Source code for cubature.cubature

import numpy as np
import ctypes
from ._cubature import cubature as _cython_cubature
from ._cubature import cubature_raw_callback as _cython_cubature_raw_callback

        'ERROR_LINF', 'cubature']

ERROR_L2 = 2
ERROR_L1 = 3

# maps (adaptive, vectorized) to appropriate function call
_call_map = {
    ('h', True): 'hcubature_v',
    ('h', False): 'hcubature',
    ('p', True): 'pcubature_v',
    ('p', False): 'pcubature',

[docs] def cubature(func, ndim, fdim, xmin, xmax, args=tuple(), kwargs=dict(), abserr=1.e-8, relerr=1.e-8, norm=ERROR_INDIVIDUAL, maxEval=0, adaptive='h', vectorized=False): r"""Numerical-integration using the cubature method. Parameters ---------- func : callable If ``vectorized=False`` the callable must have the form: ``f(x_array, *args, **kwargs)`` where: - `x_array` in an array containing the `ndim` variables being integrated - `args` is a tuple containing any other arguments required by the function - `kwargs` is a dict containing any keyword arguments required by the function - the function must return a 1-D `np.ndarray` object - example 1, vector valued function:: fdim = 3 def func(x_array, *args, **kwargs): # note that here ndim=2 (2 variables) x, y = x_array return np.array([x**2-y**2, x*y, x*y**2]) - example 2, scalar function:: fdim = 1 def func(x_array, *args, **kwargs): # note that here ndim=2 (2 variables) x, y = x_array return x**2-y**2 If ``vectorized=True`` the function must have the form: ``f(x_array, *args, **kwargs)`` where: - `x_array` has ``shape=(npt, ndim)`` - `args` is a tuple containing any other arguments required by the function - `kwargs` is a dict containing any keyword arguments required by the function - example 1, vector valued function:: # function that returns a vector with 3 values fdim = 3 def func(x_array, *args, **kwargs): # note that here ndim=2 (2 variables) x = x_array[:, 0] y = x_array[:, 1] npt = x_array.shape[0] out = np.zeros((npt, fdim)) out[:, 0] = x**2 - y**2 out[:, 1] = x*y out[:, 2] = x*y**2 return out - example 2, scalar function:: fdim = 1 def func(x_array, *args, **kwargs): # note that here ndim=3 (3 variables) x = x_array[:, 0] y = x_array[:, 1] z = x_array[:, 2] return x**2 + y**2 + z**2 The results from both vectorized and non-vectorized examples above should be the same, but the vectorized implementation is much faster since it will take advantage of NumPy's vectorization capabilities. ndim : integer Number dimensions or number of variables being integrated. fdim : integer Length of the output vector given by `func`. It should be `1` if the function returns a scalar. xmin, xmax : array-like These are 1-D arrays with the minimum and maximum integration limits for each variable being integrated. In cubature, if you are using ``vectorized=True``, it is also possible to have one integration limit per value in the vector-valued function. If ``vectorized=False``: - ``xmin, xmax`` are vectors with the integration limits for each of the ``ndim`` dimensions, thus we must assert that ``xmin.shape[0] == ndim``. If ``vectorized=True``: - ``xmin, xmax`` are vectors with the integration limits for each of the ``ndim`` dimensions. With ``vectorized=True`` it is possible to use one integration limit per value in the vector-valued function. In this case, we must assert that ``xmin.shape[0] == ndim*fdim``. Here, the limits are read in the order ``xmin[i*ndim + j]``, meaning the j-th dimension of the i-th element of the vector-valued function. args : tuple or list, optional Contains the extra arguments required by `func`. kwargs : dict-like, optional Contains the extra keyword arguments passed to `func`. adaptive : string, optional The adaptive scheme used along the adaptive integration: - 'h' means 'h-adaptive', where the domain is partitioned - 'p' means 'p-adaptive', where the order of the integration rule is increased The 'p-adaptive' scheme is often better for smoth functions in low dimensions. abserr : double, optional Integration stops when estimated absolute error is below this threshold relerr : double, optional Integration stops when estimated error in integral value is below this threshold norm : integer, optional Specifies the norm that is used to measure the error and determine convergence properties (irrelevant for single-valued functions). The `norm` argument takes one of the values: - 0 for ERROR_INDIVIDUAL: convergence is achieved only when each integrand individually satisfies the requested error tolerances; - 1 for ERROR_PAIRED: like ERROR_INDIVIDUAL, except that the integrands are grouped into consecutive pairs, with the error tolerance applied in a L2 sense to each pair. This option is mainly useful for integrating vectors of complex numbers, where each consecutive pair of real integrans is the real and imaginary parts of a single complex integrand, and you only care about the error in the complex plane rather than the error in the real and imaginary parts separately; - 2 for ERROR_L2; - 3 for ERROR_L1; - 4 for ERROR_LINF, the absolute error is measured as |e| and the relative error as |err|/|val|, where |...| is the L1, L2, or L-infinity norm, respectively. (|x| in the L1 norm is the sum of the absolute values of the components, in the L2 norm is the root mean square of the components, and in the L-infinity norm is the maximum absolute value of the components). maxEval : integer, optional The maximum number of function evaluations. vectorized : boolean, optional If ``vectorized=True`` the integration points are passed to the integrand function as an array of points, allowing parallel evaluation of different points. Returns ------- val : numpy.ndarray The 1-D array of length ``fdim`` with the computed integral values err : numpy.ndarray The 1-D array of length ``fdim`` with the estimated errors. For smooth functions this estimate is usually conservative (see the results from the ```` script. Notes ----- * The supplied function must return a 1-D ``np.ndarray`` object, even for single-valued functions References ---------- .. [1] `Cubature (Multi-dimensional integration) <>`_. Examples -------- >>> # Volume of a sphere: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cubature import cubature >>> def integrand_sphere(x_array, *args): >>> r, theta, phi = x_array >>> return np.array([r**2*sin(phi)]) >>> ndim = 3 >>> fdim = 1 >>> radius = 1. >>> xmin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) >>> xmax = np.array([radius, 2*pi, pi]) >>> val, err = cubature(integrand_sphere, ndim, fdim, xmin, xmax) """ # checking xmin and xmax xmin = np.asarray(xmin) xmax = np.asarray(xmax) if not vectorized: assert xmin.shape[0] == ndim, 'xmin.shape[0] is not equal to ndim' assert xmax.shape[0] == ndim, 'xmax.shape[0] is not equal to ndim' else: assert (xmin.shape[0] == ndim) | (xmin.shape[0] == ndim*fdim), 'xmin.shape[0] is not equal to ndim nor ndim*fdim' assert (xmax.shape[0] == ndim) | (xmax.shape[0] == ndim*fdim), 'xmax.shape[0] is not equal to ndim nor ndim*fdim' use_raw_callback = isinstance(func, ctypes._CFuncPtr) # checking fdim if not use_raw_callback: if not vectorized: out = func(np.ones(ndim)*(xmin+xmax)/2, *args, **kwargs) try: if isinstance(out, float) or isinstance(out, int): out = np.array([out]) assert out.shape[0] == fdim except: raise ValueError('Length of func ouptut vector is different than fdim') else: out = func(np.ones((7, ndim))*(xmin+xmax)/2, *args, **kwargs) if fdim > 1: try: assert out.shape[0] == 7 assert out.shape[1] == fdim except: raise ValueError('Output vector does not have shape=(:, fdim)') else: try: assert out.ndim == 1 assert out.shape[0] == 7 except: raise ValueError('Output vector does not return a valid array') method = _call_map.get((adaptive, vectorized), None) if method is None: s = 'unknown combination of adaptive (`{!r}`) and vectorized (`{!r}`).' s = s.format(adaptive, vectorized) raise ValueError(s) else: if use_raw_callback: val, err = _cython_cubature_raw_callback(func, ndim, fdim, xmin, xmax, method, abserr, relerr, norm, maxEval, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) else: val, err = _cython_cubature(func, ndim, fdim, xmin, xmax, method, abserr, relerr, norm, maxEval, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) return val, err
#TODO # - implement multiprocessing dividing the integration interval and spawning # - a thread for each sub-interval... # - perform a cProfile to see where the bottle nech actually is