example:: cc.Nxxtop = "cos(Th)+sin(Th)" .. note:: If ``Nxxtop`` is not given, the formula: .. math:: {N_{xx}}_{top} = \frac{F_C}{2 \pi R_{top} cos(\alpha)} will be adopted, where `F_C` is the ``axial_load`` attribute .. note:: Applicable if ``displ_controlled=False`` ``Nxxtop_vec`` ``tuple``, the direction to apply ``Nxxtop``. Applicable only when ``Nxxtop`` is defined. This vector is defined with two points in the cylindrical coordinate system of :ref:`Figure 1 <figure_conecyl>`: .. math:: ((R_1, Th_1, Z_1), (R_2, Th_2, Z_2)) If no direction is given ``Nxxtop`` will be applied along the shell membrane direction .. note:: Applicable if ``displ_controlled=False`` ``linear_buckling`` ``bool``, tells if the current model is for linear buckling analysis. If ``True`` the created model will have no imperfection and only an unitary axial load applied at the top edge ===================== ==================================================== .. note:: The routines automatically determine whether the load should be distributed or applied in a reference point based on the defined boundary conditions ========================= =================================================== Boundary Conditions Description ========================= =================================================== ``bc_fix_bottom_uR`` ``bool``, if the radial displacement should be constrained at the bottom edge (:ref:`cf. Figure 1 <figure_conecyl>`) ``bc_fix_bottom_v`` ``bool``, if the circumferential displacement should be constrained at the bottom edge (:ref:`cf. Figure 1 <figure_conecyl>`) ``bc_bottom_clamped`` ``bool``, if the bottom edge should be clamped .. note:: Until version 2.1.3 (inclusive), this setting would not apply if ``cc.resin_add_BIR or cc.resin_add_BOR`` ``bc_fix_bottom_side_uR`` ``bool``, if the radial displacement should be constrained at the inner / outer side faces of the bottom resin rings (when present). ``bc_fix_bottom_side_v`` ``bool``, if the circumferential displacement should be constrained at the inner / outer side faces of the bottom resin rings (when present). ``bc_fix_bottom_side_u3`` ``bool``, if the vertical displacement should be should be constrained at the inner / outer side faces of the bottom resin rings (when present). ``bc_fix_top_uR`` ``bool``, if the radial displacement should be constrained at the top edge (:ref:`cf. Figure 1 <figure_conecyl>`) ``bc_fix_top_v`` ``bool``, if the circumferential displacement should be constrained at the top edge (:ref:`cf. Figure 1 <figure_conecyl>`) ``bc_top_clamped`` ``bool``, if the top edge should be clamped .. note:: Until version 2.1.3 (inclusive), this setting would not apply if ``cc.resin_add_TIR or cc.resin_add_TOR`` ``bc_fix_top_side_uR`` ``bool``, if the radial displacement should be constrained at the inner / outer side faces of the top resin rings (when present). ``bc_fix_top_side_v`` ``bool``, if the circumferential displacement should be constrained at the inner / outer side faces of the top resin rings (when present). ``bc_fix_top_side_u3`` ``bool``, if the vertical displacement should be should be constrained at the inner / outer side faces of the top resin rings (when present). ========================= =================================================== ===================== ==================================================== Resin Rings Description (:ref:`the attributes are illustrated here <resin_rings>`) ===================== ==================================================== ``resin_add_BIR`` ``bool``, tells if a resin ring should be added to the inner part of the bottom edge ``resin_add_BOR`` ``bool``, tells if a resin ring should be added to the outer part of the bottom edge ``resin_add_TIR`` ``bool``, tells if a resin ring should be added to the inner part of the top edge ``resin_add_TOR`` ``bool``, tells if a resin ring should be added to the outer part of the top edge ``resin_numel`` Number of solid elements in the resin ring ``resin_E`` Young modulus of the resin material ``resin_nu`` Poisson ratio of the resin material ``resin_bot_h`` Thickness of the bottom resin ring ``resin_top_h`` Thickness of the top resin ring ``resin_bir_w1`` Lower face width of the bottom inner ring ``resin_bir_w2`` Upper face width of the bottom inner ring ``resin_bor_w1`` Lower face width of the bottom outer ring ``resin_bor_w2`` Upper face width of the bottom outer ring ``resin_tir_w1`` Lower face width of the top inner ring ``resin_tir_w2`` Upper face width of the top inner ring ``resin_tor_w1`` Lower face width of the top outer ring ``resin_tor_w2`` Upper face width of the top outer ring ``use_DLR_bc`` Apply boundary conditions used at DLR. It consists on using all the resin rings plus radial constraints only on the side faces of the resin. ===================== ==================================================== ===================== ==================================================== Mesh Parameters Description ===================== ==================================================== ``numel_r`` Number of elements around the circumference. This is sufficient to define the whole mesh size since the algorithms will keep an element aspect-ratio close to 1:1 ``elem_type`` Element type. Tested with: ``'S4'``, ``'S4R'``, ``'S8R'``, ``'S8R5'`` ===================== ==================================================== The analysis will be divided in one or two steps, and the corresponding analysis parameters for each step are ending with ``1`` or ``2``. When only one step is used the parameters corresponding to step 2 will be applied. ======================= ================================================== Analysis Parameters Description ======================= ================================================== ``separate_load_steps`` ``bool``, tells if the load steps should be separated into two: 1) constant loads 2) incremented loads ``initialInc1`` Initial increment size for step 1 ``initialInc2`` Initial increment size for step 2 ``minInc1`` Minimum increment size for step 1 ``minInc2`` Minimum increment size for step 2 ``maxInc1`` Maximum increment size for step 1 ``maxInc2`` Maximum increment size for step 2 ``maxNumInc1`` Maximum number of increments for step 1 ``maxNumInc2`` Maximum number of increments for step 2 ``damping_factor1`` If `\ne` ``None`` artificial damping will be applied to step 1 ``damping_factor2`` If `\ne` ``None`` artificial damping will be applied to step 2 ``timeInterval`` ``float``, the time interval where the outputs will be printed ``stress_output`` ``bool``, tells to print stress outputs ``force_output`` ``bool``, tells to print force outputs ``output_requests`` ``list``, contains all the output variables that will be printed in the output ``ncpus`` Number of CPUs to run the jobs ======================= ================================================== """ def __init__(self): import desicos.abaqus.imperfections as imperfections import desicos.abaqus.stringers as stringers self.index = 0 self.name_DB = '' self.rename = True self.model_name = '' self.part_name_shell = 'Shell' self.rebuilt = False self.created_model = False # geometry related self.rbot = None self.rtop = None self.H = None self.L = None self.alphadeg = 0. self.alpharad = None self.betadeg = 0. self.omegadeg = 0. self.cutouts = [] self.thetadegs = [] self.pts = [] # resin rings self.resin_add_BIR = False self.resin_add_BOR = False self.resin_add_TIR = False self.resin_add_TOR = False self.resin_numel = 3 self.resin_E = 2454.5336 # MPa self.resin_nu = 0.3 self.resin_bot_h = 1*25.4 self.resin_top_h = 1*25.4 self.resin_bir_w1 = 1*25.4 self.resin_bir_w2 = 1*25.4 self.resin_bor_w1 = 1*25.4 self.resin_bor_w2 = 1*25.4 self.resin_tir_w1 = 1*25.4 self.resin_tir_w2 = 1*25.4 self.resin_tor_w1 = 1*25.4 self.resin_tor_w2 = 1*25.4 self.use_DLR_bc = False # laminaprop related # laminaprop below from COCOMAT, see Degenhardt, 2010 # (142.5e3,8.7e3,0.28,5.1e3,5.1e3,3.4e3) self.laminaprop = None # property related self.laminate_t = None self.plyt = None self.stack = [] self.plyts = [] self.laminaprops = [] self.allowable = None self.allowables = [] self.laminapropKey = 'material' self.laminapropKeys = [] self.lam = None # load related self.displ_controlled = True self.pressure_load = None self.pressure_step = 1 self.axial_displ = None self.axial_load = None self.Nxxtop = None self.Nxxtop_vec = ((0,0,0), (0,0,-1)) self.axial_step = 2 self.linear_buckling = False self.separate_load_steps = True self.impconf = imperfections.ImpConf() self.impconf.conecyl = self self.stringerconf = stringers.StringerConf() self.stringerconf.conecyl = self # boundary conditions self.bc_fix_bottom_uR = True self.bc_fix_bottom_v = True self.bc_fix_bottom_side_uR = False self.bc_fix_bottom_side_v = False self.bc_fix_bottom_side_u3 = False self.bc_bottom_clamped = True self.bc_fix_top_uR = True self.bc_fix_top_v = True self.bc_fix_top_side_uR = False self.bc_fix_top_side_v = False self.bc_fix_top_side_u3 = False self.bc_top_clamped = True self.bc_gaps_bottom_edge = False self.bc_gaps_top_edge = False self.distr_load_top = None # mesh related self.numel_r = 140 self.elem_type = 'S8R5' self.mesh_size = None self.elsize_r = None self.elsize_r2 = None self.elsize_h = None # analysis related self.direct_ABD_input = False # self.ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1 self.step1Name = '' self.step2Name = '' self.minInc1 = 1.e-6 self.initialInc1 = 1. self.maxInc1 = 1. self.maxNumInc1 = 10000 # self.minInc2 = 1.e-6 self.initialInc2 = 0.01 self.maxInc2 = 0.01 self.maxNumInc2 = 100000 # self.damping_factor1 = None self.damping_factor2 = 1.e-7 self.timeInterval = 0.025 # file management related self.tmp_dir = TMP_DIR = None self.study_dir = TMP_DIR self.output_dir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, 'outputs') #OUTPUTS self.ls_curve = None self.ener_total = 0. self.zdisp = [] self.zload = [] self.stress_min_num = {} self.stress_min_ms = {} self.stress_min_pos_num = {} self.stress_max_num = {} self.stress_max_ms = {} self.stress_max_pos_num = {} self.hashin_max_num = {} self.hashin_max_ms = {} self.hashin_max_pos_num = {} self.output_requests = ['UT', 'NFORC'] self.stress_output = False self.force_output = False def __setstate__(self, attrs): # Called during unpickling (i.e. loading) # Calling __init__ prevents problems with missing attributes, # when loading from older versions self.__init__() self.__dict__.update(attrs)
[docs] def from_DB(self, name_DB=''): """Fetch all the cone/cylinder data from the database Parameters ---------- name_DB : str Name of the corresponding :mod:`desicos.conecylDB.ccs` entry. Returns ------- cc : :class:`.ConeCyl` object with the updated properties. """ import desicos.abaqus.imperfections as imperfections if name_DB != '': self.name_DB = name_DB ccs = conecylDB.ccs.ccs if self.name_DB in ccs.keys(): ccdict = ccs[self.name_DB] for k,v in ccdict.iteritems(): if k=='r': setattr(self, 'rbot', v) if k=='h': setattr(self, 'H', v) if k == 'pload': pload = imperfections.pload.PLoad(theta=0., pt=0.5, pltotal=v) pload.impconf = self.impconf setattr(self.impconf, 'ploads', [pload]) else: setattr(self, k, v) else: error('{0} not found in the conecylDB'.format(self.name_DB)) return None return self
[docs] def rebuild(self, force=False, save_rebuild=True): """Updates the properties of the current :class:`.ConeCyl` object Parameters ---------- force : bool Force the update even if it is already rebuilt (even if the ``rebuilt`` attribute is ``True``). save_rebuild : bool Tells if the ``rebuilt`` attribute should be ``True`` after the update. """ if self.rebuilt and not force: return if self.model_name: self.rename = False if self.force_output: self.output_requests += ['SF'] if save_rebuild: #if len(self.impconf.ploads) == 0: #print 'WARNING - separate_load_steps changed to False' #self.separate_load_steps = False if not self.separate_load_steps: self.num_of_steps = 1 if self.separate_load_steps: self.num_of_steps = 2 # angle in radians if self.alphadeg is not None: self.alpharad = np.deg2rad(self.alphadeg) self.rtop = self.rbot if self.rbot is not None and self.H is not None and self.alpharad is not None: self.rtop = self.rbot - np.tan(self.alpharad) * self.H self.L = self.H/np.cos(self.alpharad) # mesh self.rmesh = ((self.rbot - self.rtop)*self.rtop/self.rbot + self.rtop) self.mesh_size = 2*np.pi*self.rmesh/self.numel_r # cutouts for cutout in self.cutouts: cutout.rebuild() # allowables if self.allowable and not self.allowables: self.allowables = [tuple(self.allowable) for i in self.stack] # laminapropKeys if not self.laminapropKeys: self.laminapropKeys = [self.laminapropKey for i in self.stack] # laminaprops if not self.laminaprops: laminaprops = fetch('laminaprops') if self.laminaprop: self.laminaprops = [tuple(self.laminaprop) for i in self.stack] else: self.laminaprops = [laminaprops[k] for k in self.laminapropKeys] # ply thicknesses if not self.plyts: self.plyts = [self.plyt for i in self.stack] else: if isinstance(self.plyts, list): if len(self.plyts) != len(self.stack): self.plyts = [self.plyts[0] for i in self.stack] else: self.plyts = [self.plyts for i in self.stack] # calculating ABD matrix if self.direct_ABD_input: self.calc_ABD_matrix() # imperfections if self.betadeg: self.impconf.uneven_top_edge.betadeg = self.betadeg self.impconf.uneven_top_edge.omegadeg = self.omegadeg self.impconf.rebuild() # model_name if self.rename: if not tmp = [self.name_DB] + [] self.model_name = '_'.join(tmp) else: self.model_name = ( + '_model_{0:02d}'.format(self.index+1)) # defining if bottom edge will have GAP elements if self.impconf.uneven_bottom_edge: self.bc_gaps_bottom_edge = True else: self.bc_gaps_bottom_edge = False # defining if top edge will have GAP elements # This is the case if displacment ctrl is used, and either: # - the top edge is uneven # - the relevant faces are not constrained fully (both uR and v), # so a pin-type MPC cannot be used. top_needs_gap = not (self.bc_fix_top_uR and self.bc_fix_top_v) side_needs_gap = self.bc_fix_top_side_u3 and not ( self.bc_fix_top_side_uR and self.bc_fix_top_side_v) if not (top_needs_gap or side_needs_gap): if self.displ_controlled: if self.impconf.uneven_top_edge: self.bc_gaps_top_edge = True else: self.bc_gaps_top_edge = False else: self.bc_gaps_top_edge = False else: if self.displ_controlled: self.bc_gaps_top_edge = True else: self.bc_gaps_top_edge = False if self.linear_buckling: self.bc_gaps_bottom_edge = False self.bc_gaps_top_edge = False if (not self.bc_fix_top_uR or not self.bc_fix_top_v or self.Nxxtop): self.distr_load_top = True if (not self.linear_buckling and self.impconf.uneven_top_edge and self.distr_load_top): warn('Distributed load is not compatible with uneven top edge ' + 'conditions!') warn('Using a concentrated load at the reference point!') self.distr_load_top = False # Apply DLR boundary conditions if self.use_DLR_bc: self.resin_add_BIR = True self.resin_add_BOR = True self.resin_add_TIR = True self.resin_add_TOR = True self.bc_fix_bottom_side_uR = True self.bc_fix_bottom_side_v = False self.bc_fix_bottom_side_u3 = False self.bc_fix_top_side_uR = True self.bc_fix_top_side_v = False self.bc_fix_top_side_u3 = False if save_rebuild: self.rebuilt = True
[docs] def prepare_to_save(self): """Prepare the :class:`ConeCyl` to be saved Any reference to Abaqus objects are removed in this method. """ self.rebuilt = False return
[docs] def fr(self, z): """Calculates the radius at a given ``z`` position Parameters ---------- z : float Axial position from bottom to top. Returns ------- r : float The calculated radius. """ return self.rbot - z*np.tan(self.alpharad)
[docs] def r_z_from_pt(self, pt=0.5): """Radius and the axial position from a given normalized position Parameters ---------- pt : float or np.ndarray Normalized meridional position. Returns ------- r, z : tuple The radius and the actual axial position at the given normalized position. It is a tuple of floats if ``pt`` is a float or a tuple of ``numpy.ndarray`` objects if ``pt`` is an array. """ r = self.rbot + (self.rtop - self.rbot)*pt z = self.H*pt return r, z
[docs] def create_model(self, force=False): """Triggers the routines to create the model in Abaqus The auxiliary module ```` is used, from where the functions ``_create_mesh()``, ``_create_load_steps()`` and ``_create_loads_bcs()`` are executed in this order. .. note:: Must be called from Abaqus .. note:: When new functionalities have to be implemented or for any debugging purposes, one can conveniently change file ```` directly, and using the ``__main__`` section at the end of this file makes it easy to test whatever necessary methods. The tests can be repeatedly run doing:: import os from desicos.abaqus.constants import DAHOME os.chdir(os.path.join(DAHOME, 'conecyl')) execfile('') Parameters ---------- force : bool, optional Forces the model creation even if the finite element model corresponding to this :class:`ConeCyl` object already exists. """ if self.created_model and not force: warn('Finite element model already created') warn('use "force=True" in order to proceed', level=1) return self.rebuild() from _create_model import (_create_mesh, _create_load_steps, _create_loads_bcs) _create_mesh(self) _create_load_steps(self) _create_loads_bcs(self) self.created_model = True
[docs] def write_job(self, submit=False, wait=True, multiple_cores=False): """Writes the job of the corresponding Abaqus model .. note:: Must be called from Abaqus Parameters ---------- submit : bool, optional If the job should be submitted. wait : bool, optional If the routine should wait in case the job was submitted. multiple_cores : bool, optional If multiple cores should be used in the run. Some licenses are limited to one core. """ import abaqus os.chdir(self.output_dir) job =[self.model_name] job.writeInput() inppath = self.model_name + '.inp' if submit: if multiple_cores: os.system('abaqus job={0} input={1} cpus={2}'.format( self.model_name, inppath, self.ncpus)) else: os.system('abaqus job={0} input={1}'.format(self.model_name, inppath)) os.chdir(self.tmp_dir)
def read_walltime(self): try: tmppath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.model_name + '.msg') with open(tmppath, 'r') as tmp: lines = tmp.readlines() w = lines[-1].split()[-1] return float(w) except: return None
[docs] def attach_results(self): """Attach the odb file into Abaqus If the odb file exists it will be attached in ``session.odbs``, in Abaqus. .. note:: Must be called from Abaqus """ import abaqus odbname = self.model_name + '.odb' odbpath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, odbname) if not os.path.isfile(odbpath): warn('result was not found') return False session = abaqus.session if not odbpath in session.odbs.keys(): return session.openOdb(name=odbname, path=odbpath, readOnly=True) else: return session.odbs[odbname]
[docs] def detach_results(self, odb): """Detach an odb file from Abaqus .. note:: Must be called from Abaqus Parameters ---------- odb : Abaqus' :class:`Odb` object. """ import visualization visualization.closeOdb(odb)
def read_outputs(self, **kwargs): import _read_outputs return _read_outputs.read_outputs(self, **kwargs) def plot_displacements(self, **kwargs): import _plot return _plot.plot_displacements(self, **kwargs) def plot_forces(self, **kwargs): import _plot return _plot.plot_forces(self, **kwargs) def plot_stress_analysis(self, **kwargs): import _plot return _plot.plot_stress_analysis(self, **kwargs) import abaqus_functions abaqus_functions.configure_session() def plot_xy(self, xs, ys, **kwargs): import _plot return _plot.plot_xy(self, xs, ys, **kwargs)
[docs] def extract_field_output(self, ignore=[]): r"""Extract the current field output for a cylinder/cone from Abaqus Parameters ---------- ignore : list, optional A list with the node ids to be ignored. It must contain any nodes outside the mapped mesh included in ``parts['part_name_shell'].nodes``. Returns ------- out : tuple Where ``out[0]`` and ``out[1]`` contain the circumferential (theta) and vertical (z) coordinates and ``out[2]`` the corresponding values. """ import _plot return _plot.extract_field_output(self, ignore)
[docs] def extract_fiber_orientation(self, ply_index, use_elements): r"""Get the fiber orientation at the centroid of each element Parameters ---------- ply_index : int Index of the ply of interest use_elements : bool If ``True``, use the actual element centroids (from Abaqus) If ``False``, estimate their locations instead. Returns ------- out : tuple Where ``out[0]`` and ``out[1]`` contain the circumferential (theta) and vertical (z) coordinates and ``out[2]`` the corresponding values. Notes ----- Must be called from Abaqus if ``use_elements == True`` """ import _plot return _plot.extract_fiber_orientation(self, ply_index, use_elements)
[docs] def extract_thickness_data(self): r"""Get the thickness at the centroid of each element Returns ------- out : tuple Where ``out[0]`` and ``out[1]`` contain the circumferential (theta) and vertical (z) coordinates and ``out[2]`` the corresponding thicknesses. Notes ----- Must be called from Abaqus """ import _plot return _plot.extract_thickness_data(self)
[docs] def extract_msi_data(self): r"""Get a data grid representing the nodal offsets w.r.t. the reference surface, caused by mid-surface imperfection(s). Returns ------- out : tuple Where ``out[0]`` and ``out[1]`` contain the circumferential (theta) and vertical (z) coordinates and ``out[2]`` the corresponding imperfection offsets. Notes ----- Must be called from Abaqus """ import _plot return _plot.extract_msi_data(self)
[docs] def transform_plot_data(self, thetas, zs, values, plot_type, wrap=True): r"""Transform coordinates of plot data, to prepare for plotting Parameters ---------- thetas : numpy.array Array of circumferential coordinates zs : numpy.array Array of vertical coordinates values : numpy.array Array of values plot_type : int, optional For cylinders only ``4`` and ``5`` are valid. For cones all the following types can be used: - ``1``: concave up (default for cones) - ``2``: concave down - ``3``: stretched closed - ``4``: stretched opened (`r(z) \times \theta` vs. `H`) - ``5``: stretched opened (`r_{bottom}` vs. `H`) - ``6``: concave, starting at `\theta = 0` wrap : bool, optional If ``True``, wrap `\theta`-coordinates to within the correct range (either `0..2\pi` or `-\pi..\pi`). Returns ------- out : tuple Where ``out[0]`` and ``out[1]`` contain the horizontal and vertical grids of coordinates and ``out[2]`` the values. """ import _plot return _plot.transform_plot_data(self, thetas, zs, values, plot_type, wrap)
[docs] def plot_field_data(self, x, y, field, create_npz_only=False, ax=None, figsize=(3.3, 3.3), save_png=True, aspect='equal', clean=True, outpath='', pngname='plot_from_abaqus.png', npzname='plot_from_abaqus.npz', pyname='', num_levels=400, show_colorbar=True, lines=None): r"""Print data field output to a file Parameters ---------- x : numpy.array Grid of x-coordinates to plot y : numpy.array Grid of y-coordinates to plot field : numpy.array Grid of field data to plot create_npz_only : bool, optional If ``True`` only the data belonging to the desired field output will be saved in a ``.npz`` file, and no plotting is performed. ax : AxesSubplot, optional When ``ax`` is given, the contour plot will be created inside it. figsize : tuple, optional The figure size given by ``(width, height)``. save_png : bool, optional Flag telling whether the contour should be saved to an image file. aspect : str, optional String that will be passed to the ``AxesSubplot.set_aspect()`` method. clean : bool, optional Clean axes ticks, grids, spines etc. outpath : str, optional Output path where the data from Abaqus and the plots are saved (see notes). pngname : str, optional The file name for the generated image file. npzname : str, optional The file name for the generated npz file. pyname : str, optional The file name for the generated Python file. num_levels : int, optional Number of contour levels (higher values make the contour smoother). show_colorbar : bool, optional Include a color bar in the figure. lines : list, optional List of lines to draw on top of the contour plot. Each line is either a 2-tuple (list of x-coords, list of y-coords), or a 2xN numpy array. Notes ----- The data is saved using ``np.savez()`` into ``outpath`` as ``npzname`` with an accompanying script for plotting ``pyname``, very handy when Matplotlib is not importable from Abaqus. """ # avoid retyping all arguments, while keeping the function arguments # and default values clearly visible here, for documentation purposes kwargs = locals() import _plot return _plot.plot_field_data(**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_current_field_opened(self, ignore=[], plot_type=1, **kwargs): r"""Print the current field output for a cylinder/cone model from Abaqus Parameters ---------- ignore : list, optional A list with the node ids to be ignored. It must contain any nodes outside the mapped mesh included in ``parts['part_name_shell'].nodes``. plot_type : int, optional For cylinders only ``4`` and ``5`` are valid. For cones all the following types can be used: - ``1``: concave up (default for cones) - ``2``: concave down - ``3``: stretched closed - ``4``: stretched opened (`r(z) \times \theta` vs. `H`) - ``5``: stretched opened (`r_{bottom}` vs. `H`) - ``6``: concave, starting at `\theta = 0` kwargs : dict Other keyword args will be directly passed to ``plot_field_data`` See the documentation of that method for more details. Returns ------- out : tuple Where ``out[0]`` and ``out[1]`` contain the circumferential and meridional grids of coordinates and ``out[2]`` the corresponding field output. """ try: thetas, zs, field = self.extract_field_output(ignore) x, y, field = self.transform_plot_data(thetas, zs, field, plot_type) self.plot_field_data(x, y, field, **kwargs) return x, y, field except: traceback.print_exc() error('Opened field plot could not be generated! :(')
[docs] def plot_orientation_opened(self, ply_index, use_elements, plot_type=1, **kwargs): r"""Make a fiber orientation plot from the current cone model Only valid for cones that have a ply piece imperfection. Parameters ---------- ply_index : int Index of the ply of interest use_elements : bool If ``True``, use the actual element centroids (from Abaqus) If ``False``, estimate their locations instead. plot_type : int, optional For cones all the following types can be used: - ``1``: concave up (default for cones) - ``2``: concave down - ``3``: stretched closed - ``4``: stretched opened (`r(z) \times \theta` vs. `H`) - ``5``: stretched opened (`r_{bottom}` vs. `H`) - ``6``: concave, starting at `\theta = 0` kwargs : dict Other keyword args will be passed to ``plot_field_data`` See the documentation of that method for more details. Notes ----- Must be called from Abaqus if ``use_elements == True`` """ if self.impconf.ppi is None: error('Cannot plot orientations: ConeCyl object has no ply piece imperfection!') return try: thetas, zs, field = self.extract_fiber_orientation(ply_index, use_elements) thetas, zs, field = make_uniform_cells(thetas, zs, field) x, y, field = self.transform_plot_data(thetas, zs, field, plot_type) lines = self.impconf.ppi.get_ply_lines(ply_index, center_theta_zero=(plot_type != 6)) lines = [self.transform_plot_data(thetas, zs, zs, plot_type, wrap=False)[0:2] for thetas, zs in lines] self.plot_field_data(x, y, field, lines=lines, **kwargs) except: traceback.print_exc() error('Opened orientation plot could not be generated! :(')
[docs] def plot_thickness_opened(self, plot_type=1, **kwargs): r"""Make an opened thickness plot from the current conecyl model Parameters ---------- plot_type : int, optional For cylinders only ``4`` and ``5`` are valid. For cones all the following types can be used: - ``1``: concave up (default for cones) - ``2``: concave down - ``3``: stretched closed - ``4``: stretched opened (`r(z) \times \theta` vs. `H`) - ``5``: stretched opened (`r_{bottom}` vs. `H`) - ``6``: concave, starting at `\theta = 0` kwargs : dict Other keyword args will be passed to ``plot_field_data`` See the documentation of that method for more details. Notes ----- Must be called from Abaqus """ try: thetas, zs, field = self.extract_thickness_data() thetas, zs, field = make_uniform_cells(thetas, zs, field) x, y, field = self.transform_plot_data(thetas, zs, field, plot_type) self.plot_field_data(x, y, field, **kwargs) except: traceback.print_exc() error('Opened thickness plot could not be generated! :(')
[docs] def plot_msi_opened(self, plot_type=1, **kwargs): r"""Make an opened MSI (mid-surface imperfection) plot from the current conecyl model Parameters ---------- plot_type : int, optional For cylinders only ``4`` and ``5`` are valid. For cones all the following types can be used: - ``1``: concave up (default for cones) - ``2``: concave down - ``3``: stretched closed - ``4``: stretched opened (`r(z) \times \theta` vs. `H`) - ``5``: stretched opened (`r_{bottom}` vs. `H`) - ``6``: concave, starting at `\theta = 0` kwargs : dict Other keyword args will be passed to ``plot_field_data`` See the documentation of that method for more details. Notes ----- Must be called from Abaqus """ try: thetas, zs, field = self.extract_msi_data() x, y, field = self.transform_plot_data(thetas, zs, field, plot_type) self.plot_field_data(x, y, field, **kwargs) except: traceback.print_exc() error('Opened MSI plot could not be generated! :(')
def check_completed(self, wait=False, print_found=False): if not self.rebuilt: self.rebuild() tmp = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.model_name + '.log') if wait == True: log('Waiting for job completion...') #TODO a general function to check the log file while True: if os.path.isfile(tmp): tmpfile = open(tmp, 'r') lines = tmpfile.readlines() tmpfile.close() if len(lines) == 0: continue if len(lines) < 2: continue for line in lines: if line.find('COMPLETED') > -1: if print_found: log('RUN COMPLETED for model {0}'.format( self.model_name)) return True elif line.find('exited with errors') > -1: if print_found: log('RUN COMPLETED WITH ERRORS for model {0}'.format( self.model_name)) return True if not wait: warn('RUN NOT COMPLETED for model {0}'.format( self.model_name)) return False else: if not wait: warn('RUN NOT STARTED for model {0}'.format( self.model_name)) return False if wait: import time time.sleep(5) def stress_analysis(self, **kwargs): if self.linear_buckling: return True if not self.check_completed(): return False self.read_outputs(last_frame=False, last_cross_section=False, read_fieldOutputs=True) import _stress_analysis ans = _stress_analysis.calc_frames(self, **kwargs) self.read_outputs() self.plot_stress_analysis() return ans
[docs] def calc_ABD_matrix(self): """Calculates the laminate stiffness matrix (ABD matrix) Requires that all the laminate attributes are defines. Returns ------- lam : :class:`.Laminate` object. """ self.lam = read_stack(stack=self.stack, plyt=self.plyt, laminaprop=self.laminaprop, plyts=self.plyts, laminaprops=self.laminaprops) return self.lam
[docs] def calc_SPL_prediction(self): """Calculates the predicted values for P1 and N1 based on empirically obtained formulae Here P1 is the perturbation load (in N) at which a local snap-through (LST) appears at an axial load level equal to the global buckling load. N1 is the global buckling load that is obtained with P1 applied. Returns ------- out : tuple 2-tuple, containing the calculated values for P1 and N1 Notes ----- The empirical formulae (for now) do not take the full set of laminate properties (A, B, D) into account. Instead, the equivalent orthotropic material is calculated (based on the A-matrix only) and used in the formulae. """ # Calculate properties of equivalent orthotropic material lam = self.calc_ABD_matrix() lam.calc_equivalent_modulus() # Calculate a single 'Equivalent modulus' E_x = lam.e1 E_y = lam.e2 G_xy = lam.g12 nu_norm = lam.nu12 / (E_x/E_y)**0.5 E_eq_P1 = E_x**0.05 * E_y**0.59 * G_xy**0.36 E_eq_N1 = E_x**0.45 * E_y**0.37 * G_xy**0.18 # Extract some cone properties that will be needed R = float(self.rbot) r = float(self.rtop) H = float(self.H) cos_alpha = np.cos(self.alpharad) t = float(sum(self.plyts)) # The actual emperical formulae self.P1 = 2.98/12 * (E_eq_P1 * (t**3) * ((1 + nu_norm)**0.08) * ((R/r)**(1.0/3)) * cos_alpha) / (R*(1 - nu_norm**2)) # Divide N1 by 1000 to obtain kN instead of N self.N1 = 2.3/1000 * (E_eq_N1 * (t**2) * ((1 + nu_norm)**0.75) * ((R/H)**0.06) * (cos_alpha**2)) / (1 - nu_norm**7) return self.P1, self.N1
[docs] def calc_nasaKDF(self): """Calculates the KDF using the NASA SP-8007 guideline Returns ------- nasaKDF : float The knock-down factor (KDF) calculates using the NASA SP-8007. """ self.calc_ABD_matrix() if self.alphadeg > 0. : rm = (self.rbot + self.rtop)/2. req = rm/np.cos(self.alpharad) else: req = self.rbot Ex = self.lam.A[0,0] Ey = self.lam.A[1,1] Dx = self.lam.D[0,0] Dy = self.lam.D[1,1] teq = 3.4689* (Dx*Dy/(Ex*Ey))**0.25 phi = 1/16. * (req/teq)**0.5 self.nasaKDF = 1. - 0.901*(1-np.e**-phi) return self.nasaKDF
[docs] def calc_partitions(self, thetadegs=None, pts=None): """Updates all circumferential and axial positions to partition This method reads all the imperfections and collects the circumferential positions ``thetadegs`` and the normalized meridional positions ``pts`` where partitions should be created. These two lists will be used in the routines to create an Abaqus model. Parameters ---------- thetadegs : list or None, optional Additional positions where circumferential partitions are desired pts : list or None, optional Additional positions where meridional partitions are desired """ if thetadegs is None: thetadegs = [0] if pts is None: pts = [] for imp in self.impconf.imperfections: valid = True for pt in imp.pts: if pt < 0. or pt > 1.: error('Invalid imperfection: {0}, {1}'.format(imp.index, warn('Ignored imperfection: {0}, {1}'.format(imp.index, valid = False break if valid: thetadegs += imp.thetadegs pts += imp.pts for stringer in self.stringerconf.stringers: thetadegs += stringer.thetadegs self.thetadegs = sorted(list(set(thetadegs))) self.pts = sorted(list(set(pts))) return self.thetadegs, self.pts
[docs] def get_step_name(self, step): """Get the step name corresponding to an integer number Parameters ---------- step : int A step number. Abaqus' "Initial" step does not count, such that ``step=1`` will be the first step after the "Initial" step. Returns ------- step_name : str The step name. """ if step<=1: return self.step1Name elif step>=2: return self.step2Name else: raise ValueError('Invalid step number!')