Source code for compmech.panel.assembly.tstiff2d_1stiff_freq

from __future__ import division, absolute_import

from compmech.panel import Panel
from compmech.panel.assembly import PanelAssembly
from compmech.analysis import freq

[docs] def tstiff2d_1stiff_freq(a, b, ys, bb, bf, defect_a, mu, plyt, laminaprop, stack_skin, stack_base, stack_flange, r=None, m=8, n=8, mb=None, nb=None, mf=None, nf=None): r"""Frequency T-Stiffened Panel with possible defect at middle For more details about each parameter and the aerodynamic formulation see Ref. [castro2016FlutterPanel]_ . For more details about the theory involved on the assembly of panels, see [castro2017AssemblyModels]_. The panel assembly looks like:: skin _________ _____ _________ | | | | | | | | | p01 | p02 | p03 | | | | | |_________|_____|_________| | p04 | p05 | p06 | |_________|_____|_________| | | | | | | | | | p07 | p08 | p09 | | | | | | | | | |_________|_____|_________| base flange _____ _____ | | | | | | | | | p10 | | p11 | | | | | |_____| |_____| | p12 | | p13 | |_____| |_____| | | | | | | | | | p14 | | p15 | | | | | | | | | |_____| |_____| Parameters ---------- a : float Total length of the assembly (along `x`). b : float Total width of the assembly (along `y`). ys : float Position of the stiffener along `y`. bb : float Stiffener's base width. bf : float Stiffener's flange width. defect_a : float Debonding defect/assembly length ratio. mu : float Material density. plyt : float Ply thickness. laminaprop : list or tuple Orthotropic lamina properties: `E_1, E_2, \nu_{12}, G_{12}, G_{13}, G_{23}`. stack_skin : list or tuple Stacking sequence for the skin. stack_base : list or tuple Stacking sequence for the stiffener's base. stack_flange : list or tuple Stacking sequence for the stiffener's flange. r : float or None, optional Radius of the stiffened panel. m, n : int, optional Number of terms of the approximation function for the skin. mb, nb : int, optional Number of terms of the approximation function for the stiffener's base. mf, nf : int, optional Number of terms of the approximation function for the stiffener's flange. Examples -------- The following example is one of the test cases: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../../compmech/panel/assembly/tests/ :pyobject: test_tstiff2d_1stiff_freq """ defect = defect_a * a has_defect = True if defect > 0 else False defect = 0.33*a if defect == 0 else defect # to avoid weird domains aup = (a - defect)/2. alow = (a - defect)/2. bleft = b - ys - bb/2. bright = ys - bb/2. mb = m if mb is None else mb nb = n if nb is None else nb mf = m if mf is None else mf nf = n if nf is None else nf # skin panels p01 = Panel(group='skin', x0=alow+defect, y0=ys+bb/2., a=aup, b=bleft, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p02 = Panel(group='skin', x0=alow+defect, y0=ys-bb/2., a=aup, b=bb, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p03 = Panel(group='skin', x0=alow+defect, y0=0, a=aup, b=bright, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) # defect p04 = Panel(group='skin', x0=alow, y0=ys+bb/2., a=defect, b=bleft, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p05 = Panel(group='skin', x0=alow, y0=ys-bb/2., a=defect, b=bb, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p06 = Panel(group='skin', x0=alow, y0=0, a=defect, b=bright, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) # p07 = Panel(group='skin', x0=0, y0=ys+bb/2., a=alow, b=bleft, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p08 = Panel(group='skin', x0=0, y0=ys-bb/2., a=alow, b=bb, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p09 = Panel(group='skin', x0=0, y0=0, a=alow, b=bright, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) # stiffeners p10 = Panel(group='base', x0=alow+defect, y0=ys-bb/2., a=aup, b=bb, r=r, m=mb, n=nb, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_base, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p11 = Panel(group='flange', x0=alow+defect, y0=0, a=aup, b=bf, m=mf, n=nf, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_flange, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) # defect p12 = Panel(group='base', x0=alow, y0=ys-bb/2., a=defect, b=bb, r=r, m=mb, n=nb, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_base, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p13 = Panel(group='flange', x0=alow, y0=0, a=defect, b=bf, m=mf, n=nf, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_flange, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) # p14 = Panel(group='base', x0=0, y0=ys-bb/2., a=alow, b=bb, r=r, m=mb, n=nb, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_base, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) p15 = Panel(group='flange', x0=0, y0=0, a=alow, b=bf, m=mf, n=nf, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_flange, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu) # boundary conditions p01.u1tx = 1 ; p01.u1rx = 1 ; p01.u2tx = 0 ; p01.u2rx = 1 p01.v1tx = 1 ; p01.v1rx = 1 ; p01.v2tx = 0 ; p01.v2rx = 1 p01.w1tx = 1 ; p01.w1rx = 1 ; p01.w2tx = 0 ; p01.w2rx = 1 p01.u1ty = 1 ; p01.u1ry = 1 ; p01.u2ty = 0 ; p01.u2ry = 1 p01.v1ty = 1 ; p01.v1ry = 1 ; p01.v2ty = 0 ; p01.v2ry = 1 p01.w1ty = 1 ; p01.w1ry = 1 ; p01.w2ty = 0 ; p01.w2ry = 1 p02.u1tx = 1 ; p02.u1rx = 1 ; p02.u2tx = 0 ; p02.u2rx = 1 p02.v1tx = 1 ; p02.v1rx = 1 ; p02.v2tx = 0 ; p02.v2rx = 1 p02.w1tx = 1 ; p02.w1rx = 1 ; p02.w2tx = 0 ; p02.w2rx = 1 p02.u1ty = 1 ; p02.u1ry = 1 ; p02.u2ty = 1 ; p02.u2ry = 1 p02.v1ty = 1 ; p02.v1ry = 1 ; p02.v2ty = 1 ; p02.v2ry = 1 p02.w1ty = 1 ; p02.w1ry = 1 ; p02.w2ty = 1 ; p02.w2ry = 1 p03.u1tx = 1 ; p03.u1rx = 1 ; p03.u2tx = 0 ; p03.u2rx = 1 p03.v1tx = 1 ; p03.v1rx = 1 ; p03.v2tx = 0 ; p03.v2rx = 1 p03.w1tx = 1 ; p03.w1rx = 1 ; p03.w2tx = 0 ; p03.w2rx = 1 p03.u1ty = 0 ; p03.u1ry = 1 ; p03.u2ty = 1 ; p03.u2ry = 1 p03.v1ty = 0 ; p03.v1ry = 1 ; p03.v2ty = 1 ; p03.v2ry = 1 p03.w1ty = 0 ; p03.w1ry = 1 ; p03.w2ty = 1 ; p03.w2ry = 1 p04.u1tx = 1 ; p04.u1rx = 1 ; p04.u2tx = 1 ; p04.u2rx = 1 p04.v1tx = 1 ; p04.v1rx = 1 ; p04.v2tx = 1 ; p04.v2rx = 1 p04.w1tx = 1 ; p04.w1rx = 1 ; p04.w2tx = 1 ; p04.w2rx = 1 p04.u1ty = 1 ; p04.u1ry = 1 ; p04.u2ty = 0 ; p04.u2ry = 1 p04.v1ty = 1 ; p04.v1ry = 1 ; p04.v2ty = 0 ; p04.v2ry = 1 p04.w1ty = 1 ; p04.w1ry = 1 ; p04.w2ty = 0 ; p04.w2ry = 1 p05.u1tx = 1 ; p05.u1rx = 1 ; p05.u2tx = 1 ; p05.u2rx = 1 p05.v1tx = 1 ; p05.v1rx = 1 ; p05.v2tx = 1 ; p05.v2rx = 1 p05.w1tx = 1 ; p05.w1rx = 1 ; p05.w2tx = 1 ; p05.w2rx = 1 p05.u1ty = 1 ; p05.u1ry = 1 ; p05.u2ty = 1 ; p05.u2ry = 1 p05.v1ty = 1 ; p05.v1ry = 1 ; p05.v2ty = 1 ; p05.v2ry = 1 p05.w1ty = 1 ; p05.w1ry = 1 ; p05.w2ty = 1 ; p05.w2ry = 1 p06.u1tx = 1 ; p06.u1rx = 1 ; p06.u2tx = 1 ; p06.u2rx = 1 p06.v1tx = 1 ; p06.v1rx = 1 ; p06.v2tx = 1 ; p06.v2rx = 1 p06.w1tx = 1 ; p06.w1rx = 1 ; p06.w2tx = 1 ; p06.w2rx = 1 p06.u1ty = 0 ; p06.u1ry = 1 ; p06.u2ty = 1 ; p06.u2ry = 1 p06.v1ty = 0 ; p06.v1ry = 1 ; p06.v2ty = 1 ; p06.v2ry = 1 p06.w1ty = 0 ; p06.w1ry = 1 ; p06.w2ty = 1 ; p06.w2ry = 1 p07.u1tx = 0 ; p07.u1rx = 1 ; p07.u2tx = 1 ; p07.u2rx = 1 p07.v1tx = 0 ; p07.v1rx = 1 ; p07.v2tx = 1 ; p07.v2rx = 1 p07.w1tx = 0 ; p07.w1rx = 1 ; p07.w2tx = 1 ; p07.w2rx = 1 p07.u1ty = 1 ; p07.u1ry = 1 ; p07.u2ty = 0 ; p07.u2ry = 1 p07.v1ty = 1 ; p07.v1ry = 1 ; p07.v2ty = 0 ; p07.v2ry = 1 p07.w1ty = 1 ; p07.w1ry = 1 ; p07.w2ty = 0 ; p07.w2ry = 1 p08.u1tx = 0 ; p08.u1rx = 1 ; p08.u2tx = 1 ; p08.u2rx = 1 p08.v1tx = 0 ; p08.v1rx = 1 ; p08.v2tx = 1 ; p08.v2rx = 1 p08.w1tx = 0 ; p08.w1rx = 1 ; p08.w2tx = 1 ; p08.w2rx = 1 p08.u1ty = 1 ; p08.u1ry = 1 ; p08.u2ty = 1 ; p08.u2ry = 1 p08.v1ty = 1 ; p08.v1ry = 1 ; p08.v2ty = 1 ; p08.v2ry = 1 p08.w1ty = 1 ; p08.w1ry = 1 ; p08.w2ty = 1 ; p08.w2ry = 1 p09.u1tx = 0 ; p09.u1rx = 1 ; p09.u2tx = 1 ; p09.u2rx = 1 p09.v1tx = 0 ; p09.v1rx = 1 ; p09.v2tx = 1 ; p09.v2rx = 1 p09.w1tx = 0 ; p09.w1rx = 1 ; p09.w2tx = 1 ; p09.w2rx = 1 p09.u1ty = 0 ; p09.u1ry = 1 ; p09.u2ty = 1 ; p09.u2ry = 1 p09.v1ty = 0 ; p09.v1ry = 1 ; p09.v2ty = 1 ; p09.v2ry = 1 p09.w1ty = 0 ; p09.w1ry = 1 ; p09.w2ty = 1 ; p09.w2ry = 1 # base up p10.u1tx = 1 ; p10.u1rx = 1 ; p10.u2tx = 1 ; p10.u2rx = 1 p10.v1tx = 1 ; p10.v1rx = 1 ; p10.v2tx = 1 ; p10.v2rx = 1 p10.w1tx = 1 ; p10.w1rx = 1 ; p10.w2tx = 1 ; p10.w2rx = 1 p10.u1ty = 1 ; p10.u1ry = 1 ; p10.u2ty = 1 ; p10.u2ry = 1 p10.v1ty = 1 ; p10.v1ry = 1 ; p10.v2ty = 1 ; p10.v2ry = 1 p10.w1ty = 1 ; p10.w1ry = 1 ; p10.w2ty = 1 ; p10.w2ry = 1 # flange up p11.u1tx = 1 ; p11.u1rx = 1 ; p11.u2tx = 0 ; p11.u2rx = 1 p11.v1tx = 1 ; p11.v1rx = 1 ; p11.v2tx = 0 ; p11.v2rx = 1 p11.w1tx = 1 ; p11.w1rx = 1 ; p11.w2tx = 0 ; p11.w2rx = 1 p11.u1ty = 1 ; p11.u1ry = 1 ; p11.u2ty = 1 ; p11.u2ry = 1 p11.v1ty = 1 ; p11.v1ry = 1 ; p11.v2ty = 1 ; p11.v2ry = 1 p11.w1ty = 1 ; p11.w1ry = 1 ; p11.w2ty = 1 ; p11.w2ry = 1 # base mid p12.u1tx = 1 ; p12.u1rx = 1 ; p12.u2tx = 1 ; p12.u2rx = 1 p12.v1tx = 1 ; p12.v1rx = 1 ; p12.v2tx = 1 ; p12.v2rx = 1 p12.w1tx = 1 ; p12.w1rx = 1 ; p12.w2tx = 1 ; p12.w2rx = 1 p12.u1ty = 1 ; p12.u1ry = 1 ; p12.u2ty = 1 ; p12.u2ry = 1 p12.v1ty = 1 ; p12.v1ry = 1 ; p12.v2ty = 1 ; p12.v2ry = 1 p12.w1ty = 1 ; p12.w1ry = 1 ; p12.w2ty = 1 ; p12.w2ry = 1 # flange mid p13.u1tx = 1 ; p13.u1rx = 1 ; p13.u2tx = 1 ; p13.u2rx = 1 p13.v1tx = 1 ; p13.v1rx = 1 ; p13.v2tx = 1 ; p13.v2rx = 1 p13.w1tx = 1 ; p13.w1rx = 1 ; p13.w2tx = 1 ; p13.w2rx = 1 p13.u1ty = 1 ; p13.u1ry = 1 ; p13.u2ty = 1 ; p13.u2ry = 1 p13.v1ty = 1 ; p13.v1ry = 1 ; p13.v2ty = 1 ; p13.v2ry = 1 p13.w1ty = 1 ; p13.w1ry = 1 ; p13.w2ty = 1 ; p13.w2ry = 1 # base low p14.u1tx = 1 ; p14.u1rx = 1 ; p14.u2tx = 1 ; p14.u2rx = 1 p14.v1tx = 1 ; p14.v1rx = 1 ; p14.v2tx = 1 ; p14.v2rx = 1 p14.w1tx = 1 ; p14.w1rx = 1 ; p14.w2tx = 1 ; p14.w2rx = 1 p14.u1ty = 1 ; p14.u1ry = 1 ; p14.u2ty = 1 ; p14.u2ry = 1 p14.v1ty = 1 ; p14.v1ry = 1 ; p14.v2ty = 1 ; p14.v2ry = 1 p14.w1ty = 1 ; p14.w1ry = 1 ; p14.w2ty = 1 ; p14.w2ry = 1 # flange low p15.u1tx = 0 ; p15.u1rx = 1 ; p15.u2tx = 1 ; p15.u2rx = 1 p15.v1tx = 0 ; p15.v1rx = 1 ; p15.v2tx = 1 ; p15.v2rx = 1 p15.w1tx = 0 ; p15.w1rx = 1 ; p15.w2tx = 1 ; p15.w2rx = 1 p15.u1ty = 1 ; p15.u1ry = 1 ; p15.u2ty = 1 ; p15.u2ry = 1 p15.v1ty = 1 ; p15.v1ry = 1 ; p15.v2ty = 1 ; p15.v2ry = 1 p15.w1ty = 1 ; p15.w1ry = 1 ; p15.w2ty = 1 ; p15.w2ry = 1 conn = [ # skin-skin dict(p1=p01, p2=p02, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p02.b), dict(p1=p01, p2=p04, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p04.a), dict(p1=p02, p2=p03, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p03.b), dict(p1=p02, p2=p05, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p05.a), dict(p1=p03, p2=p06, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p06.a), dict(p1=p04, p2=p05, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p05.b), dict(p1=p04, p2=p07, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p07.a), dict(p1=p05, p2=p06, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p06.b), dict(p1=p05, p2=p08, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p08.a), dict(p1=p06, p2=p09, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p09.a), dict(p1=p07, p2=p08, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p08.b), dict(p1=p08, p2=p09, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p09.b), # skin-base dict(p1=p02, p2=p10, func='SB'), dict(p1=p05, p2=p12, func='SB', has_defect=has_defect), # defect dict(p1=p08, p2=p14, func='SB'), # base-base dict(p1=p10, p2=p12, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p12.a), dict(p1=p12, p2=p14, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p14.a), # base-flange dict(p1=p10, p2=p11, func='BFycte', ycte1=p10.b/2., ycte2=0), dict(p1=p12, p2=p13, func='BFycte', ycte1=p12.b/2., ycte2=0), dict(p1=p14, p2=p15, func='BFycte', ycte1=p14.b/2., ycte2=0), # flange-flange dict(p1=p11, p2=p13, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p13.a), dict(p1=p13, p2=p15, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p15.a), ] panels = [p01, p02, p03, p04, p05, p06, p07, p08, p09, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15] skin = [p01, p02, p03, p04, p05, p06, p07, p08, p09] base = [p10, p12, p14] flange = [p11, p13, p15] assy = PanelAssembly(panels) size = assy.get_size() valid_conn = [] for connecti in conn: if connecti.get('has_defect'): continue valid_conn.append(connecti) k0 = assy.calc_k0(conn=valid_conn) kM = assy.calc_kM() eigvals, eigvecs = freq(k0, kM, tol=0, sparse_solver=True, silent=True, sort=True, reduced_dof=False, num_eigvalues=25, num_eigvalues_print=5) return assy, eigvals, eigvecs