Source code for compmech.panel._panel

import gc
import pickle
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs, eigsh
from scipy.linalg import eig
from numpy import linspace, deg2rad
import as cm

import compmech.composite.laminate as laminate
from compmech.analysis import Analysis
from compmech.logger import msg, warn
from compmech.constants import DOUBLE
from compmech.sparse import (remove_null_cols, make_skew_symmetric,

from . import modelDB

def load(name):
    if '.Panel' in name:
        return pickle.load(open(name, 'rb'))
        return pickle.load(open(name + '.Panel', 'rb'))

def check_c(c, size):
    if not isinstance(c, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError('"c" must be a NumPy ndarray object')
    if c.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError('"c" must be a 1-D ndarray object')
    if c.shape[0] != size:
        raise ValueError('"c" must have the same size as the global stiffness matrix')

[docs] class Panel(object): r"""General Panel class It works for both flat plates, cylindrical and conical panels. The right model is selected according to parameters ``r`` (radius) and ``alphadeg`` (semi-vertex angle). The approximation functions for the displacement fields are built using :ref:`Bardell's functions <theory_func_bardell>`. Parameters ---------- a : float, optional Length (along the `x` coordinate). b : float, optional Width (along the `y` coordinate). r : float, optional Radius for cylindrical panels. alphadeg : float, optional Semi-vertex angle for conical panels. stack : list or tuple, optional A sequence representing the angles for each ply. plyt : float, optional Ply thickness. laminaprop : list or tuple, optional Orthotropic lamina properties: `E_1, E_2, \nu_{12}, G_{12}, G_{13}, G_{23}`. mu : float, optional Material density. m, n : int, optional Number of terms for the approximation functions along `x` and `y`, respectively. offset : float, optional Laminate offset about panel mid-surface. The offset is measured along the normal (`z`) axis. y1, y2 : float, optional Define the lower and upper limit along `y` for panel with incomplete domains. """ def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, r=None, alphadeg=None, stack=None, plyt=None, laminaprop=None, mu=None, m=11, n=11, offset=0., y1=None, y2=None, **kwargs): self.a = a self.b = b self.y1 = y1 self.y2 = y2 self.r = r self.alphadeg = alphadeg self.stack = stack self.plyt = plyt self.laminaprop = laminaprop self.offset = offset # assembly = None self.x0 = 0 self.y0 = 0 self.row_start = None self.col_start = None self.row_end = None self.col_end = None = 'panel' self.bay = None # model self.model = None self.fsdt_shear_correction = 5/6. # in case of First-order Shear Deformation Theory # approximation series self.m = m self.n = n # numerical integration self.nx = m self.ny = n self.ni_num_cores = cpu_count()//2 self.ni_method = 'trapz2d' self.c0 = None # loads self.Nxx = None self.Nyy = None self.Nxy = None self.Nxx_cte = None self.Nyy_cte = None self.Nxy_cte = None self.forces = [] self.forces_inc = [] # boundary conditions # displacement at 4 edges is zero # free to rotate at 4 edges (simply supported by default) self.u1tx = 0. self.u1rx = 0. self.u2tx = 0. self.u2rx = 0. self.v1tx = 0. self.v1rx = 0. self.v2tx = 0. self.v2rx = 0. self.w1tx = 0. self.w1rx = 1. self.w2tx = 0. self.w2rx = 1. self.u1ty = 0. self.u1ry = 0. self.u2ty = 0. self.u2ry = 0. self.v1ty = 0. self.v1ry = 0. self.v2ty = 0. self.v2ry = 0. self.w1ty = 0. self.w1ry = 1. self.w2ty = 0. self.w2ry = 1. # material = mu self.plyts = None self.laminaprops = None # aeroelastic parameters self.flow = 'x' self.beta = None self.gamma = None self.aeromu = None self.rho_air = None self.speed_sound = None self.Mach = None self.V = None # constitutive law self.F = None self.force_orthotropic_laminate = False # eigenvalue analysis self.num_eigvalues = 5 self.num_eigvalues_print = 5 # output queries self.out_num_cores = cpu_count() # analysis self.analysis = Analysis(self.calc_fext, self.calc_k0, self.calc_fint, self.calc_kT) # outputs self.increments = None self.eigvecs = None self.eigvals = None for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self._clear_matrices() def _clear_matrices(self): self.k0 = None self.kG0 = None self.kM = None self.kA = None self.cA = None self.lam = None self.u = None self.v = None self.w = None self.phix = None self.phiy = None self.Xs = None self.Ys = None #NOTE memory cleanup gc.collect() def _rebuild(self): if self.model is None: if self.r is None and self.alphadeg is None: self.model = 'plate_clt_donnell_bardell' elif self.r is not None and self.alphadeg is None: self.model = 'cpanel_clt_donnell_bardell' elif self.r is not None and self.alphadeg is not None: self.model = 'kpanel_clt_donnell_bardell' valid_models = sorted(modelDB.db.keys()) if not self.model in valid_models: raise ValueError('ERROR - valid models are:\n ' + '\n '.join(valid_models)) if not self.stack: raise ValueError('stack must be defined') if not self.laminaprops: if not self.laminaprop: raise ValueError('laminaprop must be defined') self.laminaprops = [self.laminaprop for i in self.stack] if not self.plyts: if self.plyt is None: raise ValueError('plyt must be defined') self.plyts = [self.plyt for i in self.stack]
[docs] def get_size(self): r"""Calculate the size of the stiffness matrices The size of the stiffness matrices can be interpreted as the number of rows or columns, recalling that this will be the size of the Ritz constants' vector `\{c\}`, the internal force vector `\{F_{int}\}` and the external force vector `\{F_{ext}\}`. Returns ------- size : int The size of the stiffness matrices. """ num = modelDB.db[self.model]['num'] self.size = num*self.m*self.n return self.size
def _default_field(self, xs, ys, gridx, gridy): if xs is None or ys is None: xs = linspace(0, self.a, gridx) ys = linspace(0, self.b, gridy) xs, ys = np.meshgrid(xs, ys, copy=True) xs = np.atleast_1d(np.array(xs, dtype=DOUBLE)) ys = np.atleast_1d(np.array(ys, dtype=DOUBLE)) xshape = xs.shape yshape = ys.shape if xshape != yshape: raise ValueError('Arrays xs and ys must have the same shape') self.Xs = xs self.Ys = ys xs = np.ascontiguousarray(xs.ravel(), dtype=DOUBLE) ys = np.ascontiguousarray(ys.ravel(), dtype=DOUBLE) return xs, ys, xshape, yshape def _get_lam_F(self, silent=False): if self.lam is None: raise RuntimeError('lam object is None!') if 'clt' in self.model: F = self.lam.ABD elif 'fsdt' in self.model: F = self.lam.ABDE F[6:, 6:] *= self.fsdt_shear_correction if self.force_orthotropic_laminate: msg('', silent=silent) msg('Forcing orthotropic laminate...', level=2, silent=silent) F[0, 2] = 0. # A16 F[1, 2] = 0. # A26 F[2, 0] = 0. # A61 F[2, 1] = 0. # A62 F[0, 5] = 0. # B16 F[5, 0] = 0. # B61 F[1, 5] = 0. # B26 F[5, 1] = 0. # B62 F[3, 2] = 0. # B16 F[2, 3] = 0. # B61 F[4, 2] = 0. # B26 F[2, 4] = 0. # B62 F[3, 5] = 0. # D16 F[4, 5] = 0. # D26 F[5, 3] = 0. # D61 F[5, 4] = 0. # D62 if F.shape[0] == 8: F[6, 7] = 0. # A45 F[7, 6] = 0. # A54 return F
[docs] def calc_k0(self, size=None, row0=0, col0=0, silent=False, finalize=True, c=None, nx=None, ny=None, Fnxny=None, inc=None, NLgeom=False): r"""Calculate the constitutive stiffness matrix If ``c`` is not given it calculates the linear constitutive stiffness matrix, otherwise the large displacement linear constitutive stiffness matrix is calculated. When using ``c``the size of ``c`` must be the same as ``size``. In assemblies of semi-analytical models the sparse matrices that are calculated may have the ``size`` of the assembled global model, and the current constitutive matrix being calculated starts at position ``row0`` and ``col0``. Parameters ---------- size : int The size of the calculated sparse matrices. row0, col0: int or None, optional Offset to populate the output sparse matrix (useful when assemblying panels). silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the log messages should be printed. finalize : bool, optional Asserts validity of output data and makes the output matrix symmetric, should be ``False`` when assemblying. c : array-like or None, optional This must be the result of a static analysis, used to compute non-linear terms based on the actual displacement field. nx, ny : int or None, optional Number of integration points along `x` and `y`, respectively, for the Legendre-Gauss quadrature rule applied in the numerical integration. Only used when ``c`` is given. Fnxny : 4-D array-like or None, optional The constitutive relations for the laminate at each integration point. Must be a 4-D array of shape ``(nx, ny, 6, 6)`` when using classical laminated plate theory models. NLgeom : bool, optional Flag to indicate if geometrically non-linearities should be considered. """ self._rebuild() if size is None: size = self.get_size() if c is None: msg('Calculating k0... ', level=2, silent=silent) else: check_c(c, size) msg('Calculating kL... ', level=2, silent=silent) matrices = modelDB.db[self.model]['matrices'] alphadeg = self.alphadeg if self.alphadeg is not None else 0. self.alpharad = deg2rad(alphadeg) self.r = self.r if self.r is not None else 0. if self.stack is not None: lam = laminate.read_stack(self.stack, plyts=self.plyts, laminaprops=self.laminaprops, offset=self.offset) self.lam = lam self.F = self._get_lam_F() if self.y1 is not None and self.y2 is not None: if c is not None or Fnxny is not None: raise NotImplementedError( 'Partial domain from y1 to y2 not implemented for kL') k0 = matrices.fk0y1y2(self.y1, self.y2, self, size, row0, col0) else: if c is None and Fnxny is None: k0 = matrices.fk0(self, size, row0, col0) else: matrices_num = modelDB.db[self.model]['matrices_num'] nx = self.nx if nx is None else nx ny = self.ny if ny is None else ny #NOTE the consistence checks for Fnxny are done within the .pyx # files Fnxny = self.F if Fnxny is None else Fnxny if c is None: # Empty c if the interest is only on the heterogeneous # laminate properties c = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=DOUBLE) c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE) k0 = matrices_num.fkL_num(c, Fnxny, self, size, row0, col0, nx, ny, NLgeom=int(NLgeom)) #TODO allow constant stress state to be obtained using static results, # which would require just passing a 'c_cte' used to calculate kG0 Nxx_cte = self.Nxx_cte if self.Nxx_cte is not None else 0. Nyy_cte = self.Nyy_cte if self.Nyy_cte is not None else 0. Nxy_cte = self.Nxy_cte if self.Nxy_cte is not None else 0. if Nxx_cte != 0. or Nyy_cte != 0. or Nxy_cte != 0.: if self.y1 is not None and self.y2 is not None: k0 += matrices.fkG0y1y2(self.y1, self.y2, Nxx_cte, Nyy_cte, Nxy_cte, self, size, row0, col0) else: k0 += matrices.fkG0(Nxx_cte, Nyy_cte, Nxy_cte, self, size, row0, col0) if finalize: k0 = finalize_symmetric_matrix(k0) self.k0 = k0 #NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory # it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not # identified, probably in the csr_matrix process gc.collect() msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent) return k0
[docs] def calc_kG0(self, size=None, row0=0, col0=0, silent=False, finalize=True, c=None, nx=None, ny=None, Fnxny=None, NLgeom=False): r"""Calculate the linear geometric stiffness matrix See :meth:`.Panel.calc_k0` for details on each parameter. """ self._rebuild() if size is None: size = self.get_size() if c is None: msg('Calculating kG0... ', level=2, silent=silent) matrices = modelDB.db[self.model]['matrices'] else: check_c(c, size) msg('Calculating kG... ', level=2, silent=silent) matrices = modelDB.db[self.model]['matrices_num'] y1 = self.y1 y2 = self.y2 alphadeg = self.alphadeg if self.alphadeg is not None else 0. self.alpharad = deg2rad(alphadeg) self.r = self.r if self.r is not None else 0. Nxx = self.Nxx if self.Nxx is not None else 0. Nyy = self.Nyy if self.Nyy is not None else 0. Nxy = self.Nxy if self.Nxy is not None else 0. if c is None: if y1 is not None and y2 is not None: kG0 = matrices.fkG0y1y2(y1, y2, Nxx, Nyy, Nxy, self, size, row0, col0) else: kG0 = matrices.fkG0(Nxx, Nyy, Nxy, self, size, row0, col0) else: if y1 is not None or y2 is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Only y1=0, y2=b is implemented!') c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE) nx = self.nx if nx is None else nx ny = self.ny if ny is None else ny if Fnxny is None: Fnxny = self._get_lam_F() kG0 = matrices.fkG_num(c, Fnxny, self, size, row0, col0, nx, ny, NLgeom=int(NLgeom)) if finalize: kG0 = finalize_symmetric_matrix(kG0) self.kG0 = kG0 #NOTE memory cleanup gc.collect() msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent) return kG0
def calc_kT(self, size=None, row0=0, col0=0, silent=False, finalize=True, c=None, nx=None, ny=None, Fnxny=None, inc=None): kL = self.calc_k0(size=size, row0=row0, col0=col0, silent=silent, finalize=finalize, c=c, nx=nx, ny=ny, Fnxny=Fnxny, inc=inc, NLgeom=True) kG = self.calc_kG0(size=size, row0=row0, col0=col0, silent=silent, finalize=finalize, c=c, nx=nx, ny=ny, Fnxny=Fnxny, NLgeom=True) kT = kL + kG self.kT = kT return kT
[docs] def calc_kM(self, size=None, row0=0, col0=0, silent=False, finalize=True): r"""Calculate the mass matrix """ msg('Calculating kM... ', level=2, silent=silent) matrices = modelDB.db[self.model]['matrices'] y1 = self.y1 y2 = self.y2 alphadeg = self.alphadeg if self.alphadeg is not None else 0. self.alpharad = deg2rad(alphadeg) self.r = self.r if self.r is not None else 0. if size is None: size = self.get_size() #TODO allow a distribution of mu instead of constant value, at least allow a mu for each ply if is None: raise ValueError('Attribute "mu" (density) must be defined') if y1 is not None and y2 is not None: kM = matrices.fkMy1y2(y1, y2, self.offset, self, size, row0, col0) else: kM = matrices.fkM(self.offset, self, size, row0, col0) if finalize: kM = finalize_symmetric_matrix(kM) self.kM = kM #NOTE memory cleanup gc.collect() msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent) return kM
[docs] def calc_kA(self, size=None, row0=0, col0=0, silent=False, finalize=True): r"""Calculate the aerodynamic matrix using the linear piston theory """ msg('Calculating kA... ', level=2, silent=silent) if 'kpanel' in self.model: raise NotImplementedError('Conical panels not supported') matrices = modelDB.db[self.model]['matrices'] if size is None: size = self.get_size() self.r = self.r if self.r is not None else 0. if self.beta is None: if self.Mach is None: raise ValueError('Mach number cannot be a NoneValue') elif self.Mach < 1: raise ValueError('Mach number must be >= 1') elif self.Mach == 1: self.Mach = 1.0001 Mach = self.Mach beta = self.rho_air * self.V**2 / (Mach**2 - 1)**0.5 if self.r != 0.: gamma = beta*1./(2.*self.r*(Mach**2 - 1)**0.5) else: gamma = 0. ainf = self.speed_sound aeromu = beta/(Mach*ainf)*(Mach**2 - 2)/(Mach**2 - 1) else: beta = self.beta gamma = self.gamma if self.gamma is not None else 0. aeromu = self.aeromu if self.aeromu is not None else 0. if self.flow.lower() == 'x': kA = matrices.fkAx(beta, gamma, self, size, row0, col0) elif self.flow.lower() == 'y': kA = matrices.fkAy(beta, self, size, row0, col0) else: raise ValueError('Invalid flow value, must be x or y') if finalize: assert np.any(np.isnan( == False assert np.any(np.isinf( == False kA = csr_matrix(make_skew_symmetric(kA)) self.kA = kA #NOTE memory cleanup gc.collect() msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent) return kA
[docs] def calc_cA(self, aeromu, silent=False, finalize=True): r"""Calculate the aerodynamic damping matrix using the piston theory """ msg('Calculating cA... ', level=2, silent=silent) matrices = modelDB.db[self.model]['matrices'] cA = matrices.fcA(aeromu, self, self.size, 0, 0) cA = cA*(0+1j) if finalize: cA = finalize_symmetric_matrix(cA) self.cA = cA #NOTE memory cleanup gc.collect() msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
[docs] def lb(self, tol=0, sparse_solver=True, calc_kA=False, silent=False, nx=10, ny=10, c=None, ckL=None, Fnxny=None): r"""Linear buckling analysis .. note:: This will be deprecated soon, use :func:``. The following parameters will affect the linear buckling analysis: ======================= ===================================== parameter description ======================= ===================================== ``num_eigvalues`` Number of eigenvalues to be extracted ``num_eigvalues_print`` Number of eigenvalues to print after the analysis is completed ======================= ===================================== Parameters ---------- tol : float, optional A float tolerance passsed to the eigenvalue solver. sparse_solver : bool, optional Tells if solver :func:`scipy.linalg.eigh` or :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh` should be used. calc_kA : bool, optional If the Aerodynamic matrix should be considered. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the log messages should be printed. c : array-like, optional A set of Ritz constants that will be use to compute KG. ckL : array-like, optional A set of Ritz constants that will be use to compute KL. nx and ny : int or None, optional Number of integration points along `x` and `y`, respectively, for the Legendre-Gauss quadrature rule applied in the numerical integration. Fnxny : 4-D array-like or None, optional The constitutive relations for the laminate at each integration point. Must be a 4-D array of shape ``(nx, ny, 6, 6)`` when using classical laminated plate theory models. Notes ----- The extracted eigenvalues are stored in the ``eigvals`` parameter of the ``Panel`` object and the `i^{th}` eigenvector in the ``eigvecs[:, i-1]`` parameter. """ msg('Running linear buckling analysis...', silent=silent) msg('Eigenvalue solver... ', level=2, silent=silent) nx = self.nx if nx is None else nx ny = self.ny if ny is None else ny if ckL is None: self.calc_k0(silent=silent) else: self.calc_k0(silent=silent, c=ckL, nx=nx, ny=ny, Fnxny=Fnxny) self.calc_kG0(silent=silent, c=c, nx=nx, ny=ny, Fnxny=Fnxny) if calc_kA: raise NotImplementedError('kA requires non-Hermitian eigen solver') self.calc_kA(silent=silent) kA = self.kA else: kA = self.k0*0 M = self.k0 + kA A = self.kG0 if sparse_solver: mode = 'cayley' try: msg('eigsh() solver...', level=3, silent=silent) eigvals, eigvecs = eigsh(A=A, k=self.num_eigvalues, which='SM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=1., mode=mode) msg('finished!', level=3, silent=silent) except Exception as e: warn(str(e), level=4, silent=silent) msg('aborted!', level=3, silent=silent) sizebkp = A.shape[0] M, A, used_cols = remove_null_cols(M, A, silent=silent) msg('eigsh() solver...', level=3, silent=silent) eigvals, peigvecs = eigsh(A=A, k=self.num_eigvalues, which='SM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=1., mode=mode) msg('finished!', level=3, silent=silent) eigvecs = np.zeros((sizebkp, self.num_eigvalues), dtype=DOUBLE) eigvecs[used_cols, :] = peigvecs else: from scipy.linalg import eigh size = A.shape[0] M, A, used_cols = remove_null_cols(M, A, silent=silent) M = M.toarray() A = A.toarray() msg('eigh() solver...', level=3, silent=silent) eigvals, peigvecs = eigh(a=A, b=M) msg('finished!', level=3, silent=silent) eigvecs = np.zeros((size, self.num_eigvalues), dtype=DOUBLE) eigvecs[used_cols, :] = peigvecs[:, :self.num_eigvalues] eigvals = -1./eigvals self.eigvals = eigvals self.eigvecs = eigvecs msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent) msg('first {0} eigenvalues:'.format(self.num_eigvalues_print), level=1, silent=silent) for eigi in eigvals[:self.num_eigvalues_print]: msg('{0}'.format(eigi), level=2, silent=silent) self.analysis.last_analysis = 'lb'
[docs] def freq(self, atype=4, tol=0, sparse_solver=True, silent=False, sort=True, damping=False, reduced_dof=False): r"""Natural frequency analysis .. note:: This will be deprecated soon, use :func:`.compmech.analysis.freq`. The following parameters of the will affect the linear buckling analysis: ======================= ===================================== parameter description ======================= ===================================== ``num_eigvalues`` Number of eigenvalues to be extracted ``num_eigvalues_print`` Number of eigenvalues to print after the analysis is completed ======================= ===================================== Parameters ---------- atype : int, optional Tells which analysis type should be performed: - ``1`` : considers k0, kA and kG0 (and cA depending on 'damping') - ``2`` : considers k0 and kA (and cA depending on 'damping') - ``3`` : considers k0 and kG0 - ``4`` : considers k0 only tol : float, optional A tolerance value passed to ``scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs``. sparse_solver : bool, optional Tells if solver :func:`scipy.linalg.eig` or :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs` should be used. .. note:: It is recommended ``sparse_solver=False``, because it was verified that the sparse solver becomes unstable for some cases, though the sparse solver is faster. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the log messages should be printed. sort : bool, optional Sort the output eigenvalues and eigenmodes. damping : bool, optinal If aerodynamic damping should be taken into account. reduced_dof : bool, optional Considers only the contributions of `v` and `w` to the stiffness matrix and accelerates the run. Only effective when ``sparse_solver=False``. Notes ----- The extracted eigenvalues are stored in the ``eigvals`` parameter and the `i^{th}` eigenvector in the ``eigvecs[:, i-1]`` parameter. """ msg('Running frequency analysis...', silent=silent) self.calc_k0(silent=silent) self.calc_kM(silent=silent) if atype == 1: self.calc_kG0(silent=silent) self.calc_kA(silent=silent) if damping: self.calc_cA(silent=silent) K = self.k0 + self.kA + self.kG0 + self.cA else: K = self.k0 + self.kA + self.kG0 elif atype == 2: self.calc_kA(silent=silent) K = self.k0 + self.kA if damping: self.calc_cA(silent=silent) K = self.k0 + self.kA + self.cA else: K = self.k0 + self.kA elif atype == 3: self.calc_kG0(silent=silent) K = self.k0 + self.kG0 elif atype == 4: K = self.k0 M = self.kM msg('Eigenvalue solver... ', level=2, silent=silent) k = min(self.num_eigvalues, M.shape[0]-2) if sparse_solver: if damping: raise NotImplementedError('Damping with sparse_solver not implemented!') msg('eigs() solver...', level=3, silent=silent) sizebkp = M.shape[0] K, M, used_cols = remove_null_cols(K, M, silent=silent, level=3) eigvals, peigvecs = eigs(A=K, k=k, which='LM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=-1.) eigvecs = np.zeros((sizebkp, self.num_eigvalues), dtype=peigvecs.dtype) eigvecs[used_cols, :] = peigvecs eigvals = np.sqrt(eigvals) # omega^2 to omega, in rad/s else: msg('eig() solver...', level=3, silent=silent) M = M.toarray() K = K.toarray() sizebkp = M.shape[0] col_sum = M.sum(axis=0) check = col_sum != 0 used_cols = np.arange(M.shape[0])[check] M = M[:, check][check, :] K = K[:, check][check, :] if reduced_dof: i = np.arange(M.shape[0]) take = np.column_stack((i[1::3], i[2::3])).flatten() M = M[:, take][take, :] K = K[:, take][take, :] if not damping: M = -M else: size = M.shape[0] cA = self.cA.toarray() cA = cA[:, check][check, :] if reduced_dof: cA = cA[:, take][take, :] I = np.identity(size) Z = np.zeros_like(M) M = np.row_stack((np.column_stack((I, Z)), np.column_stack((Z, -M)))) K = np.row_stack((np.column_stack((Z, -I)), np.column_stack((K, cA)))) eigvals, peigvecs = eig(a=M, b=K) eigvecs = np.zeros((sizebkp, K.shape[0]), dtype=peigvecs.dtype) eigvecs[check, :] = peigvecs if not damping: eigvals = np.sqrt(-1./eigvals) # -1/omega^2 to omega, in rad/s eigvals = eigvals else: eigvals = -1./eigvals # -1/omega to omega, in rad/s shape = eigvals.shape eigvals = eigvals[:shape[0]//2] eigvecs = eigvecs[:eigvecs.shape[0]//2, :shape[0]//2] msg('finished!', level=3, silent=silent) if sort: if damping: higher_zero = eigvals.real > 1e-6 eigvals = eigvals[higher_zero] eigvecs = eigvecs[:, higher_zero] sort_ind = np.lexsort((np.round(eigvals.imag, 1), np.round(eigvals.real, 0))) eigvals = eigvals[sort_ind] eigvecs = eigvecs[:, sort_ind] else: sort_ind = np.lexsort((np.round(eigvals.imag, 1), np.round(eigvals.real, 1))) eigvals = eigvals[sort_ind] eigvecs = eigvecs[:, sort_ind] higher_zero = eigvals.real > 1e-6 eigvals = eigvals[higher_zero] eigvecs = eigvecs[:, higher_zero] if not sparse_solver and reduced_dof: new_eigvecs = np.zeros((3*eigvecs.shape[0]//2, eigvecs.shape[1]), dtype=eigvecs.dtype) new_eigvecs[take, :] = eigvecs eigvecs = new_eigvecs self.eigvals = eigvals self.eigvecs = eigvecs msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent) msg('first {0} eigenvalues:'.format(self.num_eigvalues_print), level=1, silent=silent) for eigval in eigvals[:self.num_eigvalues_print]: msg('{0} rad/s'.format(eigval), level=2, silent=silent) self.analysis.last_analysis = 'freq'
[docs] def uvw(self, c, xs=None, ys=None, gridx=300, gridy=300): r"""Calculate the displacement field For a given full set of Ritz constants ``c``, the displacement field is calculated and stored in the parameters ``u``, ``v``, ``w``, ``phix``, ``phiy`` of the ``Panel`` object. Parameters ---------- c : float The full set of Ritz constants xs : np.ndarray The `x` positions where to calculate the displacement field. Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used. ys : np.ndarray The ``y`` positions where to calculate the displacement field. Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used. gridx : int Number of points along the `x` axis where to calculate the displacement field. gridy : int Number of points along the `y` where to calculate the displacement field. Returns ------- out : tuple A tuple of ``np.ndarrays`` containing ``(u, v, w, phix, phiy)``. Notes ----- The returned values ``u```, ``v``, ``w``, ``phix``, ``phiy`` are stored as parameters with the same name in the ``Panel`` object. """ c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE) xs, ys, xshape, yshape = self._default_field(xs, ys, gridx, gridy) fuvw = modelDB.db[self.model]['field'].fuvw us, vs, ws, phixs, phiys = fuvw(c, self, xs, ys, self.out_num_cores) self.u = us.reshape(xshape) self.v = vs.reshape(xshape) self.w = ws.reshape(xshape) self.phix = phixs.reshape(xshape) self.phiy = phiys.reshape(xshape) return self.u, self.v, self.w, self.phix, self.phiy
[docs] def strain(self, c, xs=None, ys=None, gridx=300, gridy=300, NLterms=True): r"""Calculate the strain field Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants vector to be used for the strain field calculation. xs : np.ndarray, optional The `x` coordinates where to calculate the strains. ys : np.ndarray, optional The `y` coordinates where to calculate the strains, must have the same shape as ``xs``. gridx : int, optional When ``xs`` and ``ys`` are not supplied, ``gridx`` and ``gridy`` are used. gridy : int, optional When ``xs`` and ``ys`` are not supplied, ``gridx`` and ``gridy`` are used. NLterms : bool Flag to indicate whether non-linear strain components should be considered. Returns ------- res : dict A dictionary of ``np.ndarrays`` with the keys: ``(x, y, exx, eyy, gxy, kxx, kyy, kxy)`` """ c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE) xs, ys, xshape, yshape = self._default_field(xs, ys, gridx, gridy) fstrain = modelDB.db[self.model]['field'].fstrain exx, eyy, gxy, kxx, kyy, kxy = fstrain(c, self, xs, ys, self.out_num_cores, int(NLterms)) res = {} res['x'] = xs.reshape(xshape) res['y'] = ys.reshape(yshape) res['exx'] = exx.reshape(xshape) res['eyy'] = eyy.reshape(xshape) res['gxy'] = gxy.reshape(xshape) res['kxx'] = kxx.reshape(xshape) res['kyy'] = kyy.reshape(xshape) res['kxy'] = kxy.reshape(xshape) return res
[docs] def stress(self, c, F=None, xs=None, ys=None, gridx=300, gridy=300, NLterms=True): r"""Calculate the stress field Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants vector to be used for the strain field calculation. F : np.ndarray, optional The laminate stiffness matrix. Can be a 6 x 6 (ABD) matrix for homogeneous laminates over the whole domain. xs : np.ndarray, optional The `x` coordinates where to calculate the strains. ys : np.ndarray, optional The `y` coordinates where to calculate the strains, must have the same shape as ``xs``. gridx : int, optional When ``xs`` and ``ys`` are not supplied, ``gridx`` and ``gridy`` are used. gridy : int, optional When ``xs`` and ``ys`` are not supplied, ``gridx`` and ``gridy`` are used. NLterms : bool Flag to indicate whether non-linear strain components should be considered. Returns ------- res : dict A dictionary of ``np.ndarrays`` with the keys: ``(x, y, Nxx, Nyy, Nxy, Mxx, Myy, Mxy)`` """ res_strain = self.strain(c, xs, ys, gridx, gridy) x = res_strain['x'] y = res_strain['y'] exx = res_strain['exx'] eyy = res_strain['eyy'] gxy = res_strain['gxy'] kxx = res_strain['kxx'] kyy = res_strain['kyy'] kxy = res_strain['kxy'] if F is None: F = self.F if F is None: raise ValueError('Laminate ABD matrix not defined for panel') res = {} res['x'] = x res['y'] = y res['Nxx'] = exx*F[0, 0] + eyy*F[0, 1] + gxy*F[0, 2] + kxx*F[0, 3] + kyy*F[0, 4] + kxy*F[0, 5] res['Nyy'] = exx*F[1, 0] + eyy*F[1, 1] + gxy*F[1, 2] + kxx*F[1, 3] + kyy*F[1, 4] + kxy*F[1, 5] res['Nxy'] = exx*F[2, 0] + eyy*F[2, 1] + gxy*F[2, 2] + kxx*F[2, 3] + kyy*F[2, 4] + kxy*F[2, 5] res['Mxx'] = exx*F[3, 0] + eyy*F[3, 1] + gxy*F[3, 2] + kxx*F[3, 3] + kyy*F[3, 4] + kxy*F[3, 5] res['Myy'] = exx*F[4, 0] + eyy*F[4, 1] + gxy*F[4, 2] + kxx*F[4, 3] + kyy*F[4, 4] + kxy*F[4, 5] res['Mxy'] = exx*F[5, 0] + eyy*F[5, 1] + gxy*F[5, 2] + kxx*F[5, 3] + kyy*F[5, 4] + kxy*F[5, 5] return res
[docs] def add_force(self, x, y, fx, fy, fz, cte=True): r"""Add a punctual force with three components Parameters ---------- x : float The `x` position. y : float The `y` position in radians. fx : float The `x` component of the force vector. fy : float The `y` component of the force vector. fz : float The `z` component of the force vector. cte : bool, optional Constant forces are not incremented during the non-linear analysis. """ if cte: self.forces.append([x, y, fx, fy, fz]) else: self.forces_inc.append([x, y, fx, fy, fz])
[docs] def calc_fext(self, inc=1., size=None, col0=0, silent=False): r"""Calculate the external force vector `\{F_{ext}\}` Recall that: .. math:: \{F_{ext}\}=\{{F_{ext}}_0\} + \{{F_{ext}}_\lambda\} such that the terms in `\{{F_{ext}}_0\}` are constant and the terms in `\{{F_{ext}}_\lambda\}` will be scaled by the parameter ``inc``. Parameters ---------- inc : float, optional Since this function is called during the non-linear analysis, ``inc`` will multiply the terms `\{{F_{ext}}_\lambda\}`. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the log messages should be printed. Returns ------- fext : np.ndarray The external force vector """ self._rebuild() msg('Calculating external forces...', level=2, silent=silent) model = self.model if not model in modelDB.db.keys(): raise ValueError( '{} is not a valid model option'.format(model)) db = modelDB.db dofs = db[model]['dofs'] fg = db[model]['field'].fg if size is None: size = self.get_size() col1 = col0 + self.get_size() g = np.zeros((dofs, self.get_size()), dtype=DOUBLE) fext = np.zeros(size, dtype=DOUBLE) # non-incrementable punctual forces for i, force in enumerate(self.forces): x, y, fx, fy, fz = force fg(g, x, y, self) if dofs == 3: fpt = np.array([[fx, fy, fz]]) elif dofs == 5: fpt = np.array([[fx, fy, fz, 0, 0]]) fext[col0:col1] += # incrementable punctual forces for i, force in enumerate(self.forces_inc): x, y, fx, fy, fz = force fg(g, x, y, self) if dofs == 3: #CLT fpt = np.array([[fx, fy, fz]])*inc elif dofs == 5: #FSDT fpt = np.array([[fx, fy, fz, 0, 0]])*inc fext[col0:col1] += return fext
[docs] def calc_fint(self, c, size=None, col0=0, silent=False, nx=None, ny=None, Fnxny=None, inc=None): r"""Calculate the internal force vector `\{F_{int}\}` Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants vector to be used for the internal forces calculation. size : int, optional The size of the internal force vector. Can be the size of a global internal force vector of an assembly. col0 : int, optional Offset in a global internal forcce vector of an assembly. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the log messages should be printed. nx : int, optional Number of integration points along `x`. ny : int, optional Number of integration points along `y`. Fnxny : np.ndarray, optional Laminate stiffness for each integration point, if not supplied it will assume constant properties over the panel domain. inc : float, optional Load increment. Returns ------- fint : np.ndarray The internal force vector """ #TODO inc not needed here; only with prescribed displacements msg('Calculating internal forces...', level=2, silent=silent) model = self.model if not model in modelDB.db.keys(): raise ValueError( '{0} is not a valid model option'.format(model)) matrices_num = modelDB.db[model].get('matrices_num') if matrices_num is None: raise ValueError('matrices_num not implemented for model {0}'. format(model)) calc_fint = getattr(matrices_num, 'calc_fint', None) if calc_fint is None: raise ValueError('calc_fint not implemented for model {0}'. format(model)) if size is None: size = self.get_size() alphadeg = self.alphadeg if self.alphadeg is not None else 0. self.alpharad = deg2rad(alphadeg) self.r = self.r if self.r is not None else 0. nx = self.nx if nx is None else nx ny = self.ny if ny is None else ny Fnxny = self.F if Fnxny is None else Fnxny c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE) fint = calc_fint(c, Fnxny, self, size, col0, nx, ny) gc.collect() msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent) return fint
[docs] def static(self, NLgeom=False, silent=False): r"""Static analysis for cones and cylinders .. note:: This will be deprecated soon, use :func:`.compmech.analysis.static`. The analysis can be linear or geometrically non-linear. See :class:`.Analysis` for further details about the parameters controlling the non-linear analysis. Parameters ---------- NLgeom : bool Flag to indicate whether a linear or a non-linear analysis is to be performed. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the log messages should be printed. Returns ------- cs : list A list containing the Ritz constants for each load increment of the static analysis. The list will have only one entry in case of a linear analysis. Notes ----- The returned ``cs`` is stored in ``self.analysis.cs``. The actual increments used in the non-linear analysis are stored in the ``self.analysis.increments`` parameter. """ self._rebuild() self.analysis.line_search = False self.analysis.kT_initial_state = False self.analysis.compute_every_n = 6 if NLgeom and not modelDB.db[self.model]['non-linear static']: msg('________________________________________________', silent=silent) msg('', silent=silent) warn('Model {} cannot be used in non-linear static analysis!'. format(self.model), silent=silent) msg('________________________________________________', silent=silent) raise elif not NLgeom and not modelDB.db[self.model]['matrices']: msg('________________________________________________', level=1, silent=silent) msg('', level=1, silent=silent) warn('Model {} cannot be used in linear static analysis!'. format(self.model), level=1, silent=silent) msg('________________________________________________', level=1, silent=silent) raise self.analysis.static(NLgeom=NLgeom, silent=silent) self.increments = self.analysis.increments return self.analysis.cs
[docs] def plot(self, c, invert_y=False, vec='w', deform_u=False, deform_u_sf=100., filename='', ax=None, figsize=(3.5, 2.), save=True, title='', colorbar=False, cbar_nticks=2, cbar_format=None, cbar_title='', cbar_fontsize=10, colormap='jet', aspect='equal', clean=True, dpi=400, texts=[], xs=None, ys=None, gridx=300, gridy=300, num_levels=400, vecmin=None, vecmax=None, plotoffsetxs=0., plotoffsetys=0.): r"""Contour plot for a Ritz constants vector. Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants that will be used to compute the field contour. vec : str, optional Can be one of the components: - Displacement: ``'u'``, ``'v'``, ``'w'``, ``'phix'``, ``'phiy'`` - Strain: ``'exx'``, ``'eyy'``, ``'gxy'``, ``'kxx'``, ``'kyy'``, ``'kxy'``, ``'gyz'``, ``'gxz'`` - Stress: ``'Nxx'``, ``'Nyy'``, ``'Nxy'``, ``'Mxx'``, ``'Myy'``, ``'Mxy'``, ``'Qy'``, ``'Qx'`` deform_u : bool, optional If ``True`` the contour plot will look deformed. deform_u_sf : float, optional The scaling factor used to deform the contour. invert_y : bool, optional Inverts the `y` axis of the plot. save : bool, optional Flag telling whether the contour should be saved to an image file. dpi : int, optional Resolution of the saved file in dots per inch. filename : str, optional The file name for the generated image file. If no value is given, the `name` parameter of the ``Panel`` object will be used. ax : AxesSubplot, optional When ``ax`` is given, the contour plot will be created inside it. figsize : tuple, optional The figure size given by ``(width, height)``. title : str, optional If any string is given it is added as title to the contour plot. colorbar : bool, optional If a colorbar should be added to the contour plot. cbar_nticks : int, optional Number of ticks added to the colorbar. cbar_format : [ None | format string | Formatter object ], optional See the ``matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`` documentation. cbar_title : str, optional Colorbar title. If ``cbar_title == ''`` no title is added. cbar_fontsize : int, optional Fontsize of the colorbar labels. colormap : string, optional Name of a matplotlib available colormap. aspect : str, optional String that will be passed to the ``AxesSubplot.set_aspect()`` method. clean : bool, optional Clean axes ticks, grids, spines etc. xs : np.ndarray, optional The `x` positions where to calculate the displacement field. Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used. ys : np.ndarray, optional The ``y`` positions where to calculate the displacement field. Default is ``None`` and the method ``_default_field`` is used. gridx : int, optional Number of points along the `x` axis where to calculate the displacement field. gridy : int, optional Number of points along the `y` where to calculate the displacement field. num_levels : int, optional Number of contour levels (higher values make the contour smoother). vecmin : float, optional Minimum value for the contour scale (useful to compare with other results). If not specified it will be taken from the calculated field. vecmax : float, optional Maximum value for the contour scale. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The Matplotlib object that can be used to modify the current plot if needed. """ msg('Plotting contour...') ubkp, vbkp, wbkp, phixbkp, phiybkp = (self.u, self.v, self.w, self.phix, self.phiy) import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt msg('Computing field variables...', level=1) displs = ['u', 'v', 'w', 'phix', 'phiy'] strains = ['exx', 'eyy', 'gxy', 'kxx', 'kyy', 'kxy', 'gyz', 'gxz'] stresses = ['Nxx', 'Nyy', 'Nxy', 'Mxx', 'Myy', 'Mxy', 'Qy', 'Qx'] if vec in displs: self.uvw(c, xs=xs, ys=ys, gridx=gridx, gridy=gridy) field = getattr(self, vec) elif vec in strains: es = self.strain(c, xs=xs, ys=ys, gridx=gridx, gridy=gridy) field = es.get(vec) elif vec in stresses: Ns = self.stress(c, xs=xs, ys=ys, gridx=gridx, gridy=gridy, NLterms=True) field = Ns.get(vec) else: raise ValueError( '{0} is not a valid vec parameter value!'.format(vec)) msg('Finished!', level=1) Xs = self.Xs + plotoffsetxs Ys = self.Ys + plotoffsetys if vecmin is None: vecmin = field.min() if vecmax is None: vecmax = field.max() levels = linspace(vecmin, vecmax, num_levels) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): ax = ax fig = ax.figure save = False else: raise ValueError('ax must be an Axes object') x = Ys # in matplotlib x goes vertically (axis=0) y = Xs # and y goes horizontally (axis=1) if deform_u: if vec in displs: pass else: self.uvw(c, xs=xs, ys=ys, gridx=gridx, gridy=gridy) field_u = self.u field_v = self.v y -= deform_u_sf*field_u x += deform_u_sf*field_v contour = ax.contourf(x, y, field, levels=levels) if colorbar: from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable colormap_obj = getattr(cm, colormap, None) if colormap_obj is None: warn('Invalid colormap, using "jet"', level=1) colormap_obj = cm.jet fsize = cbar_fontsize divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) cbarticks = linspace(vecmin, vecmax, cbar_nticks) cbar = plt.colorbar(contour, ticks=cbarticks, format=cbar_format, cax=cax, cmap=colormap_obj) if cbar_title: cax.text(0.5, 1.05, cbar_title, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=fsize) try: cbar.outline.remove() except NotImplementedError: pass, pad=0., tick2On=False) if invert_y == True: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.invert_xaxis() if title != '': ax.set_title(str(title)) fig.tight_layout() ax.set_aspect(aspect) ax.grid(False) ax.set_frame_on(False) if clean: ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) else: ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') for kwargs in texts: ax.text(transform=ax.transAxes, **kwargs) if save: if not filename: filename = 'test.png' fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05, dpi=dpi) plt.close() if ubkp is not None: self.u = ubkp if vbkp is not None: self.v = vbkp if wbkp is not None: self.w = wbkp if phixbkp is not None: self.phix = phixbkp if phiybkp is not None: self.phiy = phiybkp msg('finished!') return ax
[docs] def save(self): r"""Save the ``Panel`` object using ``pickle`` Notes ----- The pickled file will have the name stored in ```` followed by a ``'.Panel'`` extension. """ name = + '.Panel' msg('Saving Panel to {}'.format(name)) self._clear_matrices() with open(name, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)