Source code for compmech.conecyl.conecyl

import gc
import os
import traceback
import time
import pickle

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix, csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from numpy import linspace, pi, cos, sin, tan, deg2rad

from .conecylDB import ccs, laminaprops
import compmech.composite.laminate as laminate
from compmech.analysis import Analysis
from compmech.logger import msg, warn, error
from compmech.sparse import remove_null_cols, make_symmetric
from compmech.constants import DOUBLE
from . import modelDB
from .modelDB import get_model

def load(name):
    if '.ConeCyl' in name:
        cc = pickle.load(open(name, 'rb'))
        cc = pickle.load(open(name + '.ConeCyl', 'rb'))
    cc.analysis.calc_fext = cc.calc_fext
    cc.analysis.calc_k0 = cc.calc_k0
    cc.analysis.calc_fint = cc.calc_fint
    cc.analysis.calc_kT = cc.calc_kT
    return cc

[docs] class ConeCyl(object): r""" """ __slots__ = ['_load_rebuilt', 'name', 'alphadeg', 'alpharad', 'r1', 'r2', 'L', 'H', 'h', 'K', 'is_cylinder', 'inf', 'zero', 'bc', 'kuBot', 'kvBot', 'kwBot', 'kphixBot', 'kphitBot', 'kuTop', 'kvTop', 'kwTop', 'kphixTop', 'kphitTop', 'model', 'm1', 'm2', 'size', 'n2', 's', 'nx', 'nt', 'ni_num_cores', 'ni_method', 'forces', 'forces_inc', 'P', 'P_inc', 'pdC', 'Fc', 'Nxxtop', 'uTM', 'c0', 'm0', 'n0', 'funcnum', 'pdT', 'T', 'T_inc', 'thetaTdeg', 'thetaTrad', 'pdLA', 'tLAdeg', 'tLArad', 'betadeg', 'betarad', 'xiLA', 'MLA', 'LA', 'num0', 'excluded_dofs', 'excluded_dofs_ck', 'sina', 'cosa', 'laminaprop', 'plyt', 'laminaprops', 'stack', 'plyts', 'F', 'F_reuse', 'force_orthotropic_laminate', 'E11', 'nu', 'num_eigvalues', 'num_eigvalues_print', 'analysis', 'with_k0L', 'with_kLL', 'cs', 'increments', 'outputs', 'eigvals', 'eigvecs', 'k0', 'k0uk', 'k0uu', 'kTuk', 'kTuu', 'kG0', 'kG0_Fc', 'kG0_P', 'kG0_T', 'kG', 'kGuu', 'kL', 'kLuu', 'lam', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'phix', 'phit', 'Xs', 'Ts', 'out_num_cores', ] def __init__(self): = 'no_name_defined' # geometry self.alphadeg = 0. self.alpharad = 0. self.r1 = None self.r2 = None self.L = None self.H = None self.h = None # total thickness, required for isotropic shells self.is_cylinder = None # boundary conditions self.inf = 1.e8 # used to define high stiffnesses = 0. # used to define zero stiffnesses self.bc = None self.kuBot = self.inf self.kvBot = self.inf self.kwBot = self.inf self.kphixBot = 0. self.kphitBot = 0. self.kuTop = self.inf self.kvTop = self.inf self.kwTop = self.inf self.kphixTop = 0. self.kphitTop = 0. # default equations self.model = 'clpt_donnell_bc1' # approximation series self.m1 = 120 self.m2 = 25 self.n2 = 45 # analytical integration for cones self.s = 79 # numerical integration self.nx = 120 self.nt = 180 self.ni_num_cores = 4 self.ni_method = 'trapz2d' # punctual loads self.forces = [] self.forces_inc = [] # internal pressure measured in force/area self.P = 0. self.P_inc = 0. # axial compression self.pdC = False self.Fc = None self.Nxxtop = None self.uTM = 0. self._load_rebuilt = False # initial imperfection self.c0 = None self.m0 = 0 self.n0 = 0 self.funcnum = 2 # torsion self.pdT = True self.T = 0. self.T_inc = 0. self.thetaTdeg = 0. self.thetaTrad = 0. # load asymmetry (la) self.pdLA = True self.tLAdeg = 0. self.tLArad = 0. self.betadeg = 0. self.betarad = 0. self.xiLA = None self.MLA = None self.LA = None self.num0 = 3 self.excluded_dofs = [] self.excluded_dofs_ck = [] = None self.cosa = None # material self.laminaprop = None self.plyt = None self.laminaprops = [] self.stack = [] self.plyts = [] # constitutive law self.F_reuse = None self.F = None self.force_orthotropic_laminate = False self.E11 = None = None self.K = 5/6. # eigenvalue analysis self.num_eigvalues = 50 self.num_eigvalues_print = 5 # output queries self.out_num_cores = 4 self.cs = [] self.increments = [] # analysis self.analysis = Analysis(self.calc_fext, self.calc_k0, self.calc_fint, self.calc_kT) self.with_k0L = True self.with_kLL = True # outputs self.outputs = {} self._clear_matrices() def _clear_matrices(self): self.k0 = None self.k0uk = None self.k0uu = None self.kTuk = None self.kTuu = None self.kG0 = None self.kG0_Fc = None self.kG0_P = None self.kG0_T = None self.kG = None self.kGuu = None self.kL = None self.kLuu = None self.lam = None self.u = None self.v = None self.w = None self.phix = None self.phit = None self.Xs = None self.Ts = None self.Nxxtop = None gc.collect() def _rebuild(self): if self.k0 is not None: if self.k0.shape[0] != self.get_size(): self._clear_matrices() self._load_rebuilt = False self._rebuild() self.model = self.model.lower() # boundary conditions inf = self.inf zero = if inf > 1.e8: warn('"inf" parameter reduced to 1.e8 due to the verified ' + 'numerical instability for higher values', level=2) inf = 1.e8 if self.bc is not None: bc = self.bc.lower() if '_' in bc: # different bc for Bot and Top bc_Bot, bc_Top = self.bc.split('_') elif '-' in bc: # different bc for Bot and Top bc_Bot, bc_Top = self.bc.split('-') else: bc_Bot = bc_Top = bc bcs = dict(bc_Bot=bc_Bot, bc_Top=bc_Top) for k in bcs.keys(): sufix = k.split('_')[1] # Bot or Top if bcs[k] == 'ss1': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) elif bcs[k] == 'ss2': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) elif bcs[k] == 'ss3': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) elif bcs[k] == 'ss4': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) elif bcs[k] == 'cc1': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) elif bcs[k] == 'cc2': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) elif bcs[k] == 'cc3': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) elif bcs[k] == 'cc4': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, inf) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) elif bcs[k] == 'free': setattr(self, 'ku' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kv' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kw' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kphix' + sufix, zero) setattr(self, 'kphit' + sufix, zero) else: text = '"{}" is not a valid boundary condition!'.format(bc) raise ValueError(text) self.alpharad = deg2rad(self.alphadeg) = sin(self.alpharad) self.cosa = cos(self.alpharad) if not self.H and not self.L: self.H = (self.r1-self.r2)/tan(self.alpharad) if self.H and not self.L: self.L = self.H/self.cosa if self.L and not self.H: self.H = self.L*self.cosa if not self.r2: if not self.r1: raise ValueError('Radius "r1" or "r2" must be specified') else: self.r2 = self.r1 - self.L* else: self.r1 = self.r2 + self.L* self.thetaTrad = deg2rad(self.thetaTdeg) self.tLArad = deg2rad(self.tLAdeg) self.betarad = deg2rad(self.betadeg) self.LA = self.r2*tan(self.betarad) if not self.laminaprops: self.laminaprops = [self.laminaprop for i in self.stack] if not self.plyts: self.plyts = [self.plyt for i in self.stack] if self.alpharad == 0: self.is_cylinder = True else: self.is_cylinder = False self.excluded_dofs = [] self.excluded_dofs_ck = [] if self.pdC: self.excluded_dofs.append(0) self.excluded_dofs_ck.append(self.uTM) if self.pdT: self.excluded_dofs.append(1) self.excluded_dofs_ck.append(self.thetaTrad) if self.pdLA: self.excluded_dofs.append(2) self.excluded_dofs_ck.append(self.LA) else: raise NotImplementedError('pdLA == False is giving wrong results!') if self.nx < 4*self.m2: warn('Number of integration points along x too small') if self.nt < 4*self.n2: warn('Number of integration points along theta too small') if self.laminaprop is None: h = self.h E11 = self.E11 nu = if h is None or E11 is None or nu is None: raise ValueError( 'laminaprop or (E11, nu and h) must be defined') G12 = E11/(2*(1 + nu)) A11 = E11*h/(1 - nu**2) A12 = nu*E11*h/(1 - nu**2) A16 = 0 A22 = E11*h/(1 - nu**2) A26 = 0 A66 = G12*h D11 = E11*h**3/(12*(1 - nu**2)) D12 = nu*E11*h**3/(12*(1 - nu**2)) D16 = 0 D22 = E11*h**3/(12*(1 - nu**2)) D26 = 0 D66 = G12*h**3/12 # TODO, what if FSDT is used? if 'fsdt' in self.model: raise NotImplementedError( 'For FSDT laminaprop must be defined!') self.F = np.array([[A11, A12, A16, 0, 0, 0], [A12, A22, A26, 0, 0, 0], [A16, A26, A66, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, D11, D12, D16], [0, 0, 0, D12, D22, D26], [0, 0, 0, D16, D26, D66]]) if self.c0 is not None: self.analysis.kT_initial_state = True if self.Nxxtop is not None and self._load_rebuilt: return # axial load if self.Nxxtop is not None: if type(self.Nxxtop) in (int, float): Nxxtop0 = self.Nxxtop self.Nxxtop = np.zeros(2*self.n2+1, dtype=DOUBLE) self.Nxxtop[0] = Nxxtop0 check = False if isinstance(self.Nxxtop, np.ndarray): if self.Nxxtop.ndim == 1: assert self.Nxxtop.shape[0] == (2*self.n2+1) check = True if not check: raise ValueError('Invalid Nxxtop input') else: self.Nxxtop = np.zeros(2*self.n2+1, dtype=DOUBLE) if self.Fc is not None: self.Nxxtop[0] = self.Fc/(2*pi*self.r2*self.cosa) msg('Nxxtop[0] calculated from Fc', level=2) if self.MLA is None: if self.xiLA is not None: self.MLA = self.xiLA*self.Fc msg('MLA calculated from xiLA', level=2) if self.MLA is not None: self.Nxxtop[2] = self.MLA/(pi*self.r2**2*self.cosa) msg('Nxxtop[2] calculated from MLA', level=2) self._load_rebuilt = True
[docs] def get_size(self): r"""Calculates the size of the stiffness matrices The size of the stiffness matrices can be interpreted as the number of rows or columns, recalling that this will be the size of the Ritz constants' vector `\{c\}`, the internal force vector `\{F_{int}\}` and the external force vector `\{F_{ext}\}`. Returns ------- size : int The size of the stiffness matrices. """ model_dict = get_model(self.model) num0 = model_dict['num0'] num1 = model_dict['num1'] num2 = model_dict['num2'] self.size = num0 + num1*self.m1 + num2*self.m2*self.n2 return self.size
[docs] def from_DB(self, name): r"""Load cone/cylinder data from the local database Parameters ---------- name : str A key contained in the ``ccs`` dictionary of module :mod:`compmech.conecyl.conecylDB`. """ try: attrs = ['r1', 'r2', 'H', 'L', 'alphadeg', 'plyt', 'stack'] cc = ccs[name] self.laminaprop = laminaprops[cc['laminapropKey']] for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, cc.get(attr, getattr(self, attr))) except: raise ValueError('Invalid data-base entry!')
[docs] def exclude_dofs_matrix(self, k, return_kkk=False, return_kku=False, return_kuk=False): r"""Makes the partition of the dofs for prescribed displacements Makes the following partition of a given matrix:: k = | kkk kku | | kuk kuu | Parameters ---------- k : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix Matrix to be partitioned. return_kkk : bool, optional If the region `kkk` must be returned. return_kku : bool, optional If the region `kku` must be returned. return_kuk : bool, optional If the region `kuk` must be returned. Returns ------- out : dict A ``dict`` object containing the keys for the corresponding sub-matrices ``kkk``, ``kku``, ``kuk``, ``kuu``. The sub-matrix ``out['kuu']`` is a ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``, while the others are 2-D ``np.ndarray`` objects. """ if not isinstance(k, coo_matrix): k = coo_matrix(k) if return_kkk: kkk = coo_matrix(np.zeros((self.num0, self.num0))) ind = np.where(((k.row < self.num0) & (k.col < self.num0)))[0] kkk.row = np.take(k.row, ind) kkk.col = np.take(k.col, ind) = np.take(, ind) kkk = kkk.toarray() kkk = np.delete(kkk, self.excluded_dofs, axis=0) kkk = np.delete(kkk, self.excluded_dofs, axis=1) if return_kku: kku = coo_matrix(np.zeros((self.num0, k.shape[0]))) ind = np.where(k.row < self.num0)[0] kku.row = np.take(k.row, ind) kku.col = np.take(k.col, ind) = np.take(, ind) kku = kku.toarray() kku = np.delete(kku, self.excluded_dofs, axis=1) if return_kuk: kuk = coo_matrix(np.zeros((k.shape[0], self.num0))) ind = np.where(k.col < self.num0)[0] kuk.row = np.take(k.row, ind) kuk.col = np.take(k.col, ind) = np.take(, ind) kuk = kuk.toarray() kuk = np.delete(kuk, self.excluded_dofs, axis=0) rows = np.sort(self.excluded_dofs)[::-1] cols = np.sort(self.excluded_dofs)[::-1] kuu = k.copy() for r in rows: ind = np.where(kuu.row != r)[0] kuu.row[kuu.row > r] -= 1 kuu.row = np.take(kuu.row, ind) kuu.col = np.take(kuu.col, ind) = np.take(, ind) kuu._shape = (kuu._shape[0]-1, kuu._shape[1]) for c in cols: ind = np.where(kuu.col != c)[0] kuu.col[kuu.col > c] -= 1 kuu.row = np.take(kuu.row, ind) kuu.col = np.take(kuu.col, ind) = np.take(, ind) kuu._shape = (kuu._shape[0], kuu._shape[1]-1) kuu = csr_matrix(kuu) out = {} out['kuu'] = kuu if return_kkk: out['kkk'] = kkk if return_kku: out['kku'] = kku if return_kuk: out['kuk'] = kuk return out
[docs] def calc_full_c(self, cu, inc=1.): r"""Returns the full set of Ritz constants When prescribed displacements take place the matrices and the Ritz constants are partitioned like:: k = | kkk kku | | kuk kuu | and the corresponding Ritz constants:: c = | ck | | cu | This function adds the set of known Ritz constants (``ck``) to the set of unknown (``cu``) based on the prescribed displacements. Parameters ---------- cu : np.ndarray The set of unknown Ritz constants inc : float, optional Load increment, necessary to calculate the full set of Ritz constants. Returns ------- c : np.ndarray The full set of Ritz constants. """ c = cu.copy() size = self.get_size() if c.shape[0] == size: for dof in self.excluded_dofs: c[dof] *= inc c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE) return c ordered = sorted(zip(self.excluded_dofs, self.excluded_dofs_ck), key=lambda x:x[0]) for dof, cai in ordered: c = np.insert(c, dof, inc*cai) c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=DOUBLE) return c
def _default_field(self, xs, ts, gridx, gridt): if xs is None or ts is None: xs = linspace(0, self.L, gridx) ts = linspace(-pi, pi, gridt) xs, ts = np.meshgrid(xs, ts, copy=True) xs = np.atleast_1d(np.array(xs, dtype=DOUBLE)) ts = np.atleast_1d(np.array(ts, dtype=DOUBLE)) xshape = xs.shape tshape = ts.shape if xshape != tshape: raise ValueError('Arrays xs and ts must have the same shape') self.Xs = xs self.Ts = ts xs = np.ascontiguousarray(xs.flatten(), dtype=DOUBLE) ts = np.ascontiguousarray(ts.flatten(), dtype=DOUBLE) return xs, ts, xshape, tshape def _calc_linear_matrices(self, combined_load_case=None, silent=False): self._rebuild() msg('Calculating linear matrices... ', level=2) fk0, fk0_cyl, fkG0, fkG0_cyl, k0edges = modelDB.get_linear_matrices( self, combined_load_case) model = self.model alpharad = self.alpharad cosa = self.cosa r2 = self.r2 L = self.L m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 n2 = self.n2 s = self.s laminaprops = self.laminaprops plyts = self.plyts stack = self.stack P = self.P T = self.T E11 = self.E11 nu = h = self.h Fc = self.Nxxtop[0]*(2*pi*r2*cosa) lam = self.lam if stack != [] and self.F_reuse is None: lam = laminate.read_stack(stack, plyts=plyts, laminaprops=laminaprops) if 'clpt' in model: if self.F_reuse is not None: msg('', silent=silent) msg('Reusing F matrix...', level=2, silent=silent) F = self.F_reuse elif lam is not None: F = lam.ABD else: F = self.F elif 'fsdt' in model: if self.F_reuse is not None: msg('', silent=silent) msg('Reusing F matrix...', level=2, silent=silent) F = self.F_reuse elif lam is not None: F = lam.ABDE F[6:, 6:] *= self.K else: F = self.F if self.force_orthotropic_laminate: msg('', silent=silent) msg('Forcing orthotropic laminate...', level=2, silent=silent) F[0, 2] = 0. # A16 F[1, 2] = 0. # A26 F[2, 0] = 0. # A61 F[2, 1] = 0. # A62 F[0, 5] = 0. # B16 F[5, 0] = 0. # B61 F[1, 5] = 0. # B26 F[5, 1] = 0. # B62 F[3, 2] = 0. # B16 F[2, 3] = 0. # B61 F[4, 2] = 0. # B26 F[2, 4] = 0. # B62 F[3, 5] = 0. # D16 F[4, 5] = 0. # D26 F[5, 3] = 0. # D61 F[5, 4] = 0. # D62 if F.shape[0] == 8: F[6, 7] = 0. # A45 F[7, 6] = 0. # A54 self.lam = lam self.F = F if self.is_cylinder: if 'iso_' in model: k0 = fk0_cyl(r2, L, E11, nu, h, m1, m2, n2) else: k0 = fk0_cyl(r2, L, F, m1, m2, n2) if not combined_load_case: kG0 = fkG0_cyl(Fc, P, T, r2, L, m1, m2, n2) else: kG0_Fc = fkG0_cyl(Fc, 0, 0, r2, L, m1, m2, n2) kG0_P = fkG0_cyl(0, P, 0, r2, L, m1, m2, n2) kG0_T = fkG0_cyl(0, 0, T, r2, L, m1, m2, n2) else: if 'iso_' in model: k0 = fk0(alpharad, r2, L, E11, nu, h, m1, m2, n2, s) else: k0 = fk0(alpharad, r2, L, F, m1, m2, n2, s) if not combined_load_case: kG0 = fkG0(Fc, P, T, r2, alpharad, L, m1, m2, n2, s) else: kG0_Fc = fkG0(Fc, 0, 0, r2, alpharad, L, m1, m2, n2, s) kG0_P = fkG0(0, P, 0, r2, alpharad, L, m1, m2, n2, s) kG0_T = fkG0(0, 0, T, r2, alpharad, L, m1, m2, n2, s) if k0edges is not None: k0 = csr_matrix(k0) + csr_matrix(k0edges) assert np.any((np.isnan( | np.isinf( == False k0 = make_symmetric(k0) if not combined_load_case: assert np.any((np.isnan( | np.isinf( == False self.kG0 = make_symmetric(kG0) else: assert np.any((np.isnan( | np.isinf( == False assert np.any((np.isnan( | np.isinf( == False assert np.any((np.isnan( | np.isinf( == False self.kG0_Fc = make_symmetric(kG0_Fc) self.kG0_P = make_symmetric(kG0_P) self.kG0_T = make_symmetric(kG0_T) k = self.exclude_dofs_matrix(k0, return_kuk=True) k0uk = k['kuk'] k0uu = k['kuu'] self.k0 = k0 self.k0uk = k0uk self.k0uu = k0uu #NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory # it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not # identified, probably in the csr_matrix process gc.collect() msg('finished!', level=2) def calc_k0(self, silent=False): if self.k0uu is None: self._calc_linear_matrices(silent=silent) return self.k0uu
[docs] def calc_kT(self, c, inc=1., silent=False): r"""Calculates the tangent stiffness matrix The following attributes will affect the numerical integration: ================= ================================================ Attribute Description ================= ================================================ ``ni_num_cores`` ``int``, number of cores used for the numerical integration ``ni_method`` ``str``, integration method: - ``'trapz2d'`` for 2-D Trapezoidal's rule - ``'simps2d'`` for 2-D Simpsons' rule ``nx`` ``int``, number of integration points along the `x` coordinate ``nt`` ``int``, number of integration points along the `\theta` coordinate ================= ================================================ Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants vector of the current state. inc : float, optional Load increment, necessary to calculate the full set of Ritz constants using :meth:`calc_full_c`. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed. Returns ------- kTuu : sparse matrix The tangent stiffness matrix corresponding to the unknown degrees of freedom. """ self._calc_NL_matrices(c, inc=inc, silent=silent) return self.kTuu
[docs] def lb(self, c=None, tol=0, combined_load_case=None): r"""Performs a linear buckling analysis The following parameters of the ``ConeCyl`` object will affect the linear buckling analysis: ======================= ===================================== Attribute Description ======================= ===================================== ``num_eigenvalues`` Number of eigenvalues to be extracted ``num_eigvalues_print`` Number of eigenvalues to print after the analysis is completed ======================= ===================================== Parameters ---------- combined_load_case : int, optional It tells whether the linear buckling analysis must be computed considering combined load cases, each value will tell the algorithm to rearrange the linear matrices in a different way. The valid values are ``1``, or ``2``, where: - ``1`` : find the critical axial load for a fixed torsion load - ``2`` : find the critical axial load for a fixed pressure load - ``3`` : find the critical torsion load for a fixed axial load Notes ----- The extracted eigenvalues are stored in the ``eigvals`` parameter of the ``ConeCyl`` object and the `i^{th}` eigenvector in the ``eigvecs[i-1, :]`` parameter. """ model_dict = get_model(self.model) if not model_dict['linear buckling']: msg('________________________________________________') msg('') warn('Model {} cannot be used in linear buckling analysis!'. format(self.model)) msg('________________________________________________') msg('Running linear buckling analysis...') if self.Fc is None and self.Nxxtop is None: warn('using Fc = 1.', level=1) self.Fc = 1. if self.pdC is None: self.pdC = False self._calc_linear_matrices(combined_load_case=combined_load_case) #TODO maybe a better estimator to sigma would be to run # a preliminary eigsh using a small m2 and n2 #NOTE runs faster for self.k0 than -self.k0, so that the negative # sign is applied later msg('Eigenvalue solver... ', level=2) model_dict = get_model(self.model) num0 = model_dict['num0'] pos = num0 if not combined_load_case: M = csr_matrix(self.k0) A = csr_matrix(self.kG0) elif combined_load_case == 1: M = csr_matrix(self.k0) + csr_matrix(self.kG0_T) A = csr_matrix(self.kG0_Fc) elif combined_load_case == 2: M = csr_matrix(self.k0) + csr_matrix(self.kG0_P) A = csr_matrix(self.kG0_Fc) elif combined_load_case == 3: M = csr_matrix(self.k0) + csr_matrix(self.kG0_Fc) A = csr_matrix(self.kG0_T) A = A[pos:, pos:] M = M[pos:, pos:] try: eigvals, eigvecs = eigsh(A=A, k=self.num_eigvalues, which='SM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=1., mode='cayley') except Exception as e: warn(str(e), level=3) size22 = M.shape[0] M, A, used_cols = remove_null_cols(M, A) msg('solver...', level=3) try: eigvals, peigvecs = eigsh(A=A, k=self.num_eigvalues, which='SM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=1., mode='cayley') except: eigvals, peigvecs = eigsh(A=A, k=self.num_eigvalues, which='SM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=1., mode='buckling') msg('finished!', level=3) eigvecs = np.zeros((size22, self.num_eigvalues), dtype=DOUBLE) eigvecs[used_cols, :] = peigvecs eigvals = -1./eigvals self.eigvals = eigvals self.eigvecs = np.vstack((np.zeros((pos, self.num_eigvalues)), eigvecs)) msg('finished!', level=2) msg('first {} eigenvalues:'.format(self.num_eigvalues_print), level=1) for eig in eigvals[:self.num_eigvalues_print]: msg('{}'.format(eig), level=2) self.analysis.last_analysis = 'lb'
[docs] def eigen(self, c=None, tol=0, kL=None, kG=None, combined_load_case=None): r"""Performs a non-linear eigenvalue analysis at a given state The following attributes of the ``ConeCyl`` object will affect the non-linear eigenvalue analysis: ======================= ===================================== Attribute Description ======================= ===================================== ``num_eigenvalues`` Number of eigenvalues to be extracted ``num_eigvalues_print`` Number of eigenvalues to print after the analysis is completed ======================= ===================================== Additionally, the non-linear analysis parameters described in :meth:`static` will affect the integration of the non-linear matrices ``kL`` and ``kG`` if they are not given as input parameters. Parameters ---------- combined_load_case : int or None, optional It tells whether the linear buckling analysis must be computed considering combined load cases, each value will tell the algorithm to rearrange the linear matrices in a different way. The valid values are ``1``, or ``2``, where: - ``1`` : find the critical axial load for a fixed torsion load - ``2`` : find the critical axial load for a fixed pressure load - ``3`` : find the critical torsion load for a fixed axial load Notes ----- The extracted eigenvalues are stored in the ``eigvals`` parameter of the ``ConeCyl`` object and the `i^{th}` eigenvector in the ``eigvecs[i-1, :]`` parameter. """ model_dict = get_model(self.model) if not model_dict['linear buckling']: msg('________________________________________________') msg('') warn('Model {} cannot be used in linear buckling analysis!'. format(self.model)) msg('________________________________________________') msg('Running linear buckling analysis...') if self.Fc is None: self.Fc = 1. if self.pdC is None: self.pdC = False self._calc_linear_matrices(combined_load_case=combined_load_case) #TODO maybe a better estimator to sigma would be to run # a preliminary eigsh using a small m2 and n2 #NOTE runs faster for self.k0 than -self.k0, so that the negative # sign is applied later msg('Eigenvalue solver... ', level=2) model_dict = get_model(self.model) num0 = model_dict['num0'] pos = num0 if combined_load_case is None: M = csr_matrix(self.k0) A = csr_matrix(self.kG0) elif combined_load_case == 1: M = csr_matrix(self.k0) + csr_matrix(self.kG0_T) A = csr_matrix(self.kG0_Fc) elif combined_load_case == 2: M = csr_matrix(self.k0) + csr_matrix(self.kG0_P) A = csr_matrix(self.kG0_Fc) elif combined_load_case == 3: M = csr_matrix(self.k0) + csr_matrix(self.kG0_Fc) A = csr_matrix(self.kG0_T) else: raise ValueError('Invalid value for the "combined_load_case" parameter') A = A[pos:, pos:] M = M[pos:, pos:] try: eigvals, eigvecs = eigsh(A=A, k=self.num_eigvalues, which='SM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=1., mode='cayley') except Exception as e: warn(str(e), level=3) size22 = M.shape[0] M, A, used_cols = remove_null_cols(M, A) msg('solver...', level=3) try: eigvals, peigvecs = eigsh(A=A, k=self.num_eigvalues, which='SM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=1., mode='cayley') except: eigvals, peigvecs = eigsh(A=A, k=self.num_eigvalues, which='SM', M=M, tol=tol, sigma=1., mode='buckling') msg('finished!', level=3) eigvecs = np.zeros((size22, self.num_eigvalues), dtype=DOUBLE) eigvecs[used_cols, :] = peigvecs eigvals = (-1./eigvals) self.eigvals = eigvals self.eigvecs = np.vstack((np.zeros((pos, self.num_eigvalues)), eigvecs)) msg('finished!', level=2) msg('first {} eigenvalues:'.format(self.num_eigvalues_print), level=1) for eig in eigvals[:self.num_eigvalues_print]: msg('{}'.format(eig), level=2) self.analysis.last_analysis = 'lb'
def _calc_NL_matrices(self, c, inc=1., with_kLL=None, with_k0L=None, silent=False): r"""Calculates the non-linear stiffness matrices Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray Ritz constants representing the current state to calculate the stiffness matrices. inc : float, optional Load increment, necessary to calculate the full set of Ritz constants using :meth:`calc_full_c`. with_kLL : bool, optional When ``with_kLL=False`` assumes kLL << than k0L and kG. with_k0L : bool, optional When ``with_k0L=False`` assumes k0L << than kLL and kG. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed. Notes ----- Nothing is returned, the calculated matrices """ c = self.calc_full_c(c, inc=inc) if self.k0 is None: self._calc_linear_matrices(silent=silent) if with_k0L is None: with_k0L = self.with_k0L if with_kLL is None: with_kLL = self.with_kLL msg('Calculating non-linear matrices...', level=2, silent=silent) alpharad = self.alpharad r2 = self.r2 L = self.L tLArad = self.tLArad F = self.F m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 n2 = self.n2 c0 = self.c0 m0 = self.m0 n0 = self.n0 model = self.model model_dict = get_model(model) nlmodule = model_dict['non-linear'] ni_method = self.ni_method num_cores = self.ni_num_cores nx = self.nx nt = self.nt if nlmodule: calc_k0L = nlmodule.calc_k0L calc_kLL = nlmodule.calc_kLL if 'iso_' in model: calc_kG = modelDB.db[model[4:]]['non-linear'].calc_kG else: calc_kG = nlmodule.calc_kG kG = calc_kG(c, alpharad, r2, L, tLArad, F, m1, m2, n2, nx=nx, nt=nt, num_cores=num_cores, method=ni_method, c0=c0, m0=m0, n0=n0) kG = make_symmetric(kG) if 'iso_' in model: E11 = self.E11 nu = h = self.h if with_k0L: k0L = calc_k0L(c, alpharad, r2, L, tLArad, E11, nu, h, m1, m2, n2, nx=nx, nt=nt, num_cores=num_cores, method=ni_method, c0=c0, m0=m0, n0=n0) else: k0L = kG*0 if with_kLL: kLL = calc_kLL(c, alpharad, r2, L, tLArad, E11, nu, h, m1, m2, n2, nx=nx, nt=nt, num_cores=num_cores, method=ni_method, c0=c0, m0=m0, n0=n0) kLL = make_symmetric(kLL) else: kLL = kG*0 else: if with_k0L: k0L = calc_k0L(c, alpharad, r2, L, tLArad, F, m1, m2, n2, nx=nx, nt=nt, num_cores=num_cores, method=ni_method, c0=c0, m0=m0, n0=n0) else: k0L = kG*0 if with_kLL: kLL = calc_kLL(c, alpharad, r2, L, tLArad, F, m1, m2, n2, nx=nx, nt=nt, num_cores=num_cores, method=ni_method, c0=c0, m0=m0, n0=n0) kLL = make_symmetric(kLL) else: kLL = kG*0 else: raise ValueError( 'Non-Linear analysis not implemented for model {0}'.format(model)) kL0 = k0L.T #TODO maybe slow... kT = coo_matrix(self.k0 + k0L + kL0 + kLL + kG) # kS was deprecated, now fint is integrated numerically #kS = coo_matrix(self.k0 + k0L/2 + kL0 + kLL/2) k = self.exclude_dofs_matrix(kT, return_kuk=True) self.kTuk = k['kuk'] self.kTuu = k['kuu'] #NOTE intended for non-linear eigenvalue analyses self.kL = csr_matrix(self.k0 + k0L + kL0 + kLL) self.kG = csr_matrix(kG) msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
[docs] def uvw(self, c, xs=None, ts=None, gridx=300, gridt=300, inc=1.): r"""Calculates the displacement field For a given full set of Ritz constants ``c``, the displacement field is calculated and stored in the parameters ``u``, ``v``, ``w``, ``phix``, ``phit`` of the ``ConeCyl`` object. Parameters ---------- c : float The full set of Ritz constants xs : np.ndarray The `x` positions where to calculate the displacement field. Default is ``None`` and method ``_default_field`` is used. ts : np.ndarray The ``theta`` positions where to calculate the displacement field. Default is ``None`` and method ``_default_field`` is used. gridx : int Number of points along the `x` axis where to calculate the displacement field. gridt : int Number of points along the `theta` where to calculate the displacement field. inc : float, optional Load increment, necessary to calculate the full set of Ritz constants using :meth:`calc_full_c`. Returns ------- out : tuple A tuple of ``np.ndarrays`` containing ``(u, v, w, phix, phit)``. Notes ----- The returned values ``u```, ``v``, ``w``, ``phix``, ``phit`` are stored as parameters with the same name in the ``ConeCyl`` object. """ xs, ts, xshape, tshape = self._default_field(xs, ts, gridx, gridt) alpharad = self.alpharad tLArad = self.tLArad m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 n2 = self.n2 r2 = self.r2 L = self.L c = self.calc_full_c(c, inc=inc) model_dict = get_model(self.model) fuvw = model_dict['commons'].fuvw us, vs, ws, phixs, phits = fuvw(c, m1, m2, n2, alpharad, r2, L, tLArad, xs, ts, self.out_num_cores) self.u = us.reshape(xshape) self.v = vs.reshape(xshape) self.w = ws.reshape(xshape) self.phix = phixs.reshape(xshape) self.phit = phits.reshape(xshape) return self.u, self.v, self.w, self.phix, self.phit
[docs] def strain(self, c, xs=None, ts=None, gridx=300, gridt=300, inc=1.): r"""Calculates the strain field Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants vector to be used for the strain field calculation. xs : np.ndarray, optional The `x` coordinates where to calculate the strains. ts : np.ndarray, optional The `\theta` coordinates where to calculate the strains, must have the same shape as ``xs``. gridx : int, optional When ``xs`` and ``ts`` are not supplied, ``gridx`` and ``gridt`` are used. gridt : int, optional When ``xs`` and ``ts`` are not supplied, ``gridx`` and ``gridt`` are used. inc : float, optional Load increment, necessary to calculate the full set of Ritz constants using :meth:`calc_full_c`. """ xs, ts, xshape, tshape = self._default_field(xs, ts, gridx, gridt) L = self.L r2 = self.r2 sina = cosa = self.cosa tLArad = self.tLArad m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 n2 = self.n2 c0 = self.c0 m0 = self.m0 n0 = self.n0 funcnum = self.funcnum model = self.model model_dict = get_model(model) NL_kinematics = model.split('_')[1] fstrain = model_dict['commons'].fstrain e_num = model_dict['e_num'] if 'donnell' in NL_kinematics: int_NL_kinematics = 0 elif 'sanders' in NL_kinematics: int_NL_kinematics = 1 else: raise NotImplementedError( '{} is not a valid "NL_kinematics" option'.format( NL_kinematics)) c = self.calc_full_c(c, inc=inc) es = fstrain(c, sina, cosa, tLArad, xs, ts, r2, L, m1, m2, n2, c0, m0, n0, funcnum, int_NL_kinematics, self.out_num_cores) return es.reshape((xshape + (e_num,)))
[docs] def stress(self, c, xs=None, ts=None, gridx=300, gridt=300, inc=1.): r"""Calculates the stress field Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants vector to be used for the strain field calculation. xs : np.ndarray, optional The `x` coordinates where to calculate the strains. ts : np.ndarray, optional The `\theta` coordinates where to calculate the strains, must have the same shape as ``xs``. gridx : int, optional When ``xs`` and ``ts`` are not supplied, ``gridx`` and ``gridt`` are used. gridt : int, optional When ``xs`` and ``ts`` are not supplied, ``gridx`` and ``gridt`` are used. inc : float, optional Load increment, necessary to calculate the full set of Ritz constants using :meth:`calc_full_c`. """ xs, ts, xshape, tshape = self._default_field(xs, ts, gridx, gridt) F = self.F L = self.L r2 = self.r2 sina = cosa = self.cosa tLArad = self.tLArad m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 n2 = self.n2 c0 = self.c0 m0 = self.m0 n0 = self.n0 funcnum = self.funcnum model = self.model model_dict = get_model(model) NL_kinematics = model.split('_')[1] fstress = model_dict['commons'].fstress e_num = model_dict['e_num'] if 'donnell' in NL_kinematics: int_NL_kinematics = 0 elif 'sanders' in NL_kinematics: int_NL_kinematics = 1 else: raise NotImplementedError( '{} is not a valid "NL_kinematics" option'.format( NL_kinematics)) c = self.calc_full_c(c, inc=inc) Ns = fstress(c, F, sina, cosa, tLArad, xs, ts, r2, L, m1, m2, n2, c0, m0, n0, funcnum, int_NL_kinematics, self.out_num_cores) return Ns.reshape((xshape + (e_num,)))
[docs] def calc_fint(self, c, inc=1., m=1, return_u=True, silent=False): r"""Calculates the internal force vector `\{F_{int}\}` The following attributes will affect the numerical integration: ================= ================================================ Attribute Description ================= ================================================ ``ni_num_cores`` ``int``, number of cores used for the numerical integration ``ni_method`` ``str``, integration method: - ``'trapz2d'`` for 2-D Trapezoidal's rule - ``'simps2d'`` for 2-D Simpsons' rule ``nx`` ``int``, number of integration points along the `x` coordinate ``nt`` ``int``, number of integration points along the `\theta` coordinate ================= ================================================ Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants that will be used to compute the internal forces. inc : float, optional Load increment, necessary to calculate the full set of Ritz constants using :meth:`calc_full_c`. m : integer, optional A multiplier to be applied to ``nx`` and ``nt``, if one whishes to use more integration points. return_u : bool, optional If the internal force vector corresponsing to the unknown set of Ritz constants should be returned. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed. Returns ------- fint : np.ndarray The internal force vector. """ c = self.calc_full_c(c, inc=inc) if 'iso_' in self.model: nlmodule = modelDB.db[self.model[4:]]['non-linear'] else: nlmodule = modelDB.db[self.model]['non-linear'] ni_method = self.ni_method ni_num_cores = self.ni_num_cores nx = self.nx*m nt = self.nt*m fint = nlmodule.calc_fint_0L_L0_LL(c, self.alpharad, self.r2, self.L, self.tLArad, self.F, self.m1, self.m2, self.n2, nx, nt, ni_num_cores, ni_method, self.c0, self.m0, self.n0) fint += self.k0*c if return_u: fint = np.delete(fint, self.excluded_dofs) return fint
[docs] def add_SPL(self, PL, pt=0.5, thetadeg=0., increment=False): r"""Add a Single Perturbation Load `\{{F_{PL}}_i\}` Adds a perturbation load to the ``ConeCyl`` object, the perturbation load is a particular case of the punctual load with only a normal component. Parameters ---------- PL : float The perturbation load value. pt : float, optional The normalized position along the `x` axis in which the new SPL will be included. thetadeg : float, optional The angular position of the SPL in degrees. increment : bool, optional If this perturbation load should be incrementally applied in a non-linear analysis. Notes ----- Each single perturbation load is added to the ``forces`` parameter of the ``ConeCyl`` object, which may be changed by the analyst at any time. """ self._rebuild() thetarad = deg2rad(thetadeg) if increment: self.forces_inc.append([pt*self.L, thetarad, 0., 0., -PL]) else: self.forces.append([pt*self.L, thetarad, 0., 0., -PL])
[docs] def add_force(self, x, thetadeg, fx, ftheta, fz, increment=False): r"""Add a punctual force Adds a force vector `\{f_x, f_\theta, f_z\}^T` to the ``forces`` parameter of the ``ConeCyl`` object. Parameters ---------- x : float The `x` position. thetadeg : float The `\theta` position in degrees. fx : float The `x` component of the force vector. ftheta : float The `\theta` component of the force vector. fz : float The `z` component of the force vector. increment : bool, optional If this punctual force should be incrementally applied in a non-linear analysis. """ thetarad = deg2rad(thetadeg) if increment: self.forces_inc.append([x, thetarad, fx, ftheta, fz]) else: self.forces.append([x, thetarad, fx, ftheta, fz])
[docs] def calc_fext(self, inc=1., kuk=None, silent=False): r"""Calculates the external force vector `\{F_{ext}\}` Recall that: .. math:: \{F_{ext}\}=\{{F_{ext}}_0\} + \{{F_{ext}}_\lambda\} such that the terms in `\{{F_{ext}}_0\}` are constant and the terms in `\{{F_{ext}}_\lambda\}` will be scaled by the parameter ``inc``. Parameters ---------- inc : float, optional Since this function is called during the non-linear analysis, ``inc`` will multiply the terms `\{{F_{ext}}_\lambda\}`. kuk : np.ndarray, optional Obsolete, created for displacement controlled analyses, but the implementation has not been finished, see :meth:`exclude_dofs_matrix`. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed. Returns ------- fext : np.ndarray The external force vector """ self._rebuild() if self.k0 is None: self._calc_linear_matrices(silent=silent) msg('Calculating external forces...', level=2, silent=silent) uTM = inc*self.uTM Nxxtop = inc*self.Nxxtop thetaTrad = inc*self.thetaTrad sina = cosa = self.cosa r2 = self.r2 L = self.L tLArad = self.tLArad m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 n2 = self.n2 pdT = self.pdT model = self.model model_dict = get_model(model) i0 = model_dict['i0'] j0 = model_dict['j0'] num0 = model_dict['num0'] num1 = model_dict['num1'] num2 = model_dict['num2'] dofs = model_dict['dofs'] fg = model_dict['commons'].fg size = self.get_size() g = np.zeros((dofs, size), dtype=DOUBLE) fext = np.zeros(size, dtype=DOUBLE) fext = np.delete(fext, self.excluded_dofs) # constant punctual forces for i, force in enumerate(self.forces): x, theta, fx, ftheta, fz = force fg(g, m1, m2, n2, r2, x, theta, L, cosa, tLArad) gu = np.delete(g, self.excluded_dofs, axis=1) if dofs == 3: fpt = np.array([[fx, ftheta, fz]]) elif dofs == 5: fpt = np.array([[fx, ftheta, fz, 0, 0]]) fext += # incremented punctual forces for i, force in enumerate(self.forces_inc): x, theta, fx, ftheta, fz = force fg(g, m1, m2, n2, r2, x, theta, L, cosa, tLArad) gu = np.delete(g, self.excluded_dofs, axis=1) if dofs == 3: fpt = inc*np.array([[fx, ftheta, fz]]) elif dofs == 5: fpt = inc*np.array([[fx, ftheta, fz, 0, 0]]) fext += # axial load fext_tmp = np.zeros(size, dtype=DOUBLE) if not 0 in self.excluded_dofs: fext_tmp[0] += Nxxtop[0]*(2*pi*r2)/cosa if 'bc2' in model or 'bc4' in model: for j2 in range(j0, n2+j0): for i2 in range(i0, m2+i0): row = (num0 + num1*m1 + (i2-i0)*num2 + (j2-j0)*num2*m2) rowNxx = 1+2*(j2-j0) fext_tmp[row+0]+=(Nxxtop[rowNxx+0]*pi*r2) fext_tmp[row+1]+=(Nxxtop[rowNxx+1]*pi*r2) else: if kuk is None: kuk_C = self.k0uk[:, 0].ravel() else: kuk_C = kuk[:, 0].ravel() fext += -uTM*kuk_C if not 2 in self.excluded_dofs: fext_tmp[2] += Nxxtop[2]*(2*pi*r2)/cosa # pressure P = self.P + inc*self.P_inc if P != 0: if 'clpt' in model: for i1 in range(i0, m1+i0): if i1 == 0: continue col = num0 + (i1-i0)*num1 fext_tmp[col+2] += P*(L*2./i1*(r2 - (-1)**i1*(r2 + L*sina))) elif 'fsdt' in model: #TODO it might be the same as for the CLPT raise NotImplementedError( 'Pressure not implemented for static analysis for FSDT') fext_tmp = np.delete(fext_tmp, self.excluded_dofs) fext += fext_tmp # torsion if pdT: if kuk is None: kuk_T = self.k0uk[:, 1].ravel() else: kuk_T = kuk[:, 1].ravel() fext += -thetaTrad*kuk_T else: T = self.T + inc*self.T_inc if T != 0: fg(g, m1, m2, n2, r2, 0, 0, L, cosa, tLArad) gu = np.delete(g, self.excluded_dofs, axis=1) if dofs == 3: fpt = np.array([[0, T/r2, 0]]) elif dofs == 5: fpt = np.array([[0, T/r2, 0, 0, 0]]) fext += msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent) return fext
[docs] def static(self, NLgeom=False, silent=False): r"""Static analysis for cones and cylinders The analysis can be linear or geometrically non-linear. See :class:`.Analysis` for further details about the parameters controlling the non-linear analysis. Parameters ---------- NLgeom : bool Flag to indicate whether a linear or a non-linear analysis is to be performed. silent : bool, optional A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed. Returns ------- cs : list A list containing the Ritz constants for each load increment of the static analysis. The list will have only one entry in case of a linear analysis. Notes ----- The returned ``cs`` is stored in the ``cs`` parameter of the ``ConeCyl`` object. The actual increments used in the non-linear analysis are stored in the ``increments`` parameter. """ self.cs = [] self.increments = [] if self.pdC: text ='Non-linear analysis with prescribed displacements' raise NotImplementedError(text) if NLgeom and not modelDB.db[self.model]['non-linear static']: msg('________________________________________________', silent=silent) msg('', silent=silent) warn('Model {} cannot be used in non-linear static analysis!'. format(self.model), silent=silent) msg('________________________________________________', silent=silent) raise elif not NLgeom and not modelDB.db[self.model]['linear static']: msg('________________________________________________', level=1, silent=silent) msg('', level=1, silent=silent) warn('Model {} cannot be used in linear static analysis!'. format(self.model), level=1, silent=silent) msg('________________________________________________', level=1, silent=silent) raise self.analysis.static(NLgeom=NLgeom, silent=silent) self.cs = self.analysis.cs self.increments = self.analysis.increments return self.cs
[docs] def plot(self, c, invert_x=False, plot_type=1, vec='w', deform_u=False, deform_u_sf=100., filename='', ax=None, figsize=(3.5, 2.), save=True, add_title=True, title='', colorbar=False, cbar_nticks=2, cbar_format=None, cbar_title='', cbar_fontsize=10, aspect='equal', clean=True, dpi=400, texts=[], xs=None, ts=None, gridx=300, gridt=300, num_levels=400, inc=1., vecmin=None, vecmax=None): r"""Contour plot for a Ritz constants vector. Parameters ---------- c : np.ndarray The Ritz constants that will be used to compute the field contour. vec : str, optional Can be one of the components: - Displacement: ``'u'``, ``'v'``, ``'w'``, ``'phix'``, ``'phit'``, ``'magnitude'`` - Strain: ``'exx'``, ``'ett'``, ``'gxt'``, ``'kxx'``, ``'ktt'``, ``'kxt'``, ``'gtz'``, ``'gxz'`` - Stress: ``'Nxx'``, ``'Ntt'``, ``'Nxt'``, ``'Mxx'``, ``'Mtt'``, ``'Mxt'``, ``'Qt'``, ``'Qx'`` deform_u : bool, optional If ``True`` the contour plot will look deformed. deform_u_sf : float, optional The scaling factor used to deform the contour. invert_x : bool, optional Inverts the `x` axis of the plot. It may be used to match the coordinate system of the finite element models created using the ``desicos.abaqus`` module. plot_type : int, optional For cylinders only ``4`` and ``5`` are valid. For cones all the following types can be used: - ``1``: concave up (with ``invert_x=False``) (default) - ``2``: concave down (with ``invert_x=False``) - ``3``: stretched closed - ``4``: stretched opened (`r \times \theta` vs. `H`) - ``5``: stretched opened (`\theta` vs. `H`) save : bool, optional Flag telling whether the contour should be saved to an image file. dpi : int, optional Resolution of the saved file in dots per inch. filename : str, optional The file name for the generated image file. If no value is given, the `name` parameter of the ``ConeCyl`` object will be used. ax : AxesSubplot, optional When ``ax`` is given, the contour plot will be created inside it. figsize : tuple, optional The figure size given by ``(width, height)``. add_title : bool, optional If a title should be added to the figure. title : str, optional If any string is given ``add_title`` will be ignored and the given title added to the contour plot. colorbar : bool, optional If a colorbar should be added to the contour plot. cbar_nticks : int, optional Number of ticks added to the colorbar. cbar_format : [ None | format string | Formatter object ], optional See the ``matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`` documentation. cbar_fontsize : int, optional Fontsize of the colorbar labels. cbar_title : str, optional Colorbar title. If ``cbar_title == ''`` no title is added. aspect : str, optional String that will be passed to the ``AxesSubplot.set_aspect()`` method. clean : bool, optional Clean axes ticks, grids, spines etc. xs : np.ndarray, optional The `x` positions where to calculate the displacement field. Default is ``None`` and method ``_default_field`` is used. ts : np.ndarray, optional The ``theta`` positions where to calculate the displacement field. Default is ``None`` and method ``_default_field`` is used. gridx : int, optional Number of points along the `x` axis where to calculate the displacement field. gridt : int, optional Number of points along the `theta` where to calculate the displacement field. num_levels : int, optional Number of contour levels (higher values make the contour smoother). inc : float, optional Load increment, necessary to calculate the full set of Ritz constants using :meth:`calc_full_c`. vecmin : float, optional Minimum value for the contour scale (useful to compare with other results). If not specified it will be taken from the calculated field. vecmax : float, optional Maximum value for the contour scale. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The Matplotlib object that can be used to modify the current plot if needed. """ msg('Plotting contour...') ubkp, vbkp, wbkp, phixbkp, phitbkp = (self.u, self.v, self.w, self.phix, self.phit) import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from . plotutils import get_filename c = self.calc_full_c(c, inc=inc) msg('Computing field variables...', level=1) displs = ['u', 'v', 'w', 'phix', 'phit', 'magnitude', 'test'] strains = ['exx', 'ett', 'gxt', 'kxx', 'ktt', 'kxt', 'gtz', 'gxz'] stresses = ['Nxx', 'Ntt', 'Nxt', 'Mxx', 'Mtt', 'Mxt', 'Qt', 'Qx'] if vec in displs or 'eq_' in vec: self.uvw(c, xs=xs, ts=ts, gridx=gridx, gridt=gridt, inc=inc) if vec == 'magnitude': u = self.u v = self.v w = self.w field = (u**2 + v**2 + w**2)**0.5 elif 'eq_' in vec: u = self.u v = self.v w = self.w field = eval(vec[3:]) else: field = getattr(self, vec) elif vec in strains: es = self.strain(c, xs=xs, ts=ts, gridx=gridx, gridt=gridt, inc=inc) field = es[..., strains.index(vec)] elif vec in stresses: Ns = self.stress(c, xs=xs, ts=ts, gridx=gridx, gridt=gridt, inc=inc) field = Ns[..., stresses.index(vec)] else: raise ValueError( '{0} is not a valid "vec" parameter value!'.format(vec)) msg('Finished!', level=1) Xs = self.Xs Ts = self.Ts if vecmin is None: vecmin = field.min() if vecmax is None: vecmax = field.max() levels = linspace(vecmin, vecmax, num_levels) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): ax = ax fig = ax.figure save = False else: raise ValueError('"ax" must be an Axes object') def r(x): return self.r2 + x* if self.is_cylinder: plot_type=4 if plot_type == 1: r_plot = self.r2/ + Xs r_plot_max = self.r2/ + self.L y = r_plot_max - r_plot*cos(Ts* x = r_plot*sin(Ts* elif plot_type == 2: r_plot = self.r2/ + Xs y = r_plot*cos(Ts* x = r_plot*sin(Ts* elif plot_type == 3: r_plot = self.r2/ + Xs r_plot_max = self.r2/ + self.L y = r_plot_max - r_plot*cos(Ts) x = r_plot*sin(Ts) elif plot_type == 4: x = r(Xs)*Ts y = self.L-Xs elif plot_type == 5: x = Ts y = Xs if deform_u: if vec in displs: pass else: self.uvw(c, xs=xs, ts=ts, gridx=gridx, gridt=gridt, inc=inc) field_u = self.u y -= deform_u_sf*field_u contour = ax.contourf(x, y, field, levels=levels) if colorbar: from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable fsize = cbar_fontsize divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) cbarticks = linspace(vecmin, vecmax, cbar_nticks) cbar = plt.colorbar(contour, ticks=cbarticks, format=cbar_format, cax=cax) if cbar_title: cax.text(0.5, 1.05, cbar_title, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=fsize) cbar.outline.remove(), pad=0., tick2On=False) if invert_x: ax.invert_yaxis() if title!='': ax.set_title(str(title)) elif add_title: if self.analysis.last_analysis == 'static': ax.set_title(r'$m_1={0}$, $m_2={1}$, $n_2={2}$'. format(self.m1, self.m2, self.n2)) elif self.analysis.last_analysis == 'lb': ax.set_title( r'$m_1={0}$, $m2={1}$, $n2={2}$, $\lambda_{{CR}}={3:1.3e}$'.format( self.m1, self.m2, self.n2, self.eigvals[0])) fig.tight_layout() ax.set_aspect(aspect) if clean: ax.grid(False) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_frame_on(False) for kwargs in texts: ax.text(transform=ax.transAxes, **kwargs) if save: if not filename: filename = get_filename(self) fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05, dpi=dpi) plt.close() if ubkp is not None: self.u = ubkp if vbkp is not None: self.v = vbkp if wbkp is not None: self.w = wbkp if phixbkp is not None: self.phix = phixbkp if phitbkp is not None: self.phit = phitbkp msg('finished!') return ax
[docs] def plotAbaqus(self, frame, fieldOutputKey, vec, nodes, numel_cir, elem_type='S4R', ignore=[], ax=None, figsize=(3.3, 3.3), save=True, aspect='equal', clean=True, plot_type=1, outpath='', filename='', npzname='', pyname='', num_levels=400): r"""Print a field output for a cylinder/cone model from Abaqus This function is intended to be used with models created by the `DESICOS plug-in for Abaqus <>`_, where a **mapped mesh** is used and the models comparable to the models of :mod:`compmech.conecyl`. The ``frame`` and ``nodes`` input types are described in `Abaqus Scripting Reference Manual <>`_ and they can be obtained through: >>> frame = session.odbs['odb_name.odb'].steps['step_name'].frames[0] >>> nodes = mdb.models['model_name'].parts['part_name'].nodes Parameters ---------- frame : OdbFrame The frame from where the field output will be taken from. fieldOutputKey : str The field output key to be used. It must be available in ``frame.fieldOutputs.keys()``. This function was tested with ``'UT'`` and ``'U'`` only. vec : str The displacement vector to be plotted: ``'u'``, ``'v'`` or ``'w'``. nodes : MeshNodeArray The part nodes. numel_cir : int The number of elements around the circumference. elem_type : str, optional The element type. The elements ``'S4R', 'S4R5'`` where tested. ignore : list, optional A list with the node ids to be ignored. It must contain any nodes outside the mapped mesh included in ``parts['part_name'].nodes``. ax : AxesSubplot, optional When ``ax`` is given, the contour plot will be created inside it. figsize : tuple, optional The figure size given by ``(width, height)``. save : bool, optional Flag telling whether the contour should be saved to an image file. aspect : str, optional String that will be passed to the ``AxesSubplot.set_aspect()`` method. clean : bool, optional Clean axes ticks, grids, spines etc. plot_type : int, optional See :meth:`plot`. outpath : str, optional Output path where the data from Abaqus and the plots are saved (see notes). filename : str, optional The file name for the generated image file. npzname : str, optional The file name for the generated npz file. pyname : str, optional The file name for the generated Python file. num_levels : int, optional Number of contour levels (higher values make the contour smoother). Returns ------- out : tuple Where ``out[0]`` and ``out[1]`` contain the circumferential and meridional grids of coordinates and ``out[2]`` the corresponding field output. Notes ----- The data is saved using ``np.savez()`` into ``outpath`` as ``abaqus_output.npz`` with an accompanying script for plotting ````, very handy when Matplotlib is not importable from Abaqus. """ workingplt = True if not npzname: npzname = 'abaqus_output.npz' npzname = os.path.join(outpath, npzname) if not pyname: pyname = '' pyname = os.path.join(outpath, pyname) if not filename: filename = 'plot_from_abaqus.png' filename = os.path.join(outpath, filename) try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib except: workingplt = False try: if not frame: frame = utils.get_current_frame() if not frame: raise ValueError('A frame must be selected!') coords = np.array([n.coordinates for n in nodes if n.label not in ignore]) #TODO include more outputs like stress etc field = frame.fieldOutputs[fieldOutputKey] uvw_rec = np.array([ for val in field.values if getattr(val.instance, 'name', None) == 'INSTANCECYLINDER']) u_rec = uvw_rec[:,0] v_rec = uvw_rec[:,1] w_rec = uvw_rec[:,2] thetas = np.arctan2(coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0]) sina = sin(self.alpharad) cosa = cos(self.alpharad) ucyl = -w_rec vcyl = v_rec*cos(thetas) - u_rec*sin(thetas) wcyl = v_rec*sin(thetas) + u_rec*cos(thetas) u = wcyl*sina + ucyl*cosa v = vcyl w = wcyl*cosa - ucyl*sina displ_vecs = {'u':u, 'v':v, 'w':w} uvw = displ_vecs[vec] zs = coords[:, 2] nt = numel_cir if 'S8' in elem_type: raise NotImplementedError('{0} elements!'.format(elem_type)) #nt *= 2 #first sort asort = zs.argsort() zs = zs[asort].reshape(-1, nt) thetas = thetas[asort].reshape(-1, nt) uvw = uvw[asort].reshape(-1, nt) #second sort asort = thetas.argsort(axis=1) for i, asorti in enumerate(asort): zs[i,:] = zs[i,:][asorti] thetas[i,:] = thetas[i,:][asorti] uvw[i,:] = uvw[i,:][asorti] H = self.H r2 = self.r2 r1 = self.r1 L = H/cosa def fr(z): return r1 - z*sina/cosa if self.alpharad == 0.: plot_type=4 if plot_type == 1: r_plot = fr(zs) if self.alpharad == 0.: r_plot_max = L else: r_plot_max = r2/sina + L y = r_plot_max - r_plot*cos(thetas*sina) x = r_plot*sin(thetas*sina) elif plot_type == 2: r_plot = fr(zs) y = r_plot*cos(thetas*sina) x = r_plot*sin(thetas*sina) elif plot_type == 3: r_plot = fr(zs) r_plot_max = r2/sina + L y = r_plot_max - r_plot*cos(thetas) x = r_plot*sin(thetas) elif plot_type == 4: x = fr(zs)*thetas y = zs elif plot_type == 5: x = thetas y = zs cir = x mer = y field = uvw if workingplt: levels = linspace(field.min(), field.max(), num_levels) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): ax = ax fig = ax.figure save = False else: raise ValueError('"ax" must be an Axes object') ax.contourf(cir, mer, field, levels=levels) ax.grid(False) ax.set_aspect(aspect) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') #lim = self.r2*pi #ax.xaxis.set_ticks([-lim, 0, lim]) #ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([r'$-\pi$', '$0$', r'$+\pi$']) #ax.set_title( #r'$PL=20 N$, $F_{{C}}=50 kN$, $w_{{PL}}=\beta$, $mm$') if clean: ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_frame_on(False) if save: msg('Plot saved at: {0}'.format(filename)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05, dpi=400) else: warn('Matplotlib cannot be imported from Abaqus') np.savez(npzname, cir=cir, mer=mer, field=field) with open(pyname, 'w') as f: f.write("import os\n") f.write("import numpy as np\n") f.write("import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n") f.write("tmp = np.load('abaqus_output.npz')\n") f.write("cir = tmp['cir']\n") f.write("mer = tmp['mer']\n") f.write("field = tmp['field']\n") f.write("clean = {0}\n".format(clean)) f.write("filename = '{0}'\n".format(filename)) f.write("plt.figure(figsize={0})\n".format(figsize)) f.write("ax = plt.gca()\n") f.write("levels = np.linspace(field.min(), field.max(), {0})\n".format( num_levels)) f.write("ax.contourf(cir, mer, field, levels=levels)\n") f.write("ax.grid(b=None)\n") f.write("ax.set_aspect('{0}')\n".format(aspect)) f.write("ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom')\n") f.write("ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')\n") f.write("ax.xaxis.set_ticks([{0}, 0, {1}])\n".format( -self.r2*pi, self.r2*pi)) f.write(r"ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([r'$-\pi$', '$0$', r'$+\pi$'])\n") f.write("ax.set_title(r'Abaqus, $PL=20 N$, $F_{{C}}=50 kN$, $w_{{PL}}=\beta$, $mm$')\n") f.write("if clean:\n") f.write(" ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none')\n") f.write(" ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none')\n") f.write(" ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([])\n") f.write(" ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([])\n") f.write(" ax.set_frame_on(False)\n") f.write("if not filename:\n") f.write(" filename = 'abaqus_result.png'\n") f.write("plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True,\n") f.write(" bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05, dpi=400)\n") f.write("\n") msg('Output exported to "{0}"'.format(npzname)) msg('Please run the file "{0}" to plot the output'.format( pyname)) return cir, mer, field except: traceback.print_exc() error('Opened plot could not be generated! :(')
[docs] def SPLA(self, PLs, NLgeom=True, plot=False): r"""Runs the Single Perturbation Load Approach (SPLA) A set of non-linear results will be Parameters ---------- PLs: list The perturbation loads used to build the knock-down curve. It must be a list of float values. NLgeom : bool, optional Flag passed to the ``static()`` method that tells whether a geometrically non-linear analysis is to be performed. Returns ------- curves : list The sequence of curves, one curve for each perturbation load given in the input parameter ``PLs``. Each curve in the list is a ``dict`` object with the keys: ================= ============================================== Key Description ================= ============================================== ``'wall_time_s'`` The wall time for the non-linear analysis ``'name'`` The name of the curve. Ex: ``'PL = 1. N'`` ``'cs'`` A list with a vector of Ritz constants for each load increment needed ``'increments'`` A list with the values of increments needed ``'wPLs'`` A list with the normal displacement at the perturbation load application point for each load increment ``'uTMs'`` A list containing the axial displacement for each load increment ``'Fcs'`` A list containing the axial reaction force for each load increment ================= ============================================== Notes ----- The curves are stores in the ``ConeCyl`` parameter ``outputs['SPLA_curves']``. """ curves = [] for PLi, PL in enumerate(PLs): curve = {} self.forces = [] self.add_SPL(PL) t0 = time.clock() cs = self.static(NLgeom=NLgeom) if plot: self.plot(cs[-1]) curve['wall_time_s'] = time.clock() - t0 curve['name'] = 'PL = {} N'.format(PL) curve['cs'] = cs curve['increments'] = self.increments curve['wPLs'] = [] curve['uTMs'] = [] curve['Fcs'] = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.cs): inc = self.increments[i] self.uvw(c, xs=self.L/2, ts=0) curve['wPLs'].append(self.w[0]) if self.pdC: ts = linspace(0, pi*2, 1000, endpoint=False) xs = np.zeros_like(ts) es = self.strain(c=c, xs=xs, ts=ts, inc=inc) fvec = Fc = -fvec[0,:].mean()*(2*self.r2*pi) curve['Fcs'].append(Fc/1000) curve['uTMs'].append(inc*self.uTM) else: curve['Fcs'].append(inc*self.Fc/1000) curve['uTMs'].append(c[0]) curves.append(curve) self.outputs['SPLA_curves'] = curves return curves
[docs] def apply_shim(self, thetadeg, width, thick, ncpts=10000): r"""Distributes the axial load in order to simulate a shim The axial load distribution `{N_{xx}}_{top}` will be adjusted such that the resulting displacement `u` at `x=0` (top edge) will look similar to a case where a shim is applied. Parameters ---------- thetadeg : float Position in degrees of the center of the shim. width : float Circumferential width of the shim. thick : float Thickness of the shim. ncpts : int, optional Number of control points used in the least-squares routine. Returns ------- ts : np.ndarray Positions `\theta` of the control points. us : np.ndarray Displacements `u` of the control points. Notes ----- This function changes the ``Nxxtop`` parameter of the current ``ConeCyl`` object. Returning ``ts`` and ``us`` is useful for post processing purposes only. Examples -------- >>> ts, us = cc.apply_shim(0., 25.4, 0.1) """ ts = linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, ncpts) us = np.zeros_like(ts) self.static(NLgeom=False) thetashim = width/self.r2 thetarad = deg2rad(thetadeg) theta1 = thetarad - thetashim theta2 = thetarad + thetashim uTM = self.cs[0][0] us += uTM shim_region = (ts >= theta1) & (ts <= theta2) us[shim_region] += thick self.fit_Nxxtop(ts, us) return ts, us
[docs] def fit_Nxxtop(self, ts, us, update_Nxxtop=True): r"""Adjusts the axial load distribution for a desired top edge displacement Parameters ---------- ts : np.ndarray Corrdinates `\theta` of each control point. us : np.ndarray Desired displacement `u` for each control point. update_Nxxtop : bool, optional Tells whether ``self.Nxxtop`` should be updated. Returns ------- Nxxtop : np.ndarray The coefficients for the `{N_{xx}}_{top}` function. """ from scipy.sparse.linalg import inv as sparseinv assert ts.ndim == 1 and us.ndim == 1 assert ts.shape[0] == us.shape[0] xs = np.zeros_like(ts) if not update_Nxxtop: Nxxtop_backup = self.Nxxtop.copy() k0uuinv = sparseinv(csc_matrix(self.k0uu)) Nxxtop_new = self.Nxxtop.copy() def fit_Nxxtop_residual(Nxxtop_new): self.Nxxtop = Nxxtop_new.copy() fext = self.calc_fext(silent=True) c = k0uuinv*fext self.uvw(c, xs=xs, ts=ts) res = (self.u - us)**2 return res popt, pcov = leastsq(fit_Nxxtop_residual, x0=Nxxtop_new, maxfev=10000) if not update_Nxxtop: self.Nxxtop = Nxxtop_backup else: self.Nxxtop = popt return popt
[docs] def save(self): r"""Save the ``ConeCyl`` object using ``pickle`` Notes ----- The pickled file will have the name stored in ```` followed by a ``'.ConeCyl'`` extension. """ name = + '.ConeCyl' msg('Saving ConeCyl to {}'.format(name)) self.analysis.calc_fext = None self.analysis.calc_k0 = None self.analysis.calc_fint = None self.analysis.calc_kT = None self._clear_matrices() with open(name, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)