import gc
import pickle
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from numpy import linspace, reshape
from compmech.logger import msg
from compmech.constants import DOUBLE
from compmech.sparse import (finalize_symmetric_matrix, make_skew_symmetric)
from compmech.panel import Panel, modelDB as panelmDB
from compmech.stiffener import (BladeStiff1D, BladeStiff2D, TStiff2D)
def load(name):
if '.StiffPanelBay' in name:
return pickle.load(open(name, 'rb'))
return pickle.load(open(name + '.StiffPanelBay', 'rb'))
class StiffPanelBay(object):
r"""Stiffened Panel Bay
Can be used for supersonic Aeroelastic studies with the Piston Theory.
Stiffeners are modeled either with 1D or 2D formulations.
Main characteristics:
- Supports both airflows along x (axis) or y (circumferential).
Controlled by the parameter ``flow``
- ``bladestiff1ds`` contains the :class:`.BladeStiff1D` stiffeners
- ``bladestiff2ds`` contains the :class:`.BladeStiff2D` stiffeners
- ``tstiff2ds`` contains the :class:`.TStiff2D` stiffeners
def __init__(self): = ''
# boundary conditions
# "inf" is used to define the high stiffnesses (removed dofs)
# a high value will cause numerical instabilities
#TODO use a marker number for self.inf and self.maxinf if the
# normalization of edge stiffnesses is adopted
# now it is already independent of self.inf and more robust
self.forces_skin = []
self.flow = 'x'
self.bc = None
self.model = None
self.stack = []
self.laminaprop = None
self.laminaprops = []
self.plyt = None
self.plyts = [] = None
# approximation series
self.m = 11
self.n = 12
# panels
self.panels = []
# stiffeners
self.stiffeners = []
self.bladestiff1ds = []
self.bladestiff2ds = []
self.tstiff2ds = []
# geometry
self.a = None
self.b = None
self.r = None
self.alphadeg = None
# boundary conditions
self.u1tx = 0.
self.u1rx = 0.
self.u2tx = 0.
self.u2rx = 0.
self.v1tx = 0.
self.v1rx = 0.
self.v2tx = 0.
self.v2rx = 0.
self.w1tx = 0.
self.w1rx = 1.
self.w2tx = 0.
self.w2rx = 1.
self.u1ty = 0.
self.u1ry = 0.
self.u2ty = 0.
self.u2ry = 0.
self.v1ty = 0.
self.v1ry = 0.
self.v2ty = 0.
self.v2ry = 0.
self.w1ty = 0.
self.w1ry = 1.
self.w2ty = 0.
self.w2ry = 1.
# aerodynamic properties for the Piston theory
self.beta = None
self.gamma = None
self.aeromu = None
self.rho_air = None
self.speed_sound = None
self.Mach = None
self.V = None
# output queries
self.out_num_cores = cpu_count()
def _clear_matrices(self):
self.k0 = None
self.kT = None
self.kM = None
self.kA = None
self.cA = None
self.u = None
self.v = None
self.w = None
self.phix = None
self.phiy = None
self.Xs = None
self.Ys = None
for panel in self.panels:
panel.k0 = None
panel.kM = None
panel.kG0 = None
for s in self.bladestiff1ds:
s.k0 = None
s.kM = None
s.kG0 = None
for s in self.bladestiff2ds:
s.k0 = None
s.kM = None
s.kG0 = None
for s in self.tstiff2ds:
s.k0 = None
s.kM = None
s.kG0 = None
def _rebuild(self):
if self.a is None:
raise ValueError('The length a must be specified')
if self.b is None:
raise ValueError('The width b must be specified')
for p in self.panels:
if self.model is not None:
assert self.model == p.model
self.model = p.model
for s in self.bladestiff1ds:
for s in self.bladestiff2ds:
for s in self.tstiff2ds:
def _default_field(self, xs, a, ys, b, gridx, gridy):
if xs is None or ys is None:
xs = linspace(0., a, gridx)
ys = linspace(0., b, gridy)
xs, ys = np.meshgrid(xs, ys, copy=False)
xs = np.atleast_1d(np.array(xs, dtype=DOUBLE))
ys = np.atleast_1d(np.array(ys, dtype=DOUBLE))
xshape = xs.shape
yshape = ys.shape
if xshape != yshape:
raise ValueError('Arrays xs and ys must have the same shape')
self.Xs = xs
self.Ys = ys
xs = xs.ravel()
ys = ys.ravel()
return xs, ys, xshape, yshape
def get_size(self):
r"""Calculate the size of the stiffness matrices
The size of the stiffness matrices can be interpreted as the number of
rows or columns, recalling that this will be the size of the Ritz
constants' vector `\{c\}`, the internal force vector `\{F_{int}\}` and
the external force vector `\{F_{ext}\}`.
It takes into account the independent degrees of freedom from each of
the `.Stiffener2D` objects that belong to the current assembly.
size : int
The size of the stiffness matrices.
num = panelmDB.db[self.model]['num']
self.size = num*self.m*self.n
for s in self.bladestiff2ds:
self.size += s.flange.get_size()
for s in self.tstiff2ds:
self.size += s.base.get_size() + s.flange.get_size()
return self.size
def add_bladestiff1d(self, ys, mu=None, bb=None, bstack=None,
bplyts=None, bplyt=None, blaminaprops=None, blaminaprop=None,
bf=None, fstack=None, fplyts=None, fplyt=None, flaminaprops=None,
flaminaprop=None, **kwargs):
r"""Add a new BladeStiff1D to the current panel bay
ys : float
Stiffener position.
mu : float, optional
Stiffener's material density. If not given the bay density will be
bb : float, optional
Stiffener base width.
bstack : list, optional
Stacking sequence for the stiffener base laminate.
bplyts : list, optional
Thicknesses for each stiffener base ply.
bplyt : float, optional
Unique thickness for all stiffener base plies.
blaminaprops : list, optional
Lamina properties for each stiffener base ply.
blaminaprop : float, optional
Unique lamina properties for all stiffener base plies.
bf : float
Stiffener flange width.
fstack : list, optional
Stacking sequence for the stiffener flange laminate.
fplyts : list, optional
Thicknesses for each stiffener flange ply.
fplyt : float, optional
Unique thickness for all stiffener flange plies.
flaminaprops : list, optional
Lamina properties for each stiffener flange ply.
flaminaprop : float, optional
Unique lamina properties for all stiffener flange plies.
s : :class:`.BladeStiff1D` object
Additional parameters can be passed using the ``kwargs``.
if mu is None:
mu =
if bstack is None and fstack is None:
raise ValueError('bstack or fstack must be defined!')
if bstack is not None:
if bplyts is None:
if bplyt is None:
raise ValueError('bplyts or bplyt must be defined!')
bplyts = [bplyt for _ in bstack]
if blaminaprops is None:
if blaminaprop is None:
raise ValueError('blaminaprops or blaminaprop must be defined!')
blaminaprops = [blaminaprop for _ in bstack]
if fstack is not None:
if fplyts is None:
if fplyt is None:
raise ValueError('fplyts or fplyt must be defined!')
fplyts = [fplyt for _ in fstack]
if flaminaprops is None:
if flaminaprop is None:
raise ValueError('flaminaprops or flaminaprop must be defined!')
flaminaprops = [flaminaprop for _ in fstack]
if len(self.panels) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('The panels must be added before the stiffeners')
# finding panel1 and panel2
panel1 = None
panel2 = None
for p in self.panels:
if p.y2 == ys:
panel1 = p
if p.y1 == ys:
panel2 = p
if np.isclose(ys, 0):
if np.isclose(p.y1, ys):
panel1 = panel2 = p
if np.isclose(ys, self.b):
if np.isclose(p.y2, ys):
panel1 = panel2 = p
if panel1 is None or panel2 is None:
raise RuntimeError('panel1 and panel2 could not be found!')
s = BladeStiff1D(bay=self, mu=mu, panel1=panel1, panel2=panel2, ys=ys,
bb=bb, bf=bf, bstack=bstack, bplyts=bplyts,
blaminaprops=blaminaprops, fstack=fstack, fplyts=fplyts,
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(s, k, v)
return s
def add_bladestiff2d(self, ys, mu=None, bb=None, bstack=None,
bplyts=None, bplyt=None, blaminaprops=None, blaminaprop=None,
bf=None, fstack=None, fplyts=None, fplyt=None, flaminaprops=None,
flaminaprop=None, mf=14, nf=11, **kwargs):
r"""Add a new BladeStiff2D to the current panel bay
ys : float
Stiffener position.
mu : float, optional
Stiffener's material density. If not given the bay density will be
bb : float, optional
Stiffener base width.
bstack : list, optional
Stacking sequence for the stiffener base laminate.
bplyts : list, optional
Thicknesses for each stiffener base ply.
bplyt : float, optional
Unique thickness for all stiffener base plies.
blaminaprops : list, optional
Lamina properties for each stiffener base ply.
blaminaprop : float, optional
Unique lamina properties for all stiffener base plies.
bf : float
Stiffener flange width.
fstack : list, optional
Stacking sequence for the stiffener flange laminate.
fplyts : list, optional
Thicknesses for each stiffener flange ply.
fplyt : float, optional
Unique thickness for all stiffener flange plies.
flaminaprops : list, optional
Lamina properties for each stiffener flange ply.
flaminaprop : float, optional
Unique lamina properties for all stiffener flange plies.
mf : int, optional
Number of approximation terms for flange, along `x`.
nf : int, optional
Number of approximation terms for flange, along `y`.
s : :class:`.BladeStiff2D` object
Additional parameters can be passed using the ``kwargs``.
if mu is None:
mu =
if bstack is None and fstack is None:
raise ValueError('bstack or fstack must be defined!')
if bstack is not None:
if bplyts is None:
if bplyt is None:
raise ValueError('bplyts or bplyt must be defined!')
bplyts = [bplyt for _ in bstack]
if blaminaprops is None:
if blaminaprop is None:
raise ValueError('blaminaprops or blaminaprop must be defined!')
blaminaprops = [blaminaprop for _ in bstack]
if fstack is not None:
if fplyts is None:
if fplyt is None:
raise ValueError('fplyts or fplyt must be defined!')
fplyts = [fplyt for _ in fstack]
if flaminaprops is None:
if flaminaprop is None:
raise ValueError('flaminaprops or flaminaprop must be defined!')
flaminaprops = [flaminaprop for _ in fstack]
if len(self.panels) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('The panels must be added before the stiffeners')
# finding panel1 and panel2
panel1 = None
panel2 = None
for p in self.panels:
if p.y2 == ys:
panel1 = p
if p.y1 == ys:
panel2 = p
if np.isclose(ys, 0):
if np.isclose(p.y1, ys):
panel1 = panel2 = p
if np.isclose(ys, self.b):
if np.isclose(p.y2, ys):
panel1 = panel2 = p
if panel1 is None or panel2 is None:
raise RuntimeError('panel1 and panel2 could not be found!')
s = BladeStiff2D(bay=self, mu=mu, panel1=panel1, panel2=panel2, ys=ys,
bb=bb, bf=bf, bstack=bstack, bplyts=bplyts,
blaminaprops=blaminaprops, fstack=fstack, fplyts=fplyts,
flaminaprops=flaminaprops, mf=mf, nf=nf)
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(s, k, v)
return s
def add_tstiff2d(self, ys, mu=None, bb=None, bstack=None,
bplyts=None, bplyt=None, blaminaprops=None, blaminaprop=None,
bf=None, fstack=None, fplyts=None, fplyt=None, flaminaprops=None,
flaminaprop=None, mb=12, nb=13, mf=11, nf=12, Nxxf=0., **kwargs):
r"""Add a new TStiff2D to the current panel bay
ys : float
Stiffener position.
mu : float, optional
Stiffener's material density. If not given the bay density will be
bb : float, optional
Stiffener base width.
bstack : list, optional
Stacking sequence for the stiffener base laminate.
bplyts : list, optional
Thicknesses for each stiffener base ply.
bplyt : float, optional
Unique thickness for all stiffener base plies.
blaminaprops : list, optional
Lamina properties for each stiffener base ply.
blaminaprop : float, optional
Unique lamina properties for all stiffener base plies.
bf : float
Stiffener flange width.
fstack : list, optional
Stacking sequence for the stiffener flange laminate.
fplyts : list, optional
Thicknesses for each stiffener flange ply.
fplyt : float, optional
Unique thickness for all stiffener flange plies.
flaminaprops : list, optional
Lamina properties for each stiffener flange ply.
flaminaprop : float, optional
Unique lamina properties for all stiffener flange plies.
mb : int, optional
Number of approximation terms for base, along `x`.
nb : int, optional
Number of approximation terms for base, along `y`.
mf : int, optional
Number of approximation terms for flange, along `x`.
nf : int, optional
Number of approximation terms for flange, along `y`.
s : :class:`.TStiff2D` object
Additional parameters can be passed using the ``kwargs``.
if mu is None:
mu =
if bstack is None or fstack is None:
raise ValueError('bstack and fstack must be defined!')
if bplyts is None:
if bplyt is None:
raise ValueError('bplyts or bplyt must be defined!')
bplyts = [bplyt for _ in bstack]
if blaminaprops is None:
if blaminaprop is None:
raise ValueError('blaminaprops or blaminaprop must be defined!')
blaminaprops = [blaminaprop for _ in bstack]
if fplyts is None:
if fplyt is None:
raise ValueError('fplyts or fplyt must be defined!')
fplyts = [fplyt for _ in fstack]
if flaminaprops is None:
if flaminaprop is None:
raise ValueError('flaminaprops or flaminaprop must be defined!')
flaminaprops = [flaminaprop for _ in fstack]
if len(self.panels) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('The panels must be added before the stiffeners')
# finding panel1 and panel2
panel1 = None
panel2 = None
for p in self.panels:
if p.y2 == ys:
panel1 = p
if p.y1 == ys:
panel2 = p
if np.isclose(ys, 0):
if np.isclose(p.y1, ys):
panel1 = panel2 = p
if np.isclose(ys, self.b):
if np.isclose(p.y2, ys):
panel1 = panel2 = p
if panel1 is None or panel2 is None:
raise RuntimeError('panel1 and panel2 could not be found!')
s = TStiff2D(bay=self, mu=mu, panel1=panel1, panel2=panel2, ys=ys,
bb=bb, bf=bf, bstack=bstack, bplyts=bplyts,
blaminaprops=blaminaprops, fstack=fstack, fplyts=fplyts,
flaminaprops=flaminaprops, mb=mb, nb=nb, mf=mf, nf=nf)
s.flange.Nxx = Nxxf
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(s, k, v)
return s
def add_panel(self, y1, y2, stack=None, plyts=None, plyt=None,
laminaprops=None, laminaprop=None, model=None, mu=None, **kwargs):
r"""Add a new panel to the current panel bay
y1 : float
Position of the first panel edge along `y`.
y2 : float
Position of the second panel edge along `y`.
stack : list, optional
Panel stacking sequence. If not given the stacking sequence of the
bay will be used.
plyts : list, optional
Thicknesses for each panel ply. If not supplied the bay ``plyts``
attribute will be used.
plyt : float, optional
Unique thickness to be used for all panel plies. If not supplied
the bay ``plyt`` attribute will be used.
laminaprops : list, optional
Lamina properties for each panel ply.
laminaprop : list, optional
Unique lamina properties for all panel plies.
model : str, optional
Not recommended to pass this parameter, but the user can use a
different model for each panel. It is recommended to defined
``model`` for the bay object.
mu : float, optional
Panel material density. If not given the bay density will be used.
Additional parameters can be passed using the ``kwargs``.
p = Panel(a=self.a, b=self.b, m=self.m, n=self.n, r=self.r,
alphadeg=self.alphadeg, y1=y1, y2=y2,
u1tx=self.u1tx, u1rx=self.u1rx, u2tx=self.u2tx, u2rx=self.u2rx,
v1tx=self.v1tx, v1rx=self.v1rx, v2tx=self.v2tx, v2rx=self.v2rx,
w1tx=self.w1tx, w1rx=self.w1rx, w2tx=self.w2tx, w2rx=self.w2rx,
u1ty=self.u1ty, u1ry=self.u1ry, u2ty=self.u2ty, u2ry=self.u2ry,
v1ty=self.v1ty, v1ry=self.v1ry, v2ty=self.v2ty, v2ry=self.v2ry,
w1ty=self.w1ty, w1ry=self.w1ry, w2ty=self.w2ty, w2ry=self.w2ry)
p.model = model if model is not None else self.model
p.stack = stack if stack is not None else self.stack
p.plyt = plyt if plyt is not None else self.plyt
p.plyts = plyts if plyts is not None else self.plyts
p.laminaprop = laminaprop if laminaprop is not None else self.laminaprop
p.laminaprops = laminaprops if laminaprops is not None else self.laminaprops = mu if mu is not None else
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(p, k, v)
return p
def calc_k0(self, silent=False):
msg('Calculating k0... ', level=2, silent=silent)
size = self.get_size()
k0 = 0.
for p in self.panels:
p.calc_k0(size=size, row0=0, col0=0, silent=True,
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
k0 += p.k0
for s in self.bladestiff1ds:
s.calc_k0(size=size, row0=0, col0=0, silent=True,
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
k0 += s.k0
num = panelmDB.db[self.model]['num']
m = self.m
n = self.n
row0 = num*m*n
col0 = num*m*n
for i, s in enumerate(self.bladestiff2ds):
if i > 0:
s_1 = self.bladestiff2ds[i-1]
s.calc_k0(size=size, row0=row0, col0=col0, silent=True,
if s.flange is not None:
row0 += s.flange.get_size()
col0 += s.flange.get_size()
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
k0 += s.k0
for i, s in enumerate(self.tstiff2ds):
if i > 0:
s_1 = self.tstiff2ds[i-1]
s.calc_k0(size=size, row0=row0, col0=col0, silent=True,
row0 += s.base.get_size() + s.flange.get_size()
col0 += s.base.get_size() + s.flange.get_size()
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
k0 += s.k0
k0 = finalize_symmetric_matrix(k0)
self.k0 = k0
#NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory
# it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not
# identified, probably in the csr_matrix process
msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
return k0
def calc_kG0(self, silent=False, c=None):
msg('Calculating kG0... ', level=2, silent=silent)
size = self.get_size()
kG0 = 0.
for p in self.panels:
p.calc_kG0(size=size, row0=0, col0=0, silent=True,
finalize=False, c=c)
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
kG0 += p.kG0
for s in self.bladestiff1ds:
s.calc_kG0(size=size, row0=0, col0=0, silent=True,
finalize=False, c=c)
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
kG0 += s.kG0
num = panelmDB.db[self.model]['num']
m = self.m
n = self.n
row0 = num*m*n
col0 = num*m*n
for i, s in enumerate(self.bladestiff2ds):
if i > 0:
s_1 = self.bladestiff2ds[i-1]
s.calc_kG0(size=size, row0=row0, col0=col0, silent=True,
finalize=False, c=c)
if s.flange is not None:
row0 += s.flange.get_size()
col0 += s.flange.get_size()
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
kG0 += s.kG0
for i, s in enumerate(self.tstiff2ds):
if i > 0:
s_1 = self.tstiff2ds[i-1]
s.calc_kG0(size=size, row0=row0, col0=col0, silent=True,
finalize=False, c=c)
row0 += s.base.get_size() + s.flange.get_size()
col0 += s.base.get_size() + s.flange.get_size()
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
kG0 += s.kG0
kG0 = finalize_symmetric_matrix(kG0)
self.kG0 = kG0
#NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory
# it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not
# identified, probably in the csr_matrix process
msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
return kG0
def calc_kM(self, silent=False):
msg('Calculating kM... ', level=2, silent=silent)
size = self.get_size()
kM = 0.
for p in self.panels:
p.calc_kM(size=size, row0=0, col0=0, silent=True,
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
kM += p.kM
for s in self.bladestiff1ds:
s.calc_kM(size=size, row0=0, col0=0, silent=True,
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
kM += s.kM
num = panelmDB.db[self.model]['num']
m = self.m
n = self.n
row0 = num*m*n
col0 = num*m*n
for i, s in enumerate(self.bladestiff2ds):
if i > 0:
s_1 = self.bladestiff2ds[i-1]
s.calc_kM(size=size, row0=row0, col0=col0, silent=True,
if s.flange is not None:
row0 += s.flange.get_size()
col0 += s.flange.get_size()
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
kM += s.kM
for i, s in enumerate(self.tstiff2ds):
if i > 0:
s_1 = self.tstiff2ds[i-1]
s.calc_kM(size=size, row0=row0, col0=col0, silent=True,
row0 += s.base.get_size() + s.flange.get_size()
col0 += s.base.get_size() + s.flange.get_size()
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
kM += s.kM
kM = finalize_symmetric_matrix(kM)
self.kM = kM
#NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory
# it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not
# identified, probably in the csr_matrix process
msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
return kM
def calc_kA(self, silent=False):
msg('Calculating kA... ', level=2, silent=silent)
a = self.a
b = self.b
r = self.r if self.r is not None else 0.
m = self.m
n = self.n
if self.beta is None:
if self.Mach < 1:
raise ValueError('Mach number must be >= 1')
elif self.Mach == 1:
self.Mach = 1.0001
Mach = self.Mach
beta = self.rho_air * self.V**2 / (Mach**2 - 1)**0.5
if r != 0.:
gamma = beta*1./(2.*self.r*(Mach**2 - 1)**0.5)
gamma = 0.
ainf = self.speed_sound
aeromu = beta/(Mach*ainf)*(Mach**2 - 2)/(Mach**2 - 1)
beta = self.beta
gamma = self.gamma if self.gamma is not None else 0.
aeromu = self.aeromu if self.aeromu is not None else 0.
# contributions from panels
#TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
#FIXME this only works if the first panel represent the full
# stiffpanelbay domain (mainly integration interval, boundary
# conditions)
p = self.panels[0]
#FIXME the initialization below looks terrible
# we should move as quick as possible to the strategy of using
# classes more to carry data, avoiding these intrincated methods
# shared among classes... (calc_k0, calc_kG0 etc)
p.flow = self.flow
p.Mach = self.Mach
p.rho_air = self.rho_air
p.speed_sound = self.speed_sound
p.size = self.size
p.V = self.V
p.r = self.r
p.calc_kA(silent=True, finalize=False)
kA = p.kA
assert np.any(np.isnan( == False
assert np.any(np.isinf( == False
kA = csr_matrix(make_skew_symmetric(kA))
self.kA = kA
#NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory
# it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not
# identified, probably in the csr_matrix process
msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
return kA
def calc_cA(self, silent=False):
msg('Calculating cA... ', level=2, silent=silent)
a = self.a
b = self.b
r = self.r
m = self.m
n = self.n
size = self.get_size()
if self.beta is None:
if self.Mach < 1:
raise ValueError('Mach number must be >= 1')
elif self.Mach == 1:
self.Mach = 1.0001
Mach = self.Mach
beta = self.rho_air * self.V**2 / (Mach**2 - 1)**0.5
gamma = beta*1./(2.*self.r*(Mach**2 - 1)**0.5)
ainf = self.speed_sound
aeromu = beta/(Mach*ainf)*(Mach**2 - 2)/(Mach**2 - 1)
beta = self.beta
gamma = self.gamma if self.gamma is not None else 0.
aeromu = self.aeromu if self.aeromu is not None else 0.
# contributions from panels
p = self.panels[0]
p.calc_cA(size=size, row0=0, col0=0, silent=silent)
cA = p.cA
cA = finalize_symmetric_matrix(cA)
self.cA = cA
#NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory
# it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not
# identified, probably in the csr_matrix process
msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
return cA
def uvw_skin(self, c, xs=None, ys=None, gridx=300, gridy=300):
r"""Calculate the displacement field
For a given full set of Ritz constants ``c``, the displacement
field is calculated and stored in the parameters
``u``, ``v``, ``w``, ``phix``, ``phiy`` of the
:class:`.StiffPanelBay` object.
c : float
The full set of Ritz constants
xs : np.ndarray
The `x` positions where to calculate the displacement field.
Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used.
ys : np.ndarray
The ``y`` positions where to calculate the displacement field.
Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used.
gridx : int
Number of points along the `x` axis where to calculate the
displacement field.
gridy : int
Number of points along the `y` where to calculate the
displacement field.
out : tuple
A tuple of ``np.ndarrays`` containing
``(u, v, w, phix, phiy)``.
The returned values ``u```, ``v``, ``w``, ``phix``, ``phiy`` are
stored as parameters with the same name in the
:class:`.StiffPanelBay` object.
c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE)
m = self.m
n = self.n
a = self.a
b = self.b
if xs is None or ys is None:
xs, ys, xshape, yshape = self._default_field(xs, a, ys, b, gridx, gridy)
xshape = xs.shape
if c.shape[0] == self.get_size():
num = panelmDB.db[self.model]['num']
c = c[:num*self.m*self.n]
raise ValueError('c must be the full vector of Ritz constants')
fuvw = panelmDB.db[self.model]['field'].fuvw
us, vs, ws, phixs, phiys = fuvw(c, self, xs, ys, self.out_num_cores)
self.u = reshape(us, xshape)
self.v = reshape(vs, xshape)
self.w = reshape(ws, xshape)
self.phix = reshape(phixs, xshape)
self.phiy = reshape(phiys, xshape)
return self.u, self.v, self.w, self.phix, self.phiy
def uvw_stiffener(self, c, si, region='flange', xs=None, ys=None,
gridx=300, gridy=300):
r"""Calculate the displacement field on a stiffener
For a given full set of Ritz constants ``c``, the displacement
field is calculated and stored in the parameters
``u``, ``v``, ``w``, ``phix``, ``phiy`` of the
:class:`StiffPanelBay` object.
c : float
The full set of Ritz constants
si : int
Stiffener index.
region : str, optional
Stiffener region ('base', 'flange' etc).
xs : np.ndarray
The `x` positions where to calculate the displacement field.
Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used.
ys : np.ndarray
The ``y`` positions where to calculate the displacement field.
Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used.
gridx : int
Number of points along the `x` axis where to calculate the
displacement field.
gridy : int
Number of points along the `y` where to calculate the
displacement field.
out : tuple
A tuple of ``np.ndarrays`` containing
``(u, v, w, phix, phiy)``.
The returned values ``u```, ``v``, ``w``, ``phix``, ``phiy`` are
stored as parameters with the same name in the
:class:`StiffPanelBay` object.
c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE)
stiff = self.stiffeners[si]
if isinstance(stiff, BladeStiff1D):
raise RuntimeError('Use plot_skin for BladeStiff1D')
if region.lower() == 'base' and isinstance(stiff, BladeStiff2D):
#TODO why this case isn't working?
raise RuntimeError('Use plot_skin for the base of BladeStiff2D')
num = panelmDB.db[self.model]['num']
row_init = num*self.m*self.n
# getting array position
for i, s in enumerate(self.stiffeners):
if i > 0:
s_1 = self.stiffeners[i-1]
if isinstance(s, BladeStiff2D):
row_init += s_1.get_size()
elif isinstance(s, TStiff2D):
row_init += s_1.base.get_size() + s_1.flange.get_size()
if i == si:
if region.lower() == 'base':
bstiff = stiff.base.b
if isinstance(stiff, TStiff2D):
row_init = row_init
row_final = row_init + s.base.get_size()
elif region.lower() == 'flange':
bstiff = stiff.flange.b
if isinstance(stiff, TStiff2D):
row_init += s.base.get_size()
row_final = row_init + s.flange.get_size()
elif isinstance(s, BladeStiff2D):
row_final = row_init + s.flange.get_size()
raise ValueError('Invalid region')
if c.shape[0] == self.get_size():
c = c[row_init: row_final]
raise ValueError('c must be the full vector of Ritz constants')
if xs is None or ys is None:
xs, ys, xshape, yshape = self._default_field(xs, self.a, ys, bstiff, gridx, gridy)
xshape = xs.shape
if region.lower() == 'flange':
fuvw = panelmDB.db[s.flange.model]['field'].fuvw
us, vs, ws, phixs, phiys = fuvw(c, s.flange, xs, ys, self.out_num_cores)
elif region.lower() == 'base':
fuvw = panelmDB.db[s.base.model]['field'].fuvw
us, vs, ws, phixs, phiys = fuvw(c, s.base, xs, ys, self.out_num_cores)
self.u = reshape(us, xshape)
self.v = reshape(vs, xshape)
self.w = reshape(ws, xshape)
self.phix = reshape(phixs, xshape)
self.phiy = reshape(phiys, xshape)
return self.u, self.v, self.w, self.phix, self.phiy
def plot_skin(self, c, invert_y=False, plot_type=1, vec='w',
deform_u=False, deform_u_sf=100., filename='', ax=None,
figsize=(3.5, 2.), save=True, title='', colorbar=False,
cbar_nticks=2, cbar_format=None, cbar_title='', cbar_fontsize=10,
aspect='equal', clean=True, dpi=400, texts=[], xs=None, ys=None,
gridx=300, gridy=300, num_levels=400, vecmin=None, vecmax=None,
r"""Contour plot for a Ritz constants vector.
c : np.ndarray
The Ritz constants that will be used to compute the field contour.
vec : str, optional
Can be one of the components:
- Displacement: ``'u'``, ``'v'``, ``'w'``, ``'phix'``, ``'phiy'``
- Strain: ``'exx'``, ``'eyy'``, ``'gxy'``, ``'kxx'``, ``'kyy'``,
``'kxy'``, ``'gyz'``, ``'gxz'``
- Stress: ``'Nxx'``, ``'Nyy'``, ``'Nxy'``, ``'Mxx'``, ``'Myy'``,
``'Mxy'``, ``'Qy'``, ``'Qx'``
deform_u : bool, optional
If ``True`` the contour plot will look deformed.
deform_u_sf : float, optional
The scaling factor used to deform the contour.
invert_y : bool, optional
Inverts the `y` axis of the plot. It may be used to match
the coordinate system of the finite element models created
using the ``desicos.abaqus`` module.
plot_type : int, optional
For cylinders only ``4`` and ``5`` are valid.
For cones all the following types can be used:
- ``1``: concave up (with ``invert_y=False``) (default)
- ``2``: concave down (with ``invert_y=False``)
- ``3``: stretched closed
- ``4``: stretched opened (`r \times y` vs. `a`)
- ``5``: stretched opened (`y` vs. `a`)
save : bool, optional
Flag telling whether the contour should be saved to an image file.
dpi : int, optional
Resolution of the saved file in dots per inch.
filename : str, optional
The file name for the generated image file. If no value is given,
the `name` parameter of the :class:`StiffPanelBay` object
will be used.
ax : AxesSubplot, optional
When ``ax`` is given, the contour plot will be created inside it.
figsize : tuple, optional
The figure size given by ``(width, height)``.
title : str, optional
If any string is given it is added as title to the contour plot.
colorbar : bool, optional
If a colorbar should be added to the contour plot.
cbar_nticks : int, optional
Number of ticks added to the colorbar.
cbar_format : [ None | format string | Formatter object ], optional
See the ``matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`` documentation.
cbar_fontsize : int, optional
Fontsize of the colorbar labels.
cbar_title : str, optional
Colorbar title. If ``cbar_title == ''`` no title is added.
aspect : str, optional
String that will be passed to the ``AxesSubplot.set_aspect()``
clean : bool, optional
Clean axes ticks, grids, spines etc.
xs : np.ndarray, optional
The `x` positions where to calculate the displacement field.
Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used.
ys : np.ndarray, optional
The ``y`` positions where to calculate the displacement field.
Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used.
gridx : int, optional
Number of points along the `x` axis where to calculate the
displacement field.
gridy : int, optional
Number of points along the `y` where to calculate the
displacement field.
num_levels : int, optional
Number of contour levels (higher values make the contour smoother).
vecmin : float, optional
Minimum value for the contour scale (useful to compare with other
results). If not specified it will be taken from the calculated
vecmax : float, optional
Maximum value for the contour scale.
silent : bool, optional
A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
The Matplotlib object that can be used to modify the current plot
if needed.
msg('Plotting contour...', silent=silent)
ubkp, vbkp, wbkp, phixbkp, phiybkp = (self.u, self.v, self.w,
self.phix, self.phiy)
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
msg('Computing field variables...', level=1, silent=silent)
displs = ['u', 'v', 'w', 'phix', 'phiy']
if vec in displs:
self.uvw_skin(c, xs=xs, ys=ys, gridx=gridx, gridy=gridy)
field = getattr(self, vec)
raise ValueError(
'{0} is not a valid vec parameter value!'.format(vec))
msg('Finished!', level=1, silent=silent)
Xs = self.Xs
Ys = self.Ys
if vecmin is None:
vecmin = field.min()
if vecmax is None:
vecmax = field.max()
levels = linspace(vecmin, vecmax, num_levels)
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes):
ax = ax
fig = ax.figure
save = False
raise ValueError('ax must be an Axes object')
x = Ys
y = Xs
if deform_u:
if vec in displs:
self.uvw_skin(c, xs=xs, ys=ys, gridx=gridx, gridy=gridy)
field_u = self.u
field_v = self.v
y -= deform_u_sf*field_u
x += deform_u_sf*field_v
contour = ax.contourf(x, y, field, levels=levels)
if colorbar:
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
fsize = cbar_fontsize
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
cbarticks = linspace(vecmin, vecmax, cbar_nticks)
cbar = plt.colorbar(contour, ticks=cbarticks, format=cbar_format,
if cbar_title:
cax.text(0.5, 1.05, cbar_title, horizontalalignment='center',
verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=fsize)
except NotImplementedError:
pass, pad=0., tick2On=False)
if invert_y == True:
if title != '':
if clean:
for kwargs in texts:
ax.text(transform=ax.transAxes, **kwargs)
if save:
if not filename:
filename = 'test.png'
fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True,
bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05, dpi=dpi)
if ubkp is not None:
self.u = ubkp
if vbkp is not None:
self.v = vbkp
if wbkp is not None:
self.w = wbkp
if phixbkp is not None:
self.phix = phixbkp
if phiybkp is not None:
self.phiy = phiybkp
msg('finished!', silent=silent)
return ax
def plot_stiffener(self, c, si, region='flange', invert_y=False,
plot_type=1, vec='w', deform_u=False, deform_u_sf=100.,
filename='', ax=None, figsize=(3.5, 2.), save=True, title='',
colorbar=False, cbar_nticks=2, cbar_format=None, cbar_title='',
cbar_fontsize=10, aspect='equal', clean=True, dpi=400, texts=[],
xs=None, ys=None, gridx=300, gridy=300, num_levels=400,
vecmin=None, vecmax=None, silent=False):
r"""Contour plot for a Ritz constants vector.
c : np.ndarray
The Ritz constants that will be used to compute the field contour.
si : int
Stiffener index.
region : str, optional
Stiffener region ('base', 'flange' etc).
vec : str, optional
Can be one of the components:
- Displacement: ``'u'``, ``'v'``, ``'w'``, ``'phix'``, ``'phiy'``
- Strain: ``'exx'``, ``'eyy'``, ``'gxy'``, ``'kxx'``, ``'kyy'``,
``'kxy'``, ``'gyz'``, ``'gxz'``
- Stress: ``'Nxx'``, ``'Nyy'``, ``'Nxy'``, ``'Mxx'``, ``'Myy'``,
``'Mxy'``, ``'Qy'``, ``'Qx'``
deform_u : bool, optional
If ``True`` the contour plot will look deformed.
deform_u_sf : float, optional
The scaling factor used to deform the contour.
invert_y : bool, optional
Inverts the `y` axis of the plot. It may be used to match
the coordinate system of the finite element models created
using the ``desicos.abaqus`` module.
plot_type : int, optional
For cylinders only ``4`` and ``5`` are valid.
For cones all the following types can be used:
- ``1``: concave up (with ``invert_y=False``) (default)
- ``2``: concave down (with ``invert_y=False``)
- ``3``: stretched closed
- ``4``: stretched opened (`r \times y` vs. `a`)
- ``5``: stretched opened (`y` vs. `a`)
save : bool, optional
Flag telling whether the contour should be saved to an image file.
dpi : int, optional
Resolution of the saved file in dots per inch.
filename : str, optional
The file name for the generated image file. If no value is given,
the `name` parameter of the :class:`StiffPanelBay` object
will be used.
ax : AxesSubplot, optional
When ``ax`` is given, the contour plot will be created inside it.
figsize : tuple, optional
The figure size given by ``(width, height)``.
title : str, optional
If any string is given it is added as title to the contour plot.
colorbar : bool, optional
If a colorbar should be added to the contour plot.
cbar_nticks : int, optional
Number of ticks added to the colorbar.
cbar_format : [ None | format string | Formatter object ], optional
See the ``matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`` documentation.
cbar_fontsize : int, optional
Fontsize of the colorbar labels.
cbar_title : str, optional
Colorbar title. If ``cbar_title == ''`` no title is added.
aspect : str, optional
String that will be passed to the ``AxesSubplot.set_aspect()``
clean : bool, optional
Clean axes ticks, grids, spines etc.
xs : np.ndarray, optional
The `x` positions where to calculate the displacement field.
Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used.
ys : np.ndarray, optional
The ``y`` positions where to calculate the displacement field.
Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used.
gridx : int, optional
Number of points along the `x` axis where to calculate the
displacement field.
gridy : int, optional
Number of points along the `y` where to calculate the
displacement field.
num_levels : int, optional
Number of contour levels (higher values make the contour smoother).
vecmin : float, optional
Minimum value for the contour scale (useful to compare with other
results). If not specified it will be taken from the calculated
vecmax : float, optional
Maximum value for the contour scale.
silent : bool, optional
A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
The Matplotlib object that can be used to modify the current plot
if needed.
msg('Plotting contour...', silent=silent)
ubkp, vbkp, wbkp, phixbkp, phiybkp = (self.u, self.v, self.w,
self.phix, self.phiy)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
msg('Computing field variables...', level=1, silent=silent)
displs = ['u', 'v', 'w', 'phix', 'phiy']
if vec in displs:
self.uvw_stiffener(c, si=si, region=region, xs=xs, ys=ys,
gridx=gridx, gridy=gridy)
field = getattr(self, vec)
raise ValueError(
'{0} is not a valid vec parameter value!'.format(vec))
msg('Finished!', level=1, silent=silent)
Xs = self.Xs
Ys = self.Ys
if vecmin is None:
vecmin = field.min()
if vecmax is None:
vecmax = field.max()
levels = linspace(vecmin, vecmax, num_levels)
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes):
ax = ax
fig = ax.figure
save = False
raise ValueError('ax must be an Axes object')
x = Ys
y = Xs
if deform_u:
if vec in displs:
self.uvw_stiffener(c, si=si, region=region, xs=xs, ys=ys,
gridx=gridx, gridy=gridy)
field_u = self.u
field_v = self.v
y -= deform_u_sf*field_u
x += deform_u_sf*field_v
contour = ax.contourf(x, y, field, levels=levels)
if colorbar:
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
fsize = cbar_fontsize
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
cbarticks = linspace(vecmin, vecmax, cbar_nticks)
cbar = plt.colorbar(contour, ticks=cbarticks, format=cbar_format,
if cbar_title:
cax.text(0.5, 1.05, cbar_title, horizontalalignment='center',
verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=fsize)
except NotImplementedError:
pass, pad=0., tick2On=False)
if invert_y == True:
if title != '':
if clean:
for kwargs in texts:
ax.text(transform=ax.transAxes, **kwargs)
if save:
if not filename:
filename = 'test.png'
fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True,
bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05, dpi=dpi)
if ubkp is not None:
self.u = ubkp
if vbkp is not None:
self.v = vbkp
if wbkp is not None:
self.w = wbkp
if phixbkp is not None:
self.phix = phixbkp
if phiybkp is not None:
self.phiy = phiybkp
msg('finished!', silent=silent)
return ax
def save(self):
r"""Save the :class:`StiffPanelBay` object using ``pickle``
The pickled file will have the name stored in
:property:`` followed by a
``'.StiffPanelBay'`` extension.
name = + '.StiffPanelBay'
msg('Saving StiffPanelBay to {0}'.format(name))
with open(name, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def calc_fext(self, silent=False):
r"""Calculates the external force vector `\{F_{ext}\}`
silent : bool, optional
A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed.
fext : np.ndarray
The external force vector
msg('Calculating external forces...', level=2, silent=silent)
num = panelmDB.db[self.model]['num']
fg = panelmDB.db[self.model]['field'].fg
# punctual forces on skin
size = num*self.m*self.n
g = np.zeros((3, size), dtype=DOUBLE)
fext_skin = np.zeros(size, dtype=DOUBLE)
for i, force in enumerate(self.forces_skin):
x, y, fx, fy, fz = force
fg(g, x, y, self)
fpt = np.array([[fx, fy, fz]])
fext_skin +=
fext = fext_skin
# punctual forces on bladestiff2ds
# flange
for s in self.bladestiff2ds:
fg_flange = panelmDB.db[s.flange.model]['field'].fg
size = s.flange.get_size()
g_flange = np.zeros((3, size), dtype=DOUBLE)
fext_stiffener = np.zeros(size, dtype=DOUBLE)
for i, force in enumerate(s.flange.forces):
xf, yf, fx, fy, fz = force
fg_flange(g_flange, xf, yf, s.flange)
fpt = np.array([[fx, fy, fz]])
fext_stiffener +=
fext = np.concatenate((fext, fext_stiffener))
# punctual forces on tstiff2ds
for s in self.tstiff2ds:
# base
size = s.base.get_size()
g_base = np.zeros((3, size), dtype=DOUBLE)
fext_base = np.zeros(size, dtype=DOUBLE)
fg_base = panelmDB.db[s.base.model]['field'].fg
for i, force in enumerate(s.base.forces):
xb, yb, fx, fy, fz = force
fg_base(g_base, xb, yb, s.base)
fpt = np.array([[fx, fy, fz]])
fext_base +=
# flange
size = s.flange.get_size()
g_flange = np.zeros((3, size), dtype=DOUBLE)
fext_flange = np.zeros(size, dtype=DOUBLE)
fg_flange = panelmDB.db[s.flange.model]['field'].fg
for i, force in enumerate(s.flange.forces):
xf, yf, fx, fy, fz = force
fg_flange(g_flange, xf, yf, s.flange)
fpt = np.array([[fx, fy, fz]])
fext_flange +=
fext = np.concatenate((fext, fext_base, fext_flange))
msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
return fext