Parametric ModelΒΆ

Thanks to Dr. Mariano A. Arbelo, here it follows an example of parametric model and a parametric study file that can be used in Abaqus.

The parametric study file can be renamed with any extension being the .psf the default extension. It is convenient to rename to .py since it uses many of the Python commands and syntax, and this extension will allow a syntax highlighting in many text editors:

# Parametric Study to find buckling load for different angle ply's#
# Parameters used in the parametric study:                        #
#    Theta (in degrees)                                           #

# create the study
BucklingStudy = ParStudy(par=('Theta'),
		     directory=ON, verbose=ON)
# define the parameters
BucklingStudy.define(DISCRETE, par='Theta', domain=(0., 10., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90.))
#BucklingStudy.define(CONTINUOUS, par='Theta', domain=(0., 90.))
# sample the parameters
BucklingStudy.sample(INTERVAL, par=('Theta'), interval=1)
# combine the samples to give the designs
# generate analysis data
# execute all analysis jobs sequentially
BucklingStudy.gather (results='bucklingload', variable='MODAL', mode=1,  step=1), results='bucklingload',par='Theta', truncation=OFF, file='output.txt')

Note in the Abaqus input file below how the variables defined in the parametric study file above are used:

To submit the paramatric study:

abaqus script=script_name

where script_name can be study.psf or, for example.

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